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<br />_ . _ : _
<br /> 560l8-7+LOPP&BAIZTL�'TT CO.,Pri�zttin�,l.ilhographinp¢nd County Supplies,�O�raahc. `- `— � `-----=—=—=-°—'—=--°___—._��
<br /> ._ __ __ ._._ , __�_... __,..._,...:_�.._ �..--------
<br /> FtZ011t I her°eby certif;� tliat this instr•ument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> ------------._ �-at_riCk _Flig_;in8__------- -- filed for record this-- .--- 12 ---------day of-----C?C�.Ob9-T----- - -----------
<br /> :�, D,, 19_1�J_ , at__._-- - - - - 3-.55-__ ---dclocl�- - - __P. --M•
<br /> - - - --
<br /> _._ si_n�le_ - - --- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> - - --- -- - _ - -
<br /> -r_�z- ;
<br /> --- - - - -
<br /> - C� ty Clerk,
<br /> . -.7_ohn Al_lan_._�__Hen_ry A11an - _ --
<br /> - - --- -- - -- -- --- --- -- - - --
<br /> ll epucy,
<br /> no�v 1�11 l�en by T�ese Presents r
<br /> Tha,t Z� Patrici�_Hi�;ging_�- v�i�o:rqer, __ - - - - -- - --_ - - -- - ---_- - - -
<br /> of the County of_.-----------_._-- --H_all---------__ . _--------and State of____.------ NSi�TaBk.a- - -------_ __----- -------- -------- -----------Grantor------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_ - -------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> _ Fifteen_ Hundre�ci. 00_ _10Q _- - - --- - -------- - - --- ---- - -
<br /> in hard pai�l, clo------- ----_hereby CRA�VT, B�RG�IIv, SELI�, Al5'D CONtiEY u�ito__---John- Al-lt�ri--3�ld-�Is�1Ty--l���:8z1- --------- -
<br /> of t1�e County of-- --- ---------_._-_Hall --- ------ _ .------and ,S"tate of---- ----- ---------�1'�brLiBkE►---__--- --.---__, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> described prarr,ises,situated in the Cou��i,y of_______ _.__.___ .____ _____.. .H�.11--- -------------�nd Stat2 of Nebraska,, to wif:
<br /> ----- ---The__�asterl.y_�h�.r-�,--�. _�l/3-)--.Qf--LQt_ _T_wo---���_ in �1 ock_F_if-ty-_E�ur- -(�4�- -_oY----�he_ Q�i_�i_�.�1---t o�n--------
<br /> ____ _no�__Ci_ty__ o�'_�r_and__I�land,- _Nebraska,- Bsing--a -rs�tan�ul3r--pi�ce -of--L�raund--ha-ving--a _lU_oxtherl-�-----
<br /> �rontage__of__22__f_eet__ on Fro__nt 3treet _and_.a_3e�th__q�. �,3�__fe�_t_� and_l�e�ng_ t_he__�ame_._premises_.________
<br /> -canveyeci__to_-sai�3_PatriCk_ H�agi��----b-y- �rr�nty_ r�eed__from _John___V�i_t1-e_-& _�i_fe__ _da_tesi---Au-�u-�L---2,-_-1��_7_,
<br /> --and--reco_rde�_in_�_oQk--7,----�age__�27__-0�-- -�ha- -ra_c_o�d�_--of--s_aid_ �iall--��un�y._ --- ---- --- ------ ------ --------
<br /> -- - -----
<br />' -_ -- - __ - --- - - - -- ----- ----- - -- -- --- --- - -- ---- -- - - -- - - - - - -------- -------- ---------------
<br /> Together with alI the tenernents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all tl�e Estate, Right, Title, Inte.rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> I Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor________.__,�nc�ef,ait��.e�.xhen�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO �I,�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_g______and to______thei2_____.________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. �n_d____._._I__________ __ hereby covenant______with the said Grar,tee__�_..____that______._j____._____liold________sa.id premises by good and perfect
<br /> title.; t11at___.________I._________________ha�'�___good ri�ht and lativful authorit,y to sell ancl convey the same; that they are free and clear of a�ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- - - ------- ---- -- -- - - - - - - - ---- --- ----- - - -- - -- -- -------- - -- --- --- --------- - - ---------------------------
<br /> ---- - ------------ ------- -- -- ----- - - --- -- --- - -- --- --- -------------- ------ - --------------------- ------- -- ----- ----- ------- ---------------------
<br /> -- ---- - --- -- - -- -- - _ _ -- - -- And- ----------- --- - - ------- -- - ----I --- - ------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises agairst the lawful claims of all persolzs whomsoever, _____.___ _______________________.__ ____ _
<br /> ----- - - ---------- - -- --------- -----------------
<br /> ------ - --- -- ---- - --- --- -- ------- ------ -- - - -- - - --- - - ------- - - -------- ------------ -------------------- --- ---------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the----- -- 1�-th - -- - -- -- --da,y of_ 0_C_tQk��r------ - - - - --------------A, D., 191-0----- •
<br />� hie
<br />' WITNESS -------------------Pa_�r�.ck----�----��_$g3nS---------------------------
<br /> mark
<br />'� --- -------------------�------------------------------------------------------ ;
<br /> ------ ---- .�,�a__Lee Ri�� - - - --
<br /> I --- -- - �an��l --T._�unke�. --- ---- - --- /
<br /> - - - -- -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------Hall----- --Count , � On this---------------1�'th-----------------day of_------OC_t_obflr-------------------------A. D., 19-----.19 before me, the
<br /> Y
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public______ ____________________________within and for said County, personally came___________________
<br /> -- --- ----- - P_�.x_ri�k Hi-�n$�---a _w�i�o_�r�_r> ----- ---- -- -- --- ---- -------------------------- - ,
<br /> ---------------------------
<br /> I'� --- - --------------- - -- -�- ------------- ------ ----------- - -- ----------- ------ - ---------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> I' to me personally known to be the identical person________whose name__________i_8__________.______________affxed to the above instru-
<br />' (SEAI.�) ment as grantor____..____, and_______he_.____________severaliy acknowledged the same �o "ue__.__._hi�._____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein ehpressed.
<br /> �����r�i
<br /> IN WITNFSS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and afC'ixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _________ar__al�d__Z sl an�_}__iM__said__C ounty_.___on the date last above written.
<br /> ------ ----___H,_�_..�lif_f_Q_rd----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My comrnission expires________________
<br /> - -- -------- ----------January---------9n---------------------------1�'4--------
<br />