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� <br /> � �T�� �"� <br /> � D D ° 0 ° � : ,�..�.. <br /> 0 <br /> ._- � _ � _:._ __- _� __ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _-_ _ <br /> -_ �� <br /> 50D�8 _KLOPP&BARTLE 2 P CO.:Prantz�Lxllinara� Countu Su u_ ' ` — — __ __ -- ----- __ __ — - —— <br />�.____.°— - � ----� : _ - _ .A-- - __ _ . _^ ..--. ���.4�rtgi?�. _ _ _ .— _ .—_ — <br /> �'ROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> - - ---•IQ�].11__�11SS�9_�tll -&--�l-ft� -- ---- - ----- filed for record tihis-- -�0 -..._ - ---day of__ _. _ 8e�t --- _ --- -- - - - - <br /> �. D., 19__1Q_ _, at._ -____---- - -- 2- - --o'clock - - - - -__ P•- -M• <br /> ----- -- Warranty <br /> - - - --- -- - -- - - <br /> TO Deed. / <br /> -- ----- ��� ���-�� �i- <br /> �` � - - <br /> C niy C1erK, � <br /> _J.ohn--El_1s.�Qrth_r_reenh�us-e-s-r-------____ � <br /> (Tnc. ) - - -- ----- - -- - ' <br /> - - - - - - -- -- - - <br /> Depu�y, <br /> I�now All 1VIen by These Presents : <br /> T.hat---�!s�- J_ohn__Ell_ecrQr�h--an�__FrsQ�la__�lls�orth, ,his -�i_�_e,-- __ _ - -- - - -- - - -- - -- ----- - __- --- -- -- ' <br /> of the County of_______.I�all____________________________. _____________and State of_____.___.__N�?�r2Sk�21____________ _ __._______________Grantor_s___, in consideration ' <br /> of the sum of--- ------One___DQll_ar----(----and---�_ther---c�ns_id�_r��iflns-�------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- ------------ - ----------���$, ' <br /> in hand paid, do__ __..__...__hereb GRANT, BA.RGAIN, SELL, AIti'D CONVEY unto._ ___ _�_ohri--El-���RCar�h---�re�Ahauses- _ <br /> Y � �InC. )- --- - <br /> 9f �h-e City ��- rr�nci--I_slan�t,. - - -_ - - -- - ._ __ - -- - -_ - -- - ; <br /> Y -------and State of_ --------- -----�T.��?.TaBk�--------------------------------------------------_, Grantee-------,the following <br /> �� Count of_ - --- .Hal_1 - -- -- - -- -- <br /> described premises,situated in the County of____________________._�i311___________________ __.___.___. ______and State of Nebrasl�a, to u�it: � <br /> .Exa_�_tiQral_7�_�_tS_Fivs---(-5-)---and--�ix---�6-)----in__.Fr_ac_tinnal_ B_1_n�k_Fi_�'tean---�-1-�-)-- �f__Arnold_ &---A3�bo-t-t-'-s----------- ; <br /> _ .Addit_ion__t_o Grana I_s_�an�,--_N__�_b�a.$k�, Als_Q-� - - __ -_ __ -- - -- --- --- --- --- --- --- <br /> -----------------�'ractionai--L_ot�___Fi_ve---(:�-)-,---S�-a--��_)--,--and__�even_-(7'-)-,-_ in_�l.ock---Qne -(.l)_c�f_ _Sp.auldin�--&---�regg_'__s i <br /> _��cii_�iQn---t-�---_�ha--�it-y--of_r'rdnd__Island,--Ns-or.askar--a�---s��rveye.d,---�lat�_e_d__and .re_c_ard$d.---------------------- ------- ' <br /> --- -- - - -- ---- --_- - -- --- _- ---- - --- - - - - ----- - - - --- -_ __ - ---- ---- - ---------- - - - - --- --- - - - - - - --- ---- - ----- � <br /> -- - - - - - -- - --- - --- ---- - ------------- ---- - ------ - -__- - - -- - - - -- - ----- - - - - - -- --- - - --- - --- - - - - -- ---- - - - -- --- --- <br /> ------------ - - -- - - - - - --- ------------ -- -- - - ----- - ----- ---- ----- - -- - - -- --- ---- - ----- -- ---- --- -- - - - -- ------ -- ---------- i <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all tlie Estate,R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and i <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�______�-e�e�i#,�a�ef.#�e�ri, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, ' <br /> TO H.4VE AND TO HOLD tlie above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.______and to__�1_��___$t�CC63�Org__� and ! <br /> a,ssigns forever. And___________�4e______________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee____________that____we...___-_____hold__________said premises by good and perfect j <br /> title,; that__________�e____________ha_v�_good right and Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that t11ey are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever------------------------- _------------------- ------------- -- ---- - - ----- -------------- ------------------- --- ----- -- ------ --- - ----- ----- --- ------ -- --- ----- ------------------ <br /> ---------------------- --- - ------- - --- ------------------ --------- - - ------------ - - -------- -- -- - -- ------- - - - -- ---- ------------- - -- - ------------------ <br /> ------------ - - -- -- - ----- --- - ----------------- ---------------- - - --------- ----------------- --- -- -- - - -- - -- -- - -------------- ---- -- - ------------------ <br /> --------- --- - - ------ ------------ <br /> --- --------------- - And-------- _ - - ---- - -- <br /> _:�Te______________._____________._covenant_.______to warrant and i <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, __._______________________..._________________._________._________________________________________._._____._____ ; <br /> --------- --- --- - ------ -- -- ------- - --- -- - --- ------- ------- -._----- -- - -------- -------- ------------------- - --- ------- ------------ -------------------- -- ' <br /> Dated the-- -w9th -- - - ----------- --------day of_-----38p_�ember--- -- - ------ ---------A, D., 19--1Q----� <br /> WITNESS ----------------------J_ohn__E11-s�carth---------------------------------- ' <br /> ----------------Free1�__F�1_�:�ort h----------------------------- <br /> ------------------------J_ohn__Al_lan -- ---- - - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � <br /> ss. � <br /> ----- ------H811---------------County, On this--------------29-th------------------day of_----------�8x�tambE�3�----------�_A. D., t9--�0---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Ivotary Public--------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------1_ohn_El_1_a;�orth_and---Fresda-F_ll-s-�arLh-,----hi-a--w�f�---- ---------------------------------------- <br /> ----- --- - -- ------------ -------- - ------------------------- ---- -------------- ------ -------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----- -------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�____.___whose name_g________a�g_______________________afl'ixed to tlie above instru- <br /> (S � A 1� ) ment as grantor__s--------, and_________the�----.----severalIy ac,knowledged the same to ue___________t�hHi_r_____voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afI'ixed my otTicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ____C{Tand_.I slandi__in__��id___�42u17tt_y_._______.__on the date last above written, <br /> -------------------------------- -------J ohn Al l an <br /> - ---------------------------------- <br /> Jan 5 Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------------------- ----- ------------�--------------------------------------------19--1�---- <br />�� <br />