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<br />- 500�8—KLOPP&BARfiLETT CO..Printinp,LitRograThing an�l Couyit?�Supplies:O+nahe. _ -:- --_=-.--�,__,__.�—_...�_----_�.—_----�--_
<br /> . _
<br /> FR���'T I hereby ceriify that this instrument ivas entered on Nurnerical Index and `
<br /> filed for record this---_..3Q--- - _day of_--_.__-s - -t------ ---------_- ----_----_-
<br /> The Roes Inv�stment Co - - --- eP
<br /> �, D,, 19 10 , at- - 1..-40- -- --- -o'clock-- - - --- -- ---P�---1�7.
<br /> - -_ __ -- -_ _ -____ --- - � Warranty �
<br /> TQ Deed. _..
<br /> ,
<br /> --_ _ _ _- ��� '
<br /> ---- ----------- ------ -i�---,-------,---
<br /> Cou �lerk
<br /> -- - -- Fr_ed_ W�Asht_on _ --- - -__-
<br /> - - - --- -- --- -- -- - - - -Depuiy, -
<br /> I�.no�v All IVIen by 'I'liese l�resents o
<br /> Tllat- Th�--AQS_s_ _Inve_s_tment C-o- - a _cnrgor_ati-�n -- - - - -- --- - -- - - -- __ ---- ----- - - - ---------- -
<br /> of the Couni,y of------------._Hall------------------- ---------ancl Sta_te of------------------ ---Nebra_SkB---------,--__.._____--------------------------Grantor----,--, in consideration
<br /> " -----------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> ot'tne surn or- - �s_ve_n�e�n__hundr_e.d_&--ns� -00 - - ------- - ------- --- - - ----- -- - - ----- ---------- ----- - -----------
<br /> in hand pai�l, cloes___ _____hereby GPANT, BARGAII4, SELL, AND C01YZ'EY unto__ __._F�Bd_�,_A�11�s2ri___ ___ _____.___ _ __
<br /> _ - ---. ..- - --- -- - ---- - - - ---- - -- __._ - - - - -- ----- -- - - --- -
<br /> of the County of_.-- .------- ---_ -__H811_-- - _---_.__--_-----and State of__ _- -----Nebr_��k�----- --------- ------ _._ .-------- ------..--- ---, Grantee--,----,the following ;
<br /> the City of Grand I�land '
<br /> described premises,situated in�the County of_____ _._ _____ ________ _.__H�11_-____ ____._-----_and S�ate of Nebraska, to wit; �
<br /> Lots Number Seven (7) and Ei�ht (8) in Block Num��er Three (3) in Lakeview, accordir_� to the re—
<br /> carc��d �3a�-�3�e�eaf- �o� or� �i3e -��r �he office o� �the-£ounty �3erk-c�f sa#�. �a12_ Comntp, -�e-b-rasks.--
<br /> As a further consideration in the purchase of � above described premises ,and for the purpo�e
<br /> , of sgcuring unif ormity in �h� impr�vemen� .in ��id L�:keviea�; - tha said gran�ea-, -�or himsel�, - Iiis- --
<br /> '� heirs,executors and assi�ns hereby c,�venant �ith the grantor�tthat no �uildin� shall be erected_
<br /> - - - - - -- - -
<br /> - -
<br /> on s�id premi:ses closer �han t�ir�y feet to the front property line o� eaid I,ots, and that the
<br /> front of the builaing, so__erected_ _shall___be__t_o�ra__r__d___the__.South__and__the__rear_ _sha�_1�__extend__t_oward______
<br /> - - -- -__ -- -- -
<br /> the north
<br /> - - - -- - - -- _ -- - - -- -- - - - -- --- - ---- - ------ ----- - - - -- ---------- - --- ------------- ---------------- ------
<br /> - -- . - - - --- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - ---- -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- -------- ----
<br /> -- -- - - - - - --- -- --- - -- -- - --- --- --- - - - -- - - - -------- - -- - --- --- - - - -- ---------- - ---------- -----
<br /> ToDetrier witil a11 the tenements, hererlitaments, a�d appurtenances thereunto beloi?�ing, ��,nd aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Denlancl wha,�soever of the said �rantor__________; a�xi+d�.ailh��-af..the.tn, of, in, or to the san7e, or any� part thereof.
<br /> T� K%�VE Ai�1D TO I�OLD the above-described prernises,with �he appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to___.____________�_�g_. heirs and
<br /> The Ross Investment Co
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_the__��id_____�j____hereby covenant�____with the sa�id Grantee____.___that______i�__________..holda_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____._._i�_____._.-__-_ha_8__good right and lau�ful authcrity to sell and convey the same; that theya��e free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- -------- - ----- - -- -------- ---- -- - ------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------
<br /> - - _--- -- --- ---- - ------ -- - -- - --- -- - --- -------- -- - -- -- ---------- --- ---- -------- --------------- -- -- ---------------- --- -- -------------------------- --
<br /> - --- - -- - -- --- -- --- And the sai.d__Th__e__.Ross._Inves��nt--�o------ -�-- - -- --- - -------------covenant--s---to warrant and
<br /> ciefetad to said premises against i.he lawful claims of all persotls whomsoever, .Iri___'�i-tne88--�heT@4��---th�--Sa�d---The----R-a�B--�Y'���-8tme1'��---CO
<br /> has caused.-the_se---pra_sen_ts__.to-be-s�.�ned--bX---it�---P_re_s_�_d.er��--a��i_i�-s--�Qr�ZS�r_ate---ee-al---attache_d_hereta._
<br /> ---- --- --- --
<br />� �.�t�cL.tke..�- -tYiis -�Q���- -- ---- -- --dav of---- -S��'�6m�e� --- - --- ---------------A, D., 19--}Q-- �
<br /> wITN�ss �,.-�,�, --------------------The---R 9 s�--I nve�tmQn�---��-----------------
<br /> S�e a � ----�-Y----------Fxsd__➢�.AshtAn-------------�r$side_n�_. .
<br /> ----- --- - --T_.J_._�ian�en --- - � ---------��cza�ar_3�--
<br /> --- Attest-------------S_.L�_,_E�Q�s----------------- -
<br /> ------ -- ---- ------- ---- - - ---- ---- - ----- - ------- -- --- �
<br /> -- -- -- ------------ -- -------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> _ _���1 - --- - ---County, On this---- - -- :'�Q�� -------------day of------$���g1?t}�,er--------------------A. D., 19---1D, before me, the
<br /> undersigneci, a lvotary Public____ ___________._________________within and for said County, personally came____�'_red---l�.-Ag'ht�i-------�---p-��3$idai�t------
<br /> ----- o-f '��e--Ra�_s__Snye��m�n� -�o-------------- - -- ----- -----------------------�- -
<br /> - -- _-- -- -- ---- -- --- -- -- -- --- - - - ------------- ------- ----------- - ---------- -------- ------- -- ---
<br /> �rss�den� -o�-- s f�- - ompan and the
<br /> to �le personally known to be the�identica�person________._w�iose name___________.______i_s____________.____af�aed to the above instru-
<br /> rrient as rantor__..________, and___�____.___.___,____-.�e�1.�3�acknowledged the same tu be_________hi-8-------------voluntary act and deed
<br /> (S E A L ) ���� p�rpose�t�i�r�i����te�se�ct and deed of the said The Ross Investment Co
<br /> II� tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my���and af�ixed my ofr'icial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> Grand Island 1VebTaska______ _______on the date last above written.
<br /> - ---- ----- -------- -------------- ----------
<br /> --------------------- T._J.Hansen
<br /> --- ----------Notary Public.-----
<br /> My con�mission expires----------- --F4�--1-_7-- ------1��.6-------------------------------------------19------------
<br />