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�� <br /> ��.,, � (J ' � � U D U� U D � <br /> U � � � �� a <br />-- _:_. � �, ; _ -_ � <br />_ _ _- ___, <br /> 560i$-KL6PC'�&BAf5TLE7'T CO.,Pr%ntin Lithoprap)zxng and Co�unty:Supplies;�O�naha,:��-' � ���'� "���— �— � — -`-- �����"��-�— � � <br />_-- . ... . . . .. . . . . . . .._.... , �__.,__- ---..._ __._,. � .__..._,......__..___ _ —.� _ ._. . .... . .... _ . .._ .:.—_---@�--..:....��_.__----�---: <br /> FR��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> _ '�=�n � <br /> -------C_or__rlelltu�3--C�I{:>,e_�i.s-- ---- ----- --------- filed for record this-- --------day of____Cctober--------- ------------ <br /> :�, D., 19.10__, a,t- -_ .-- --- 5" -- - ----o'clock - -- - �' -• - -�• <br /> -- -- -__ TQ _ --- _ -- - - - � Warranty <br /> Deed. �" ` <br /> - . ..___ - <br /> / �v` ��''-�-�c�����- - <br /> � �°�- -- <br /> � �- <br /> G(�YClty �1B1'k� <br /> E1iza'�oth �; ��;e�i�'e � � � � <br /> -- - _._ -- - <br /> - - - - - ------- -- - <br /> ��is �rife . <br /> Deputiy'. <br /> ��ow Al� 1VIe� by `r�ese �'r�esents : <br /> T11c�1, -- I� vOTri011U� C� '>��'fy�' — — -- -- <br /> of the Courty of_--------_--- T��11--------- ------___ - -----and State of-- --T�le i�ras��.a_�._ _ --- _ -_----- ----- ------- -- --- -------Grantor--------, in consideration <br /> ot't�e S��m of - - -;�;n�--Tc� - (and o_t1:-er--EOn-�s�-���e�=�.ti�r�s1 ----------- �----------------- - --------- ----------------��#����� <br /> iii h�,nd pairl, do_ _____._____hereby GRA�'T, �t1RG_<iIi1, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto_________E1izaGe_th_ C_!_�e��f£8_ � my tT�ife, <br /> . -- -- - <br />'', of the County of_-- --------- Hall --- - --------- -_and State of_ __ 2�Tab_�'ASka-,-------_ --------- ------ ---------, Gra,ntee-----__,the following <br /> - - -- -- - <br /> I dnscribetl pretnises, situated in tlie County of________ ___._.?��_ll_. .-- --__-----__--. -_-__ -----__ancl State of 1�'eb��aska, to ivit; <br /> An ;�ncii_v_laed_ Half__-(-`:)-- -iz�t__er��-t---in---and---to---I,Q� --Ei�h�--- -(-$�_ in_Rlo_�'�--Cne---I3und�:_ed---��r�nt_y�h�e�-------- <br /> _ (123) in T?nion Pacific _ Rail�raX Coinx�any�s___Sec_�nci_.�ddition t_o___�rand_Islanc�_Ha_1__1_ Count_y,__iT�b-_____ � <br /> ��asr.�, a� �urvoyoa, platted ancl rocorc�ea. <br /> - - - _-- - - - --- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - --- -- ---- - ----------- <br /> --- -- -- --- -- - - --- - - -- -- -- -- -- --- - - --- - -- -- - - - - ------- ---- -- - - --- ------- -- - ------------ ------- <br /> To�ether witli all tre tenements, l�eredita�nents, and appurtenances tliereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Ii'.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> I Demand whatsoever of the Grantior----------.., ���������f°f; in, or to tlle same, or any part thereof, <br /> I <br /> TO K!�ti`E AI�D TO HOLI� the a,bove-described prelnises,with the appurteuances, unto the said Grantee_._______and to_____._h8T__________________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigrls forever, And__._._._I___________________hereby covenan�___.____tiviih the said Grantee__________that___.____�_____________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_____.________I__- -_-_--__haZrg__good right and ]a,wful authority to sell and convey the same; that they ar°e free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- -------..- --- ---- ---------- - - --.. ------------ - - - - -------- -----� ---- - - -- ----------- -- - ------------ ----------------------- <br /> -- - -- -------- - --- -- - <br /> - -- - ---- -- - --- - -- -- - -- - ---- - ---- - --- � -- - ------- - --- ------ --- -------------------------------------�---- <br />'I - ----- - -- ---- --- --_ ----- --- --------- --- - ------ ------------------ -- ------------------ -- ------------------ <br /> -- -- - ---- <br /> - --- ---- --- - - ------- <br /> - -- -- - - - - - --- ----- <br /> - ---- - - - _----- _And------ - - -- ----- I------- ------- ------ -------------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawf'ul claims of a,ll persons whomsoever, ____.________________________________________________________.____________,________________________ __ <br /> 4 th - - --day of_- - Cc t ober---- - --- ---- ---- --------A. D., 19----��__, <br /> I)ated the- - - --- - --- -- -- <br /> � <br />', WITN�SS ----�orneliva---C!Keeff e-------------- <br /> - -- --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - -----� - _ -- - - --- - - - <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. �tr. <br /> ------- - -`�all---------County, On this- ---- y Cc tobQ --------------------A. D., 19---- - , before me, the <br /> -- - - --------------------da of_-------- - -- ---r - --- ��--- <br /> undersi�l�ed, �, Notary Publi�----- ---------------------------------within and for said Gounty, personaily carne------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Gorn�lius G��ieeffe <br /> to me per•sonally known to be the identical person_ whose nazne.__________1s___.____________________._af�xed to the above instru- ` <br /> ment as grantor___.__.____, and______he_________. _-,��i��a,cknowledged the same to be_...___�.i�______________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose tlierein expressed, n��e <br /> IN ��ITN�SS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m���and af1"'ixed my ofiicial seal at_____________________________________________ <br />' _ _�rund Is_i�3nd�__�;,�,R�;�,�______on the date last above written. <br /> ( S E A L � John Allan <br /> ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> • Tan.S 1912. Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires---------`------'--� --------- - -------------------------------�-----------------------------� <br />