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<br /> � _ _�_ _. .� __-�__�_�_� �_ __ _�� . ___ _______ .__ —____ __ _
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<br /> 5�l$ KLOPI'&BAIZTLETT yf'Q.�Prxnt�_L_u1fPSPa�urw and Cnuntu Suav_t�esz Omahu_—_ - _-.._-. . — _ . . _ - - - —
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> Er:raa ��raf and �:usbsnd filed for record this---. --F,th -------------------day of__----------CC*.Q=C�E3T_- ----------------
<br /> ,- -- ----------- -- --- ---- -- -------- - -- - -- -- --
<br /> �. D., 19_10 , at-- - 9 0!C_lOC.k. ----- -- o'clock---A.. -- --?4l.
<br /> --- -- - - - -- - -- - -- --- -- - --- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. �"� /
<br /> ���w�-�-�Y_._ -��iYy -- -- - - -
<br /> A:�elia oiznty Clei�k,
<br /> --- ---- ---- - - - -----Heit z,._-- - --- -
<br /> - ---- - --
<br /> - - - - - - -- ------ -_- _ - - -- - -- ----- - - - ---
<br /> Depu�ty,
<br /> —__-- -
<br /> Know A�l 16�Ien by These Pr�esents: '
<br /> That__ �:�::a �raf_ , ard L_o_u�s_ _�raf- - �us�anci.---and-Nife - - - -- - ---- -- - -- --- - -------
<br /> of the County of___ _ __��a�1 __.. ._ ____and State of______ ____�Je�rasl;� _ _._______Grantor_e___, in c�nsideration
<br /> of the sum of_ - --Ei�hty—Ei�ht Hundrecz---��3800.00------------------ - ------------ ------- -------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, '
<br /> in hancl paid, do- -- -------hereby GRANT, B�1RG;4IN, �ELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto------- ---- -------._ ._ ___----.----- __ -- - __-------- ------- -- ------- ------- . _ ----------- '
<br /> Ar�elia Heitz
<br /> of the County of_---- .__Flall_- -- ---------and State of__.__-----.__._ _ i�Tebraska- ------- - -- --------- -------- ----.--------, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> descri�ed premises,situated in the County of_________ _________Kall ____________and State of Nebraska, to w�it:
<br /> ---- ---
<br /> East half of the--S_outh---Ea�t--quarter----��2--5-.�-.��------Q-f---ss�_ction--��umue_r_Thirty--F�ur.---�34_-�----- -----------------
<br /> Tovinshi Ten �__ T3an�e �'ine_ _(9.) _�e_st- �"--�?_._�?-,- ��n�_�za.nan� -Ei�hty--A�_re_e__mQre____�_r_. less-- --------- -----------
<br /> - - -- - - - - p -- ---(10
<br /> according to govzrnraent survey.
<br /> -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - -- - -- - - -- - - ---- - - -- - - - - ---- -- - -- -- ---- ---- - - - ----- ---
<br /> --- -- - -- - -- -- - -- --- -- ------- - - --- - - - - - -- - ---- -- - - - ----- -- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- ------ -- ---- -- - --
<br /> -- ----- ------ - -- -- ---- - --- - ---- ---- -- - - ---- ------ -- - - -- - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - _ ----- -- - --- --- ---------------
<br /> - - - -- - - -- -- - -- --- -------- ---- - ---- --- - --- ---- - --- - - ---- -------- --- - - - - - -- - __- - -- ------ - - -- ------
<br /> Together wit�i all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,1�d aIl the Estate,R.igllt, Title, Interest,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof;
<br /> TO .F79VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee____..__and to________ _�=er___________________ _____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And______�1e__________________hereby covenant__.___with the said Grantee_________.that_._____�'1$____._ _____hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that.________FI8___________.__h�e=-goad right and Iawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and c_iea,r of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------------------ ------- -------------------- ----- - ---- - --- -- - - - ---- -------- - -- - ------- - ---- ---------------- --- --- -- - ----------------------- -------------------
<br /> --------- - -- - - - ---------- - ------- --- -_ - - -_. - - -And----�e ------ - - - - --- - ---------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> clefend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persolis wl�omsoever, _________________________________________________.____________________________________________________.____
<br /> Dated the---- ------ -28th-- - - --------- ---- ------day of_- --- - --..A�?r i1 --- - -------------- -A, D., 19--IQ---• '
<br /> WITNESS -------Emrz�-'z�a�----------------------------------- ----------------------------- �
<br /> Louis �raf '
<br /> - - -- ----- ---- --- ---- -- ---- -------------------------------------------
<br /> Johr. Schwyn
<br /> ------- ------------- ----- ------- - --- - - ------- -- - - -- ---
<br /> -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------�
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------- - - -�Iull----- -----County, On this-----------��3th--------------------day of_-----A�x'il------------------------------A. D., 19__�.0__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public____________________.___________._________.___within and for said County, personally came__________________. ______ ___________,_______________
<br /> - -------Emma---C#raf----�r_�---�ou�.s--r_ra�----Hu�l�and__�n�__�'dif_e--------------- --------------------------------- _-----------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_g_______whose name__g__________.______________________________af�ixed to the above instru- :
<br /> ment as grantcr_.B_____._, and_____�.h$.y__._______severally acknowledged the same to be___�gi r___________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afCixed my ofr'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> ( S E A L ) _ l�oni�?han�._�1e��'�.sk�_._____________________.___________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------�7ohn__Schv�yn-------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> • �iarch 19th -----1916-------
<br /> My commission expires-------------------'`- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />