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<br /> FROl!!I I hereby certify that this instrument was elitered on Numerical lndex and
<br /> - - -- �T_Qhn A11a.ri_ � �!if�_ _ - -- - - filed for r�ecord this $th. __- -._day of -OC_t_ob8r - - -- --- ----
<br /> A, D., 19I4 -, at- ---- --4.:?�Q - -- �'clock - -- --- -P. -M•
<br /> - - - - _ - - - - ._ _ -- -- -- - --__ VVarranty -, �
<br /> �� Deed. >� � � ' °1
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<br /> C,o nty Cierk,
<br /> Elaie._kt,.A]1az� - - - - _ _ . %/
<br /> - - -_ ._ _ �
<br /> - - - - - - -
<br /> - -- -_._ --- --- - - -- - --- -----
<br /> ll e�uty.
<br /> Kno�v 1�11 l�en by Tl�ese P'resents:
<br /> That------_�e- ,- John Al1.an -and--Fannie..L_.Al lans_-his _wife-,--- -- ------- ----- --- ----
<br /> - - - ---- --- - ----- - ------
<br /> of the Co�r�ty of-----Hall----------._------- ---.--------------a,nd Staie of----------------- -_ __-----iVeb�'.�sk�----.-----------------------------------Grantor--s----, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of- - ----'�'hree HUS�_drec�._ f3�f�y 00��4Q ------------------ --------- - - - ----------- ------- ---------- ------- -------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-- -- - _.._hereby GR��vT, ��1RG�I1`�, SELL, Ali7D CONVEY unto---------E1S1-g--�.A1:1-a�l__ ----------------------------- ------ -- -------
<br /> - - ----
<br /> of the County of___ ___.___.________H311__ . _and State of____ _ ___._Ne1�raS_ka____ ___ . . __________.___, Grantee________,the following
<br /> describe�prernises, situated in the County of________ .. _______ Hal�___._____. __and Sta,te of Nebra�ska, to wit:
<br /> _ _ -
<br /> --- --------- --Lot---E�i�h�- -(8)-_a.n B1_Q�k--Sev�nts.�n---�17�--�-ar�ly---in .Gharl.e-s--l�asmer_!-�--Additi�zn___t-o----ths--Ci-ty_--Q�_ t . .
<br /> __ __ _ arand_ T_sl__a_ndi_ an_d �artly_in..Charles__�'_a_smer'_s__Third_Addition__to__(�rand Is�.�nd,_.Nebras_k_a______ __
<br /> -- -_�.s �u�v�_yed, Flat_t_ed_ and _rec_orded. _ - - - __-- - --
<br /> - - --- -- --- ---�- -- ------ -------
<br /> Together witI� ail the ten_em_ents, �iereditarnerits, and appurtenarices thereunto belon��ing, �,nd all th� Estate, R.ight, Title, Irterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> I?ernand u�hatsoe�%er of tfle said Gran�or_�.._____-,-a��€-�t��-c�'��e�a, of, iri, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TD K<4VE Ah'D TO HGLD the above-described prer.lises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grante2__.____and to______._______�g�_______________heirs and
<br /> a,ssiglls forever. And_____________we____ _______hereby covenant_______u�ith t11e s�,id Grantee__.________tha�.______�e____________hold__________said prernises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; �hat__._________We_____________ila_xe_good right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that tlleyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--- ------------ --- _ ----------- --- - ---- -- -- - -- ------- - -- --- - ----- -- ----- ------------- -- ------------ - ------------------- -------------------
<br /> - - ---- ---- ----- - ---- -- �-- - --- - -- - ---------- - - - ------- --- -- - - - ------ - -------- ------ -------- ------- -- - - ------------- - - --------------
<br />' ---- --..- - ------- -- -- ---- ---- --- - ---- -- -- -- - - -- ----- ---- ---- -------- ---- - --- ---- - --- --- - --------------- -- - - ----------------
<br /> - - -- ----- -- -- -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -._ - --
<br /> -- -- -And---- - - ----- -!iQB-- ------------ -----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> �Iefend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persol�s tivhomsoever, __________________________________________.
<br /> ----- -- - - - - -- ------- - - - ---- ---- ---- - - - - -- - ---- - - ---- --- - ------------- -- ---
<br /> --- ---- - --------- ---------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the- -- _ - - - $�h--- - ---._da,,y of_--- ----_QC_t_��_�� -- - - - - -------A. D,, 19--1Q-- �
<br /> WITNFSS -------------------_�TQhn__.A1.1 an--------------------------------------------
<br /> Fannie L. Al lan
<br /> I --- ------- -------------------�---------------�--------
<br /> ---- --------- ---- -z�,(�,Al1 ar� - --- -
<br /> ----- -- ------- -- -- ------ -- - --- --- - - - � ---- --- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -- ----Ha�]------,--County, On this-------------_.$'�h--------------------day of_-----fJ�tahex------------------------A. D., 19--�4--, before me, the
<br /> undersir�ned, a Ivotiary l�ublic__________ __._____________within and for said County, personally carne_______________________________._____.______
<br /> - ---- -- - ----J_flhn_Al:l_an--and_:Eannia--L.A11sA-r-�i 5---:�3:�e----------------------------- ----- ------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_a__..____whose name,__�____Sre_________..______________afii�ed to the abuve instru-
<br /> (�EAL) ment as grantor__s__.____, and__..___thgy----------severally acknowledged the same to be__ their_____.yoluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> 11f�,sz-1F'/
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�ixed my off'icial seal at_________________________________________.___
<br /> _______�C�x�az�.d__I�l�n�3i___in__sai_d__�_o�a.nty,-___.-on the date last above written.
<br /> L.r.Al lan
<br /> ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires------------------ -------- - ���?�---�4-a-------------------------------------------------i91-�-------
<br />