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<br /> 500#S—KI,OPP&BARTLF,TT CO.,Printing,Litho�raphing¢nd Covi�zty Supplies;Omaha. ' ' �
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and
<br /> filed for r�ecord t12is_.__.2G --------- ----------day of---- -----�e�pt ._--- -- -- - -'
<br /> - -- --- Lucy M._:�i1 sey- ��a �i do� - �-
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<br /> Co ty Clez�k,
<br /> t�obert J.Plummer _
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<br /> _ -- -- - - - - -- -
<br /> Depucy.
<br /> I�riow All 1VIen by `rhese Pr�sen�s :
<br /> That--- I s -Lucy �d._;�ils-ey_ -- - � widow�- - - - -- _ -
<br /> - - --- - - - ----- - -
<br /> ----- ------ ----- -- - -- - ---- --- -- -- ----- --------
<br /> of the Courty of__. _________ _ _ _____ HeTiry_______ ___ _____.__- __ _________ ___________Grantor_______, in consideration
<br /> ------and State of_--- ---------I�linois_ -------
<br />', of the sum of- -- Tw'O_$L1:1dr6c�__dnd rio/1QQ - - ---- - --------- -- ----- ----------------- - - - ------------------------------ ------------------------DOLLARS,
<br />'I in hatid paid, c1o.------ ----herel�y G�.R.��'T, B��RG:1IN, SELL, Al°v'D CONVEY unto-----------E3Obe2t--J.Plumm�.r------------------------_.-------------------- -
<br /> --
<br /> __ - -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - ---..
<br /> -- - _ ---_ _ - -- - -
<br /> - - -_ _ - - -- - -- ---- ------- --
<br />� of the County of- -- -- -- ----- --_--. - Hall _ _ ---- ----- __and State of--- - --- --NebT39�a--_. ___--- --------- --------- ---------- -------, Grantee-----,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of___ ___ ____ _________H<311__ ______.._____.__ _ _ ___.and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---L-o�---numb__e_�_;�entX---f_ive-- .(.25-�---oi-���ks._S-ub----Divia_i_on--Dtumb_er-__Tv�m--�-2)---o�__.a___part--of---�-he--E���---ha1-f----
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<br /> -- Nort__h,__Rang�-�ine -(9�--West- Qf F P,��- ��.�a_xazng -tQ-��� r��Q��iQ� }�1�� __t_h.a_r_�_Qf�-- -- ---- - --- ---
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<br /> -- - --- - -- ---- - - ---- - - -- --- ------ -- -- - -- - --- - - -------- -- - --- -- -------- ---------------- - -- ----------------------
<br /> Te�•ether wiili a11 the tenements, herec�iGalrents, a�d appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,z�d all the Estate, R.ight, Tit:e, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Ii Demand whatsoeve1° of the sa,ic� �rantor_____ . ____, and of eiiher of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> I TO T�_�VE AND TO HGLD the a.bove-described premises, with the appurtenar�ces, unto the said Grantee________and to__.____ __________hl_B_______.____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And________.__�______._____________hereby cove��allt_._____with the said Grantee_._________that___.____I_____________hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_______._____I_-___._______ha_ve__boocl ri�ht and laWful authority to sell a,ncI convey the same; that they ai�e free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------ ------ --- --.. --------- - ----- -- - --- - -- - - - -- ----- ------------------ --------- -- -------------------------
<br />' _- -- - -- -- ----- ------- - - - ---- - ------ - ---- - - - --- - --- -- --- ----------- -- - - --- ----------- ---------- - -- ------ - ---- ---- ---------------------------------
<br /> -- -- --- -_...----- ------- -- - --- - --- -- - - ._ _ -- ---
<br /> - --- -And-- --- -- --- - - -- --- --- Z-------- --- -- -------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br />'I defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all p2rsoz�s ��homsoever, ____.________________._____.._________________.____.__________._.
<br /> ------ ------ -- --------------------------------
<br /> I ----- -- ------- - - -------- - - --- - ---- - - - - - -- ---- --- -- - -- --- -
<br /> Dated the_ T:�rBn__ty---SQCQYI�-----_.day of------._Au�tt�t-----------__----------------------A, D,, i9_10----•
<br /> WITNFSS --------------------I�il�y_--�dlLWilse� -------------------------------------
<br /> --- -- - ---- --- - -Rena__C_,_�_an�do�-- - --- - - - - -
<br /> --- -- -- ---- ----- --- - - - - - -- -- - ---- - -- ---
<br /> -------------
<br /> STATE OF7������nia
<br /> ss.
<br /> -----LQS---Angels�------County, On tris---------31st----------------------day of_----.___At�g_'�1�-t---------------------------A. D., 19_1�---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a iYotary Publi�-------------------------. -within and for said County, Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ----I��z�_y_-M._?�i1s�Y- -- - - - - -- --------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------
<br /> -------- - -------- -------- - --- �- -a- wi 3o�r_j_---------------------------------------- ------------------ -
<br /> - --- - -- -- --------------
<br /> (SEAL) to me perso�lally knowrl to be the identical person_______whose name____i3_______________________________af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor_________, and_____Sh�______._____severally acknowledged the same to Ue_____________�er.___.___.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, ,�,L
<br /> IN Z�IITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� �` and afi'ixed my of!'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> _�0�3_�T�.��l��g_,___C_al_if Osnia.________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------F�ede_�.�_��---C._�_�ng.d4n--------------------
<br /> No tary Publ i c im m�ct�0_�P��
<br /> My commission expires-------------------M�ar_�h--��c�------1�14--------------------f-�t�t�G�---�--I�fls Angeles ,
<br /> Stata of C�lifornia
<br />