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<br /> ►� _ a
<br />_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _�________
<br />— 50038--RLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printin,q,Lithoyraplzing¢ndCounl�Supplies.'Oma?ac„ _ __ _ :-:– _.—_..____ __-- -- –=�_-�_ ------__.—
<br />�... . _, ._ _ _ . . ._ _. __._ .__ ,-. _..�_. , --- _ _ .
<br /> ----.—.;.. �— ._. ___—__.�-- —._ _,_—_ .:—�_—.—�::._ _,—----�.,._�.
<br /> FROi�T 7 hereby certify that this in_strulnent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> Chriatian Donner & �9ife filed for recor°cl this--__ _ 18'�--- ___-_-- -_---day of----_---_4C_'�_4}�@r----___- --------__-
<br /> :�. D,, i9_I9 __, at- --- - - 2._?5 - - - --dclock-- - - p- -M.
<br /> - __._._.
<br /> - _ -_._. ___ -- Warranty
<br /> T� Deed. '
<br /> . - -t����--� /�y��= -- -- - _ - - -
<br /> G' ilty Clerk,
<br /> - - Ju��r�en__Kroeger - _ -- --
<br /> _ . - - - - - -
<br /> - - - -- - Depu�y.
<br /> �no�v All l�en by T�ese Presents:
<br /> That I,- Chri_stian--J���nner--an� I,_�dia M._Ilonn�r__,_hi-a--�rifs - ---- --- -- ---- - ---------------------- - - -- ------- - --- --
<br /> of the County of-------------H81�.----------------------- -----and State of----------Ne.br��ka----------------------_.---------- -----_Grantor8------, in cnnsideration
<br /> ofthe srzrn of_ -- -Ei�ht--�iuTld.�e�- -- --- - --- ---- - ---- - ------------------ -- -------------------------- ------------------------- ------------�-------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> irl hand pa.id, Flo___ _hereby I�RANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AP1D CON�'�Y unto. ______ eTuexgsri__K7�Q�t$_8T__._____ __ .
<br /> - - - --- - _ ---- -
<br /> of the Caunty of.--- -------_ ---- --_ �Idl_1_- __ - -__ ----- __---._and State cf__ ----- _.Ne1?rdflk8.---__ ___ _--------- ---------_ ------___--.-- -, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the Cou�ity of_______.__ ____ __.F;�1.1____ _________._. -- ___.-_------.and Staie of iJebraska., t� i�•it:
<br /> -- -----The ._3outh__ �ne---Hundre�__a��l__�ev_sz�t.��n--�117�--f-e�t--of- the_Ea�t_..Ona--Thir_�_-�- -E _11�---�--Q�---�•ot-----------
<br />. ,
<br /> -- __ -Ei�ht--- (8�__Block__Si:�-- -(6) -��i�lage_-of_Don�._nhax�- -�n-Ha�l_ C�un�y.,___N_eb�a�ka.----- ------
<br /> ----- _-- - --
<br /> - -_ _ - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - -- -- ------ - -- -- -------- ------------- - ----
<br /> --- _ -- - --- - -- - -- - -- - ---- - -- - -- - - ---_- -- - - - - ---- -- - --- ----------
<br /> - -- ----- - --- --- - -- -- - - ---
<br /> -- - - --- - - -- -- - --- - ---- - --- -- - - - _ ------- - - --------- ------------
<br /> - - - - - -- --- --- - - ---- - - - --- - -- - -- - - - --- ---- ---- ------------ - -- ---------
<br /> Tonether w:tk� ail the terie�nents, here:�it�,znents, and appurten�,nces thereanto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, �Curtesy, Claim and �
<br />� Demanc� wl�a.tsoever of the said Graritor__g_____, ancl of eifher of theni, of, in, or t� the sarle, or �ny part thereof,
<br />�
<br /> TO H_4ti`E AND TO �IOL� the above-described premises,i�vith the appurtenances, unlo the said Grantee_______and to___. _______hig_____________._____heirs and
<br />�', a,ssigns forever, And_____________vQ�______________hereb3� covenant_______wlth the said Grantee__._______that________�e__________hold__________said premises by good aud perfect
<br />�� title.; that_______.__W8_-____--- ----_ha,___stsgood ri�lit and lau�ful authority to seIl and convey the s�,me; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------Suv�_e_e.�--t�o---One__half---a�--the--ta��--lavi-e�--a�d--assQaed---f�r---�1�a --c�ar--re�t------year----------------------------
<br />� --- -- ----- ------ - - ---- ----- ----- ----- - -- ----- - -- - --------- ----- - - -- ------ -------------------------------------
<br /> --- --- ----- - -- ---- - -- - - - - ---- - - - ----- --- - -- --- --- - ---- ---- - - - --- ----------- ----------------------- --------------- --------------------
<br /> - - - - ------ --- - - --- - ---- ---- -- - - - -- ---- -- _Ar�d- ---- - ----------- ---------- -��-------------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said preniises against t1�e lativful claims of all persorls wllomsoever, _____.________6xG_��_t__a3___t_o___Qne_half__Qf___t_a�[E3B_.f�_x__________________________
<br />' - -C11��8_rit .jtast� - - - --- - --- --- - --- --- - - - ---- - -- --- ----------------- --- ----- - -- -- - -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> II Dated the--- - -- -- -3_Q�� --- - - -da,y of_- ----Sents_mheT' -- -------------A. D., 19---1Q-- �
<br />'!. wITlvESS _______Chris_tian__D_onner_
<br /> ---------------------------------
<br /> - ---_ _ _ - --
<br /> III - ------I,_y_aia--M.�D_�nneac--------------------------------------------
<br /> I, -- -- - _ ---- - �'P._A,_P�ince------ - -- --- - -- - - - �
<br />' ----------------------------------------- --
<br />'� -- --- ------- ------ --
<br /> --- ----- -
<br />� ss,
<br />� -- -------Hal.l- - ----County, On this-------.__30.:'.''n - -------- ---------day of- ---- --S�gt�emb�s----------------A. D., 191D----, before me, the
<br /> undersigne�l, a Ivotar�y Public__________________________________________within and for said County, personally came
<br /> ---_�hr_ia�ian__J._�ann�r--and--I,-y_dia--�_._�onne-r_i---hus}�and_and---z�if_e--------------------------------------
<br /> - - --- --- - ----- ---- -- - ---- --- --- --- -- - --- ------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------
<br />��� - --------- - --
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__g_____whose name___________.__gT�___--.-------__--.af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> I' (S E A L � rnent as grantor___8______, and_______th�._y___.______severally acknowledged the same to l�e_______�he_12__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afC'ixed my of1'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br />, ___.___________G���t�__��l�S�cl;___�eb_,____________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> I �9.A.Prinee
<br /> -- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> I Notary Public,
<br /> i
<br />� My comrnission expires------------ -------- - �-------- -- --------JunB_-------------------------------------------1914------
<br />�I
<br />�
<br />