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fV� r� I <br /> . � � � o � D o � <br /> �` .�.: � <br /> 500�8—KLOPP&13ARTLE2'T Cd.,Printing,7 ithographing and County Supplies;OmaTic;. � <br /> _ __.,_ : . _ _ . _ _ _ -- <br /> ._ .___ _. _ __.._ . _. _. _ ____� _...—_�_�__w.____---_— _ <br /> FP��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this--- -----4-th----- -----_.----day of_--Q��.p'l16-r------------ - - <br /> --- ----------The_ _Ros-s---I.nvv_stmen�__�o.-- --- _-- - - -- <br /> :�. D., 191Q � at- - __ _ _-1�- - - -- -o'clock- -- -- _ ---- - A.M. <br /> - __ -- <br /> _ <br /> --- - . - - - - -- Warranty <br /> �� Deed. '� O <br /> — — — — — �/7:__�� crGf iz �' <br /> - - =rf- <br /> --- -- - <br /> C�'iznty Clerk, <br /> --- -- __?�di�_1_l�m�._P__._Dou ___ ___ -_ - ` <br /> - -_-- - - -- - - - -- <br /> - - - ---- --- --- - - <br /> Depu�y, <br /> I�no�v 1�11 l�ea� by Tliese Presents: <br /> That--- -The--Rot�s_--InYes tment--�-o.----a__corg_orat�on_- ---__-_ --_- __ - - <br /> -- - - -- -- - -- - - ------ --- - -- ---- -- ---� -- --- - <br /> of the Count� of__ ---------------Ha_1_1_----------------------_--and State of------------------N6bra�k�----- -----------------------------------------Grantor--------, in consideration <br /> __�_�.�W.. <br /> ofthe sum of-----Seven_Hundred-.--__—__�_�.�..__�.__—.-______------------------._._.___._._______________.�._________�._..___�_-----DOLLARS, <br /> in hancl, do--- --------herebv GRA_rT, B�RG4IN, SELL, AND CONti'EY unto- --------__ 1�ill�ia7�__�?-.DO.t1---- -__----- --------- <br /> of tne Counr,y of__ --- ------ ------ _F38.11-_.___ _ ---and �State of---- . _----Nebr-aska- ---- ---------- . --_ _ --- ----_- -- ----- -------, Grantee------,the fallowing <br /> described premises, sittzated in the County of____________________Hall _______________ _ __ -_____a-nd State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> - ---�31_ock. _2�umbe_�_.'�h_rse ___(-3.1 --in---Ka�_hl-e-r---�ul�cli_vi�i�n, _a_c�nr_di_ng- to_-_the---re-cArcied---rlat--the_r_e_o�f---nQ�---�zn.- <br /> -- _ fi.le_ in_t_he__affice- -�f--the--�ount-y- _�le_rk---of--said__Ha�l _C_o2�ntY--,- N_ebraska.- - ------- ------- - ------- -------------- <br /> This deed is_ made �ub_3e_c_t___t__o. _any__builc�ing_ _restriction_$_ �ont_a_inesi _�_n__x_�.g�t___of__�ta.y___de_e�1__�e�o���d <br /> - <br /> ----in---book--14--Fa�s---5-7--of- -the- -rec�zd� -o-f---Hall---C-ount�,--Nebr-as-ka-,-----P- osses$�.an--af--s�a�i:d-p-r-e-�ises---t-a--be <br /> -- given �vhen__the.__c_�razi$__no�r �n--th�- lanc�__are r_emov�d. --- _ _ ---- - - ----- --- --------- - ------- --- - - -- - --- - -------- <br /> --- -- ---------------Th�---gxant_or-_re_�ains---_th�___r.i_�h�t__to---Maintain--th� --dr-ai-:�a�a---c�i-�ch--a�rass---sa�d---�r-em�.�as.--------- <br /> - -- - - - ---- - - - - ---- - -- - - - - --- - - - -- -- -- - - --- ------ - ---- --- -- -- ---- - ---- -- ---- - - -------- - ---------- ---- <br />� .T��etller wi�n a11 the tenements, �ere!�i�arnents, a�d appurtenances tl�ereurrto beIon�ing, anc� ali the Estate,Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br />' Demand what,soe�%er of the saicl Grantor_..______, �Q�t'jR���C�7�$Q� of, in, or to the salve, or any part thereof, <br />'�, TO �Ir�V"E EIND TO IIOLT� the above-described premises,i�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.__and to__.________hi�__.._.____.__.____heirs and <br /> The Ftoss Investr�ent Co. . <br /> a,ssigns forever. And____t�'ie___S�i_d__�__hereby covenant__s�__tivith the said Grar�tee_______that_____��___________rold___g___said premises by good and perfect <br /> �itle; that_____it__..._______,_______ha_�___gced right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that tlleyare free and clear of all lierls and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------- -- -- - - - - --------------------- -- ------ - -- -- ----- -- ------ ----------------------- ------------------ <br />� - - --- ------------ ----- - -- <br /> - - - --- --- - ---- -- - -- ---- -- - ------ -- - -- ----- -- - - -- --- ------ ---- - --------------------- -------------------- <br /> Arid thc said The_ Ftg���__I_Tlve$tm821t__Co_______________________________covenant__s___towarrantand <br /> defend to said premises agairst the lawful claims of all persolls ti��l�omsoever, _I_r1__�itness_-�!(here_o_f-i---the-_$�d--The---R��B---Il�ve-�-tme�t--- <br />' --Co.---ha.s- -c�ua_ed._thes-e---�-�esez�ts---�Q--�Ze---s-i-g�ett--hy---i_��---Frs_s_i�nt---anc�--i-t�a---c-org�or-at_e__3sa1.---a�t_ach�d------ <br />'', ����i�__heret o- this___2�d - - ---day of--- -S�ep_�Bm�eT-- - -- ----- - - --___A, D,, 19--10-- • <br />� T�JIT��ESS '� ---------------------Th�---8aaa---Inu�stment---�o-•--------------- <br /> �,��- <br /> ��,�, bX----------Fr_ed__4�,_As_ht_s�n-----------------P__resids_nt----- <br />� ---- ------- - - --- __L_._P._�rininga�- -- -- -- -- <br /> �- <br /> - -- - -`�-. att�st_-----5_._L�_._Etnas.- --------Se_cretar�r-------- <br /> I -- - - ------- ----- -- - - -- ---- - - - <br /> --- -- ---- --- - i - -- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> I ss. <br /> ------------x�l�-----------County, . On this-----------�4_th-----------------------day of_-------��pt.�mb_er-----------------A. D., 19_1�---, before me, the <br />'i undersi�ned, a Not,ary Publi�- --------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> --- - ------- F�eri �.-�sht-��i,-P-�a$ide�t--�r---��e---�?-�sg---�-r�ve�tmer-r�---�-�-----------------------�---------------------- <br /> - -- . - ----- --------- ------ -- ------ -------- - - - ----------- --------------------- -------------- ------------- <br />� th� Presi�e�n� Q� �a}ci Compan�r and . <br /> to me persona ly known o e^ e i en ica, person___________ hose narrie______._______1�________________________affixed to the auove instru- <br /> � ment as rantor___________, and________._________.______-3��r1t7l�knoti;�ledged the same to ue_______hi_�______________.voluntary act and deed <br /> !SEAL ��n�e p�u po e°t�e ein exp�res ed�.� and de�ci of the sa�ic.� The Ross Investment Co. <br /> IN uIITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscr°ibed my�d and afiixed my ofr'icial seal at_________________________________.______. <br /> _ Grand I s1�nd___Nebr�ska_______________________on the date last above written, <br /> ----------- <br /> ----------------------- <br /> -------L.F.Arinin�er----------- <br />' Notary Public, <br /> My cominission expires---------- -------- ----- ---------1�iarCh--16----------------------------�914------- <br />