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<br /> 560J8-�i.OP1'&13AKTLCT'T CO.,Printing,Litha�raThiyag arzd Coxenly Supp7ies;OmaRc. � - -" � -`-� ---�-- "��"
<br /> -- .,.
<br /> . . - __ _ _ _. ._.___,._ _.�.�_____--_._---- _
<br /> FR��f 1 hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> _Charl__es R.Adel sack _and_._- -- ------ filed for record this-- ----- - - -- ------ _2Q__day of--- . _4_c_t_ober---- -- --------
<br /> �, D., 19_ 1_4_., at - - 4._3Q -- -- --o'clock- -- - P=---M�
<br /> - -._H��_�ie._E._Adelse�k _ - _ -- -- -- Warranty
<br /> TO � Deed. �� _ � ��G� -- -
<br /> ��r- -� -- �
<br /> - --- __- __._ _ _ - ------ -
<br /> un1y G`lerk.
<br /> -- - -Ka��- P���.r_s_on- --- - - -__ -
<br /> -- _ - - -- - --- -- - - -- - - -- - -- - ---
<br /> �eputy�.
<br /> �.�o�w All 1V�en by Tlhese Present� :
<br /> That___ _ _�e, Charls-s--B_._A�lels_eck_ and .Hat tie---E.Ade1-ssck-- -- --------___ -- -- - -- ------- ----------------
<br /> -- -- - -- - ---- --- --- - --
<br /> .. --- -- - _ -__ --- -( hu$band _an�__�#.�'s._) -_ - -- - - _ -- - - - - --- -
<br /> of the Coulity of_--- �!ashingt_o_n.---- ----_---- ---- -----ar�d State of_ -- --Kan�a�_---- --__ -------- -----. ---------- ------------ -------Grantor--�---, in consideration
<br /> ot'the surn ot', - ,Fi�e Hundr_Q_3__Fift y -and__na�1QD- ------------- -- - - ----------- -- ----------
<br /> �----------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do---- ---- -----Itereb�� GRANT, B�RG_�IN, SELL, Ah'D CONVF,Y unio._-------------_ ._ ------- -------------- ---------
<br /> -- - - _ ._ _-- - _ - _- - _ --_ Kat_�__PQtsrson - ___ _- -- - -
<br /> of the Count�v of_-------------�a].-1-- -- _ _------------_ _---------_and State of_- - ------ _. __NEb�3ska----------------------- ----------------------------, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> descrihed premises, sittzated in the County of________________ ...__�iall__.___.___ ___.__.._____.____and State of A'ebraska, to «•it:
<br /> I --Lots- No__$e_ye_n_ -�7-)-- and Ei�ht___($-)---in---aloc-k- -S�ven�y --S-iY---(_76� ---�heale_r _�__�3�nn�_t�-'--s--Thit�__Addi_�iQn---
<br /> . _ to.-Grand_ Islan�,__Nbbra$k�--- --- --a�---su_r_v��tsd,-- _�1at�e3 _and- -re_��r_ded.--- --------------
<br /> Tegether witli all the teneluents, here�lital�ents, �,nd appurtenances therenn�o beIon,�ing, and all the .Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> De,mand w]zatsoev�er of the said Grantor__8_.___. and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br />'� TO K��VE AND TO HOI.L the above-described preniises, wiih the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__________and to___._._._______hQr.______________.heirs and
<br />� �,ssigns forever. And____ __ .7�8______.__________hereby r,oti-eriant______with the said Grantee___________that_________s,�B._______hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that__ __.___.We_____________h�rQ____good right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------ ---- ------.. --- --�--- ---- --- -- -- --_ _ ------ -- - ------ - - - -- --- --- -- -------- -- - -- ----- -- -- - --------- ---------------------------
<br /> ---- -- --- -- --- - -- - -- ----- - -- ----- -- - - --- - -- -- - ------ ---- - - -- - -- -� ----- ------ ---- - - -------------------------------
<br /> ---- ------ -------- - -- - - -- -- -- - ----- --- - - ------ -- - -- -- --------------- ----------- -- ------------ ------------- ---- ----------- - - - - ------------------
<br /> --------- - -- - - _ _ - - -- - - ---- - -- ----- - - -- --And--- - -- ---- - we- - -- --- - ------------covenant-----to warrant and
<br />�', defend to said premises against the lawful claims of�,11 persons whorrsoever, ____.________________ ______________________________
<br /> ---- ---- -- - -- ------------- ---- -------------------- ------
<br /> --- -- - --- --------- - --- -- --- - -- -- - - --- -- -- - - - - - - - -- - --------- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ----- -------------------------------------------- ------
<br /> Dated the--- - -Ei_f_t_88nt.h ---- -- - -._cla,y of-- -- - - D�tobe�- - --- ----------------A, D., 19-1�---�
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------Cl1ar1_e s---B.Adel seck----------------------------
<br /> --------------Hat-t-i-s---E_._A�s ls_s_ck--------------------------
<br /> ----- �.C._�Iu�t-on- - ------ -- _-- - -- --
<br /> ------ --�--- - -- - --_- - --- - - - - -- --- --- - - - ----- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br />' ------------------fiall--------County, On this---._._FifteQnt-�i---------------day of_--------Dctahe-r---------------------__A. D., 1910----, before me, the
<br /> undersigne�l, a Notary Yublic_____.. .__._______________within and for said County, personaliy calne_____________________________________________________________________________
<br /> - --- - ��.arle�--A�Ac�elae�_k__and--Ha��i�__E_.Adelseak--- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> - -- - -- - --- -- - ------- -------------------------
<br /> -- - ------- - --- ------(---h��band__a�?d__��fe-)- -------- ----------------
<br /> to rne personally ?inown to be tlie identical person_�________whose name__�_________e�T_e____.________________afI'ix�d to the above instru- :
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__S________, and______the�r-----------severally acknowledged the same to be__._____�j�.�_j_r_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, ��I�
<br /> IN WITNESS WHERE'OF I have hereunto subscribed my��kand afC�xed my ofi"'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ________Gran�___I_�la�d�__�teur_.__._______________._________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------- ---5��._H��ton------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> . . --------------Ju�.y_--� --------------------------19---�-�'----
<br /> . �
<br /> My comm.issior expires____________________________ _ _ �
<br />�,
<br />