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<br /> 500�8—KiOPP�&BEIhTI.L"L'T CO.,Prinlin�,Lilho,qragilain�and Co-u�xtN Stipplies;Omah-c. - �-� �� �� � � � � ��� ����� ����-���-------"— "���` �"� �i
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<br /> . . . �—___— ___"-..�.._______ --..��,.,�—_------:--.__�.�.---
<br /> FROn✓I I hereby certify tliat this instrument was entered on Numerical IndeY and
<br /> filed for record this--------20------. _.---------da3' of----0__Ctober------.--------------
<br /> �. D,, 19 .1fJ_., at- - -- 4._44 - - ----- -o'clock-- - --.. - --- P•--M.
<br /> _-----He.nr.y_ �_o-ehn�k-& -:�ife--- -- -------- _ -- Warranty
<br /> T� Deed.
<br /> - - -
<br /> - -���--z�i'_�����-Y - - -- - -
<br /> G'ou y i:ler�,
<br /> - __- -He.nry-�oehn�l�,_ Jx, - _ -
<br /> -- - - - -- - -----------
<br /> --- - ---- -- ----
<br /> lle�uty.
<br /> �now A11 1'V�en b� Tl�ese Pr�esents :
<br /> That----�e_, He_nry--Joe_hnck_-and _Mar_gare�h�-- ,_ .his _�i_fe-- ----- _- ------ ------- ------- ------
<br /> - --- - -
<br /> ----------
<br /> of the County of---._-----------. -------and Sta,te of---.-------_.__Neb���i�a- ---- ----- ------- --------------------------------Grantor---s_, iri consideration
<br /> Ha�l,
<br /> of the sum of_----FQUr---Tho�zsand00/1QQ--------------------- __-------------------------------------- ------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--- =-._------her2by- GRANT, B�RG��IN� SELL, AldD COt��'EY unta_He21ry---�Qeh���---�T�---------------------.------- ----------- -------------------------- -
<br /> of the County of___----------_ _�ic�l-1-------._--_ - - _ _-----------and State of---- -- ------- ____N6'c1T:��kB------ - -------- -------- -----------------, Grantee--------,the follo,wing
<br /> descri�ed premises, siti�ated in the Cour�ty of___ _ ____________Ha11. ________ ___ _____.. ______._ard State of Nebr�aska, to �vit;
<br /> --_Ths--Ea-s-t---half __�f--.the_ South-�eat---Quar�er---(---E---�---of�-S9���---)- -czf---Se�uiQn_T;��n.ty-f3._ve----(_�5-)---�n----------------------
<br /> --T.Qwns�i}�---Eleyen- (11) --�Iort_h_Qf. _R�n�e---Ni�� -(�-)_ _t�e�t---o�--- t-hs--�-�h--P_s�d,---�_Qnt.�i�.ing---$0__a�re�-,--------------------
<br /> -- - �.c�Qraing -t� the .r'fl�*_�_rnm�n� 3urveY-the_r_e_of. -- - -- _ - -- --
<br /> --- - --- -- - - - - -- - --------------
<br /> j - - - -- -- - -- -- ---- - _ -- --- - --- - - - - -- - -- ---- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - -------------------
<br />�
<br />�
<br />, -- - -- -_.. --- -- - --- - - -- --- --- -- ---- --- -----
<br />� To�etlier with aIl t,he te�e��nents, here�iitan�e�ts, and appurtenances t�hereunto belorl�ing, and all the .Estat2,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s_ ___,X-�pII��bCeel�l��of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br />, TO H:4VE AND TO HOL]? the above-described premises, with the appurtenanc�s, unto the said Grantee________and to________his______ heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. �lyd____ ..._;Q�_ ___ __________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___.._ ___that_______.__;g�________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br />�'
<br /> title; that_______;7�__________ ______ha_�e_goed rignt and la�°f��l authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and cle�,r of all liens and incumbrances
<br />' whatsoever------------ ---- -___.._ ---------- ----- - - --- -- -- -- -_ __- ----- -- ----- - - ------- -- - ------- ----- - ------- ------- ---------- ---- ----------------------
<br /> --- -- - --- ------ ---- ----- --- --- ---- ----- - -- --- - -- - - ---- -- ----- - --- - ---- -- - ---------- - -- ----------- - ------------------------------------
<br /> -- ---- ------ --- - --- -- --- -- ---- - - -- -- -- - ---- -- ---- - - --------- --- ----------------- -------------- -- -------------- -------------------------------------
<br />�I
<br />� -- -- ---- - - -- -- -- - -- ----- -- - - - And------- --- - -- --- - --- - - - -"�Q----------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons Wliomsvever, _____ _ ___ ___________________________________________________._____.__________________________________________________
<br /> -- - --- --- -- -- - - - --- ---- --- - - ------------- -- --- - ----- -- --------- -------- - --- - - - - --- ---- --- ------------------ ---------------------------------
<br /> Dated the--- uQ_th-- - --- --- - -- --da,y of_- ---- - Q�_�9D�r-- -- -- - -----------A. D., 19--�-�----�
<br /> wITN�ss ___________________..Henry___Joehnek
<br /> .Ma��a�Q�ha__J oe hnck-------------------------
<br /> -- ----- -- --- -- ---John__Allan --- --- -----
<br /> ----- - ----- ---- - ----- -- -- - -- --
<br /> - - - -- - - --- - ------------------------------------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> -Hall_--- - ----County, On this---- - - -- �-0th--------------day of- - --- -October----------------------A. D., 1910----, before me, the
<br />'' undersi�ned, a Notary PubIi�----------------- ---.---------------tivithin and for said Courity, personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> _____He�i�'y_J_Qehnc_k_and__�argar�tha___Joehnck___,his__�tife___________________________
<br /> ---- -- ----- -------------�-- - ------------------ ------- ----- --- ---- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------- �----------------
<br /> (SEAL) to me personally known to be the identical person__3_._____whose name_�_____________�r�___._______________a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as granto��___s�_____, and___th�_y___________severally acknowledged the same to be_._____�h6ir__________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> ���-��'�=-
<br />�'�, IN FJITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto subscribed my��and affixed my ofl3cial seal at______________________________________________
<br />', G.r3ri;�.__ZS1�21:3.!__it1___9.3ici__�s2u:z�_�!_____________on the date last above written.
<br />', ------------------------- -------------�?oh�._���an---------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />', My com�nission expires---------------- ------------------- --- --------------Jan�..-5-�---1_91w----------j9-----
<br />