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<br /> :_:M---,._-_--__�_�5QQ18—ICLQPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prxnt2n�.Lith�raDltxng and Courzlg Supplzes,•0-nah?. �- �� - ----
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<br /> �_ --,.'_� '___—�=-- ___:..—
<br /> _._.__._ _ =----_---__--------r
<br /> �ROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index a•nd
<br /> - filed for record this__._._----llth-----------day of----QCt4he-�------------. ----
<br /> -- - - ---L-ouie--Bhoad.e s------- - --_ -__ - ---
<br /> :�, D., 19.1�_ __� at----- - - _-�.50- --- - -o'clock - ---- ._ p.---M�
<br /> - --
<br /> - --- �irigle - -- - - -___ - Warranty ,� r �
<br /> �„ � �
<br /> TO Deed. � �� �i' �p � ,
<br /> �
<br /> -�� - - --
<br /> ___ _ -- -
<br /> _ - Councy' iez°i�,
<br /> --A►�ltsr_---E3hoadss--&---Guy--L3haade�--_- -
<br /> . ---- -- ---- - -- - ---- - -- - --
<br /> - --- - - -
<br /> � - J�epucy. �
<br /> I�r�o�v All 1VIen l�� Tlie�e Preser�ts� ��
<br /> That--�e.QU3.� -R�9�d8-S�--�-�-�e-- - - -- - - - ---------- - --- - - -------- ---- --- -- -- -- --- -- ------- ----------
<br /> of the County of_____ __________ �age__ ____- __ancl State of____ _TOVI[�_ _.____ .___--_ ___-----Grantor____.___, in c�nsideration
<br /> of the sum ot'______Twenty_ _S_ix_Hundred___and___Si_xty.__�ia____an�__f6 _�QQ__________________________._---
<br /> -------------- ------------------- D OLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do____._._______.__hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto_. _________-_Q6'�l�e_�__Rh4�d68___aTld_.Guy___$110�d8_�________________.___._.._._.
<br /> --. - - -- - - -- -- -- --- --------
<br /> of the County of- ----- Ha�� - - - - - - -and State of -_.. _ -----H�$r_as.k�__ ---- ----- - -_ -- - - -- , Grantee8- ,the followir�g
<br /> ctescribed premises,situated in the County of___.__H�11----- ---------------.---------- - --and State of Nebraska, to «•it:
<br /> The unc�ivided one-thirci__(1_�3_)_ __interest__i�___t__he_ West_._one-ha�.f __(___tN7,1�_)_____ _of___the. _North-ea$t.__Quaater_..
<br /> --(_N__E--1-14)--- of__Section--Th�.�t_y-�hr�_�.__��,�-�--,- -i_n TQ:�nship -Ki_ne---t-�-)--N�.r_th--of--�.ang$---Nine---�-9-)---➢�e-s-t---of---
<br /> --�he -S_iKth--(_6_n � �?rinci�al-- Meri-�:ianT- -- - - ------- -- - - - - - - -- - ------ -- ---- ----
<br /> I further---state_-that__�___�m _Qae---of---�he---thre-e- -hei-r-s---and---on1y---heir-s, o�--�i-I-1-i�m--H.l3haades----
<br /> ---- ------- - -- - - ------
<br /> �ece_ase�,__an�---J_�nni�___Rho_ad�s-,---de_c-eased,---�vho- =srh�-r-e--r-��-id�;r�t� --o� ��-all -Ca�zntgT -�c�b�asl��,----and-��ia ------
<br /> had the title to---the--afore_�aid__land.-- -- _ ---- - -- --- - --- - -- --- -- - -- -- -- -- --
<br /> -- -- - --- - - - ---- ------ -- ------ - --- ----- - --- -- --- --- -- ---- - -- --- ---- -- - ---- ,
<br /> ---- - - - - - -- ------ ----- - - - - - ---
<br /> To�ethet�with aIl the tenements, heredi�aments, ancl appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the .Est�,te, R,iaht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.__________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee_�_____and to________�hfli_r__.. _________ _____heirs and '
<br /> 8,ssigns forever. And__________I_-.-.________-------hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_5---___that____I____________ ___hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that________I___ ___ha_.v�good right and IawPul authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,Il lieizs and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- ----------..-- ------- ------- - -- -- - ----- --- ----------- --- -- - ------------- -- -- ----------- ------- - ---- --- --------------------------
<br /> ---- --- - -- -------- ------
<br /> - --- - -- ------- ----- -------- - ---- - - -- -
<br /> And---- - --- -- --- I-- --- - --- -- - -------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of�,Il persoils tivhomsoever, ____________ __________.____________ ______---____----_-------------------------------------------------
<br />�' ------------- --- -- -- - - -------- ---- ---------- - - --- - --- --- - ---------
<br /> --------------- -- - ----- ------------ ------
<br /> nated the-- --- -Si�th---------- ---day of --OC_�_o=��-r-- -- --- --------- ----A. D., 19�,-Q--- •
<br />�I WITNESS -------------------�ouie---Eh4a38-5------------------ -----------------------
<br /> ------ ---------�--------------- --- ---- -
<br /> G.B..Jennings
<br /> - -_----- ------ -
<br /> ----- - ---- --------- - --------------------
<br /> -------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------
<br /> ---- -------
<br /> STATE O�d(14�4l�C
<br /> ss. '
<br /> ------
<br /> -----�?-a.g$------County, On this----------Sixth---- - ----------------day of_------October--- --------A, D., 191.0-----, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public-----------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally caine----------------------------------------- ------------------------------
<br /> ----- -- ----L_au�e---Rh4a3e s-T -sin��e----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------
<br /> ------ ------ ------ -,.
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__________whose name___________�_�___________._____________aflixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAI,) ment as grantor_________, and__________�__-------------severally acknowledged the same to be________.__hi s__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for Lha purpose therein e�pressed.
<br /> Nc.t�,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my lrs�ci and afi'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ______,_____Shel2�do��___i___I_oa¢a-------------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------G�.�3.,_�Tenn i ngs-------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires---------------------- -------July_--4th�------------------------------------------------j9---7-�---- '
<br /> I
<br />