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� � <br /> �.. �D D ° 0 ° D <br /> :.3 . ❑ <br />-y 50018-KLOPP&•73AR7'LETT CD.,Printinp,Lithographinp'¢n�ZCaunty Suppliesr t7+nahc. "" ` ' '— v-� - 'J- '-� <br />�_ . _ : .__ __ _. .____ _. _ <br /> _ _ -_. _ __ _._:: ._.._..._._. �_�_,�__,_�— . _ . <br /> _ ___ _— _ ,-:.=-----�:.—� .---- __ . <br /> FROI'Jf I herehy certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this_--- --.__�9--------------._day of------�s_p-t---------- --------------- <br /> -- - - - _A_._L:_Scu�tder__&_erife_--- --- - - _ <br /> A, D., 19 1Q_ , at- -- - -2.,_��_ __ -- - -- --o'clock --- -- - -P� -M. <br /> --__ - - - --- - - - - - -- <br /> - --- - : - Warranty � <br /> �,0 Deed. . . <br /> - - �----- -- -- �ti�:��- -�.u�-- ------ - - <br /> cozz �y clerk, <br /> - - - -- - -- Q.r_ville- $_tra�n - - - -- <br /> -- -- -- -_- - -- - -. - - - _.- - -- --- - ---- - �-- �- -------- <br /> lleputy. <br /> I�now �il 1Vlerr� by T�ese �'��esents : <br /> That- -vQ6_ ,A,I,_,_$_�udd8r $e -Me.ry G'_._S�udd6T -- -- -- - - -- - ---- --- ---- --- - - -- -- - - <br /> - -- -- -- . -- - -- - _ - --_ -(-� &_ Wifs �- --- - - - <br /> of the CountY of_-----------,------H�1�--------------------------and State of_-------------------NflbrSS-kB-----------------.--------------------------------Grantor-B----, in consideration <br /> of the sum of---- --- Th3�.�_�p_Sev'�T�.-Be--_�+'lf ty- $e--riQ 1�D--- --------------------------- -- ----- - ------------------ <br /> ----- - ----------_�-------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do-- --------hereby� CT qNT, B9RG=IIN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto----QTVilI-@_ $-'�raY¢ri---------------- - -------------- -------------------------- <br /> - -- -- - � <br /> of the County of_- --- ---------Ht.a.11_. -- ----- --_.__- -- ---- -----and State of___ _- --- ------ ---Nebx��k8 ._---- ---------- - -------- _____, Grantee-----_,the following <br /> described premises, si�uated i11 the Coiinty of_______________________ __ ______A�11.___________________and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> -- -A--�arcel---o�__ _land---des_cr_3b�d__ as--�'-ol?-ows.---------- -----Com�nencing--at _the---sou�h-- east--ca��-r---o�---B�-ock---�'i�e- <br /> --(5)-}---run�g--then��_ v�est--Qns__ hi�ndred--&--fi_f_ty_-�. :,��11)- �eet,- �2�€�n��-�o��-Y� -��en�3� fias; : �?�}feets--- <br /> -- theneef� one- hund�€�d-�--�if�t-X-.fee�-,----(1�-�-)---�henc-e-- -s-ou-t-h--t�enty--f-iue--(-25-�---feet---�a--the---�l-acs---of--be-ginin�; <br /> _be_in�--the_. �QUth.___e_nd -of--L�ts---sev�n----�-7-)----&---ei-�ht---(-8-)- -block--Fi-ve---(-5) -as ��•o�--hg--t�a--re-cc�r-ded-��-�t <br /> of the said to:4n of Donirhan,_ _ _ ___ <br /> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - ------- <br /> -- ---- ----- --- - -- -- -- - --- -- -- - -- -- ---- ---- -- � --- ---- -- ---- - -------- -- --- ----- --------- ---- ---------- - --------- ------------------- <br /> Tobethef°wit�i ail the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belo���ing, �,nd all t11e Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim ancl <br /> Demand whatscever of the said Grantor____8____-, anct of eitrer of them, of`, in, or t<� the salne, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H:�VE AND TO HOLD the above-describerl premises, with the appurtenances, unto the saicl �rantee_________and to___.___...___hiS----------------_heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, �nd__________1R�. _ _____.______hereby rovera,nt________tivith the said Grantee.__________that__________ _�p_...___hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__.__._____.'�e____________ha_v8_good right and lau�ful authority to seIl a�nd con�%ey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------ --- --------..------ -------- ---- ---- - -- - -- ----- ---- ---- -------- - -- - <br /> - ------ - - - - ---- ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- - ----- --- - --- -- -- --- - -- - - -- ---- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - - ---- ---------- - -------- ------ --------- - - -- - ---- ----------- ----------------- <br /> -- - Ar1d------ -- -------- -------�¢e - -- -----------------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lativful claims of all persorls tivhomsoever, ______. ____________ _._____._____._________________ <br /> Dated the--- -- --2$th - -- - ------ --da,y of- -- Se�t�smbe�- ----- ----A. D., 19_�D---� <br /> WITIVESS ---------------------A.I�.-�CUr�.de�------------------------------------------------- <br /> � - -- ------------�tar-3�---C-.-S��:c�de-�--------------------------------------- <br /> - --- --- -- --- -- S_._C._�ius-�on---- -- ------ -- - - ---- - <br /> -- ----- i ------ ----- ---------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss, <br />� -------------H�11 County, 1 On this------------�$�h---------------------day of-------------$ep_tBmi�ez'--------------A. D., i9_1.Q---, before me, the <br /> undersi�;t�ed, a Notary Publin------------------------------ -------within and for said County, Personaliy came--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - -A_.I�._Scudder_&__Mary_ --�_._Sc�.�,�1.�.�x------- ------------ ------- -- -------------------------------------- - ,..---------------- <br /> - -------- --- - ----- ---- - -- ------- ----- �-hu€���nd---�---wifa-)------------- --------- --------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_._s_____whose name_8--_-_-al"e_______--___________._____af�xed to the above instru- <br /> (SEA?a) ment as grantor__g______, and________��g_�______._severally acknowledged the same to be____.__�heit_________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. �u�J <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto snbscribed my�and af�ixed my off'icial seal at____________________.____________________ <br /> _._______C,���nd___I81_a21d_�----Ke-braSka____________________on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------------------------$�_�e'.HLls-t_021-------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires------------ ------ ----- ------Jul_�r___25 th----------------------------------------I9-��----- <br />