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<br /> �04�8—KIAPP&BAI2TLETT CO. Prantin.a,Lathogza I�u�and Cnv.�Sv��lies:Q:mnka. ---_
<br /> _.� -._`_—___...—__-- ._-._--_ -------_- --=_-- -----.�__�. _
<br /> F'ROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on PTumerical Index and
<br /> -----2,_8.t7.r38tt8----Q8mp1�e11---?3s---hu$ba11d_------- filed for record this--.1.s_t----------_. --------day of__OCt.9b6r----------------------
<br /> �, D,, 19_.�..Q- -, at- -- . ---- -3.15 - - ----o'clock - - - -p� -M.
<br /> - - --- - - --- - - -- -- - --- --.___.. --. - --- Warranty
<br /> i . �
<br /> TD Deed. j �
<br /> �f��-fz _?��_�_ _��r�.l� � - - -
<br /> �ouniy Clel°k,
<br /> - __. - Otto Kirs_c__hke__._ - __ _ -- ��
<br /> __ - --- --- - _ _ - - _- - -- -- -- --- -- ----
<br /> Deputy. �
<br /> � lKnow All 1VIen b� T�iese Presents: '
<br /> , That------w_e.,.__�a�r�e_�t�. _�_a��b�ll__and__Wil�.i.am_C,_Campbell-,---her--husband,.------_----------- __----
<br /> of the County of_-- -------------------Hall----------------------and State of_..__---.__ ..N6bra.�l�a---------------.-_----- ----------------------------Grantor-8-----, in consideration '
<br /> of the sum of__One_ _$nndT_e-d---�en--�0/1_0_Q_—_--------------,_---_-,.---.-_-_---.--------___�_____�--------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> ------ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- �
<br /> in hand paid, do_.. .-- --__ ----hereby GRA�VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-------__4_�_t4---K�.�s.GhkQ-_-_-__---___--__--_. _. ___ _- __---_ ;
<br /> _ - - -- --
<br /> of the County of_----------------Hall----------. . and State of-------- -----Nebrask_5---- - - ------- Grantee------.,the following '
<br /> _- -
<br /> -- -
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of_____________ __________Hal,.l.____________________________and State of Nebraska, to wit: I
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> _The___1Vorth_.__T_wo__and___a____h__alf_ fee_t__(___N��-__ft) _o�___the__South____h__alf___.�S-��__ _o__f__Lot__Two____(2_�__ _i__n Block One___(1)__
<br /> Q�_Hann_'_�__��idi��.4n---t-o--��e-_�i-�-y_--��__c�r_�n�_ I_slan�l-,- .N��xa_�kar---t-he--�ame--be-ing---a--r����ngul_ar---�ie.ce----of__
<br /> .ground_havin�_ a_We_st__fronta_ge__ o� __2�___feet___on_ L__o_cust_.___S_treet;�:_ and___a___dep_th_ _of_12_7_ _teet,_ o_ff of the ;
<br /> . - - --
<br /> -North--�.aide---af--t-he---�auth--hal.f---of--said---Lo�--�,---as -�ur�eye-d,-__}��attecl--and---r_e_c_o_rd.ed-•-- ----------------------------
<br /> --- ------ ------- -- - --- -- - ----- - - - --- - - - - --- ---- - - - - - - --- -------- - -- _- - - --- - - ----- ------- --------
<br /> -- --- -- ---------- --- - - --- ---- ---- - - - - ---- --- - - -- --- -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - --- -- ---- - - -- --------- �
<br /> -- ---- - - - ---- --- - --- -- ------ - ---__- - - ------ -- -- -- -- ---- - -- ------------ ------- ------- - - ---- - - - - - ------ - ---------------
<br /> Tc�bether wiih aIl the te,nelnents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belot��ing, �,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___3____���e€eifi�ep-ef-t,�e�n, of, in, or to the sam�, or any part thereof. '
<br /> ,
<br /> TO H!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said C�rantee______a,nd to__.________hi.s_________ ___ _________.heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And__________�P�t_______________hereby covenant________with the said Grantee______._____that___.___;�H______.__hold____.____said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____________We___________ha__Y_�_good right and lau�ful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances '
<br /> wl�atsoever------------------------ -------------- ------ --- -- ----- --- -- --- - -- - --- - --- ---- ------ - - -- -- -- --- ----- --------- - --- ------------- -- --- - ----------------
<br /> ------- ---- -- - ------ - ------ ---------- -- ---------------------- --- ----- - -- ----------- ----- - ---------- - -- - - ----- -- ---- - - ------------------ -- - ------------
<br /> --- -------- ---- - -- --- -- - - -- - - - - - ------------- --------------- -- - - - - -- - -------- - - ---------------- --- -- - -- -- --- -- ---- - - ------------ ------------------------
<br /> --------- -- ---- - - ---- - --- - ------ ------------- ------ -- _----
<br /> --And--------- --- --- - -- --- -- ----"��- ---------------------covenant_------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, __________________ _____ __________ ______-_____________-___________.______________________________________________.____ i
<br /> --- - ------ -------- - --- - - --- - - --- - ------- - - ---- - - --- - - -------- -- -- ---- -- -- - ------------------------ ----
<br /> �ated the---- -- - 30�h------------- ------day of_ - -�e��e�tb�r- - --------- - -- ------A. D., 19--10----• '
<br /> WITNESS ----------L�llira�t_��---��211�b�11------------------------------------ '
<br /> --���1�.�_n_ --�_._�amFbe_��.----------------------------- -------- '
<br /> - �nhn__All�.n------------------ - ''
<br /> ss. ,
<br /> ----------Hall - - - ---County, On this----------30th------------ --------day of_--------S6ptember-------------------A, D., 19__10__, before me, the
<br /> i
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public ________________________within and for said Countv, personally came_ _______________________ !
<br /> --------Laurae��te---�ampbell--and_�illiam--�_._C_amphsll-,---heZ---huab,anclr------------------------------------- �'
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.�______whose name___a-_------aTe____________________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> (�EAL) ment as grantor__8________, and________th�_y__=______severally acknowledged the same to be_________'�hQir_.______voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed, ���Me %
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my l�d and affixed my ofl'icial seal at_____________________________________________ i
<br /> __ Grand__.Is18�nd;___in___$aid__Cot1n�_y_�_._on the date last above written. ;
<br /> ,
<br /> John Allan
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> My commission expires---------------------------- ------------------Jan--S----------------------------------------1�2------- i
<br /> i I
<br />