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��1�� �� <br /> D D ° 0 ° D � � � <br /> =_: . _- _�_�_ _�=� _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ <br /> _ __��^��� -- _ _ _____ ____ <br /> _ __ � - __ _ _ <br /> 5001A $lQPI �.��TL�4T CO Prant' Litho a =— .-- - -= ___. �.. _- - - _ ._ -- <br /> _�_��.—._..__ -_...__---._______.�__'� ___.—._ _._.. �—_��FT-��and Caun�Su�ulies.Omahe _. _ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this �trument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> _Th�---Rs�-s-s--Invs.s_tmsnt---C-o-•--------------- -------- �led for re�.ord this--- ___1-�_---- ---- - -------ciay of-------4cto'�e-�--- ---- --------- : <br /> �, D,, 19 1Q , at- - ._ _ - - - - 11_ - -o'clock- - -- --- -- -A•-M• <br />, - - -- -- To- - -- ---- --- - -- - - Warranty <br /> Deed. � /` ' /�/1 �� � <br /> ,��_�.GfL_�-x-�-L�1!�(il/�?' � <br /> - - -- - - - -- - - <br /> C ltY ��IBP�t, <br /> --- - -- -E_._L�._G1_ov�r-- -- - -- - ---- - <br /> - -- - - - ------ - - -- --- - - -- - - - - - - - <br /> l�epu�y, <br /> ---.-- ---------- -------- ----- --- - - - - - --- -- -- _ <br /> Know All 1VIen by T�iese Presents: <br /> That- --The_.R��s Inuaet�en-t-Co.--a co_rAorati.on--- _ - -- - - -_ -- _-- - - --- -- - - - ---- --- ------ <br /> -- ---- <br /> of the County of_----------------H�:11-------------- ----------and State of_.--------------- -_NebTaska.------------.-------------------------------Gra,ntor--------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of -- Ten_Hundred T�aenty---five-&_ no_L44-_------_--_------�-__.�_�___���.�._-._--.��.-=----- ------------------ -----------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do._.._ ------hereby GR�?�VT, BARG�IN, SELL, AI�TD CONVEY urito_E�P.�'rl_ove-r---- _ _ __.-------------- -- --. --------- .-------- ---------- --------- <br /> --- --� --- --- -- - - - - _ __ - - -- -- --- ______ _____ _ _ ___ -- - - - -- - --- - -- <br /> of the County of_---- ------ -----.-HaZ-7�---.___ --- ------------and State of __ - ---------�TEI�r��k_a_. --------- ---.__-- ------ -- --------- -----, Grantee--------,the following <br /> the City of rrar�d Islana <br /> described premises,situated in,�the Connty of_________ _________..__.Hal__1___________ ___________________and State of Nebraska, to witl <br /> L_ots---N_umbar---Ten---(1_4-)-- and_�_ls_�ren---(_ll�- --in__Ll_Q�k_ Numb�r_ T�o._-(-2�-,----al-s-o---I,ot- -�umbsr__Thr_e-e----(�-)---in--------- <br /> Block Number_Three____(3_)____,_all__in__ Koehler___Place_,_. accordin�_ to__ the_ re_cord�d_.���t _there_of _now. on_._______ ' <br /> fil-Q---in__the---o�'_f__ice--of---the---C�unty--�1�_rk__c�f __��_o�.zn�t�r,--Nabra3.ka..---- - - -- --------- <br /> -- ---- - - -- ------- - - -- -- - - - - ---- ----- --- --- - -- -- -- - ---- - -- -- -- -- ------ ------ - - -- - -- - -- - ---- ------------------ -- <br /> -- -- -- - -- ----- -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- ---- - - -- - ----- -- --- - ---- - - - ---- -- ---- -- -- ------ --- - -- ------- -- - ---- ---- ----------- - -- <br /> - ----- - - - --- -- -- --- ----------- - -------- ---------------- --------------- <br /> Together witIl all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and alI the Estate,Ri�ht, TitIe, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Delnand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ ,.a�l.��e�-e��, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> , TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___..___and to____________________hi3---------heirs and <br /> Th Ras� Investr�ent Co. <br /> a,ssigns forever, And___'���__e.� 3__f.,___hereby covenant___S__with the said Grantee_________.that_________i_t____.___.holdg_____said premises by good and perfect ' <br /> title; that___.__ ____i� _____ha$___good right and lawful authoritv to sell �tnd convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever-------------------_.. ---- -- - - --------------- ---- - --- - - -------- - --- --- - ------ ------- -- - -- ---- ----- ------ --------- ------- ----------------- <br /> -- ------------ ----------------- <br /> ---- - ----- - ------ - - - ---- -- - - - -- - --- - ------ C o <br /> --- ----- - - -- ----- ------ ------ --- -- -- - - - - --�- - -- - - - - -- _And_the- sai.d--�hQ--�tosB--I�►u���mei'�t�ovenant--s----to warrant and ; <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever, It1.__�7i_t_ne__s__S___WYt_e__reo�_1___the___$aid__The__.R9SS__Inve���nent__. ' <br /> CQ,�__ h��---cau�et�__�haae---�rss�nt-s---t-a--�e---�i-gx�ed--by---i-t-�-�?-r-�s�dent- a-nd--�-��-c-�-r-�o�a�s---se�l -a�-�a��ec�----------- <br /> x�adm�cir�----heret-o- thi�s-�0th------day of-- --- Se��-e�b�r--- --------------A, D,, 29_1:0-- • <br /> WITNESS ---------------T h�---R9 s-g----�nve s�m�_�?t---C o----------------------- <br /> c or� <br /> SEAL --b�r-------Fr�d.__1�.Ash_t Qn----------Pr��idsn�t-------- <br /> ---- ---------T_,_�,_H�ngsn- -� --- ------ - - -- att�$t------�,-L?t-R-Q-�-s.----------------5_e��etary----------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ' <br /> ss. <br /> ----------------H�11-------County, On this_ �Oth----------------------day of-----$et�temUBr-----------------------A, D., 19-1-Q---, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary I'ublic____________ ________________________within and for said County, personally came____Eres�___1�.Asht_on_r...P_r_e_si�.an�____o_f.______ <br /> The Ro_s_�__Investment---Co.-,--__- .----_-------- <br /> h --- �� t f -`�--- - ---------- �- ---- ---------------------- ------ -- ------------------ <br /> to me personally-I�eo�ir�o�i���fi"e�i'clen��"al ��rS�b7t__�_���name__.______iS___________.________________ai�ixed tio the above instru- ,' <br /> ment as rantor__________, and_____________.__________��acknoWledged the same to be______hi_8________________voluntary act and deed <br /> (SEAL) and t�e vo�untar� ac�t and ��ed of the said The Ross Investment Co <br /> ^ for the purpose t erein ex resse . <br /> yr��>:�,' <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m�l�i and af�ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _________._Grand__I��_�11d_�teh�'�s_k�.___________.________._on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------------�'�_J,_H�4�_e__n------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------ ----Feb----1'7---------------------------------------------------------------1�-�-------- <br />