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�_ _ <br /> ��'�� ���'� <br /> D D � <br /> D D 0 D ��!-. <br /> a <br /> _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ <br /> - _ _ . __ , - _ __ _ _ _ __ <br /> , _ 5603$-K�9PP sPt BARTL�'�'T CO,._Pri�ttinQ,Litho�rs�hxnpnnd_G'qr�a�tyS l�es Qmabci--- -.----- ---- ---_-- -- -,:_ —_: _. - — -- _ - - -- -- — — <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ----------------Jennie---Qdum & hi�Bb ---- -- - - --- filed for record this- 26 --day of---- - - - - -$a�t - - ---- - -- <br /> �. D., 19_1Q , at- - - 2,_'�5-- --- ---- -- o'clock--- -- - - - p.�- -1�I, <br /> - -- ------ - - ----- ---- -- - ----- - ---..- -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> _ <br /> -- ----- -- - ��%���� - �-�-- - ------- <br /> Co ty Clerk, ; <br /> - -- ---.�am�s--W._Haines-- - - - - - , <br /> -- - - -- _- - --- -- --- <br /> - --- --- <br /> Deputy <br /> I�now All 1Vlen by 'I'lzese Present�: <br /> That- --- ---Jennie--Q�lum._anc� Ri�h�rcl___�_._4s�um,- �ex_ ---- --- _ - -- -- --- --- -- -- - -------- --------- - ------- <br /> of the County of_---------------�a��-------------------------and State of_------------N8b_raBkA. .- ------------- --------------------------------Grantor-S----, in consideration <br /> of the sum of- - -- --Siac.--Huntir�d--�--�fiD�.-44�-- - - - --- ----- --------------------- --- - <br /> -- ---- -----------------------DOLLARS, ' <br /> in ha,nd paid, do--------------hereby GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto-----��m9_S._�.Iiairiss------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ' <br /> - --------. --- ----- - - - -- -- ------- - - - -- - - --- - - - --- - -- - --- -- - - - -- - - - - -- ----- - ----- ---- ---- - ------- <br /> of the County of__--------------------H311-----------------------------and State of_ ----------N�br88-kR-- --. -------------------------------------------, Grantee-------,the following <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____________________________Hal1__________________________.__and State of Nebraska, to u�it: <br /> -------Lot-Six---(-6-}---s�1 ock--Sixty--f oUr--(-�4-)--�heQl_�r_--�--Bgnnett'-s--A_3di.tion---t-o--�he--Qit-y---of---�rrand---I-sland_ <br /> Nebraska. - -- - -- -- - -- ----- - -------- -- <br /> -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ---- - - - - - ---- --- - - - --- - - -- - - - <br /> ---The_,_$ai-c�---�Tez�nis--Qdum�--���n�_o_r,_'�eing---the--daugh�e-r---dnd--hei-r---at---Iaw- �nc�-�ia-vi�aa--o�'- _�11sr�-S�-oar�,-- <br /> --- Decaased,- -formerly_of Colfag Count-y,---Nebraaka_,------_--__---__----__--_-_-- <br /> - - - - ----------- - ---- -- - -- ---- -- - -- -- -------- ------ <br /> - ----- -- ---------- ---------- --- - --- ---------------- -._----- -- - - - -- - - - ---- - ------ -- -- -- -- - -- -- --- ----- -- - --- --- ---- -- -- ----- - ------ <br /> - ------- - --- ---- --- - - -- - - - - - -------------------- - --- -- - -- --_ -- - -- -- -- ----- -- - - - ---------- -------- - ----- - - - ---- - ------ - -- ---- -- - -- ------ ----- <br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�inb, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim alid <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__g______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee_________and to____________hi_�._________._________._heirs and <br /> assigns forever, And______�P�_________________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee______ ____that________�e__.____hold_____.__said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that________�H.______________hav��e__good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll lielis and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------- --------_--------------------------------------------- ----- -- ------- - - ------- --- -- - -- -- ---- --- ------ --- --------- -- -------- ------�------- <br /> --- --- ------------------- ---- -------- -- ---- - - ------ - --- - - -- - ---- -------------- - -- ------- ---------- - --- ------- -- -------- -------- -- - �--------------------------------- <br /> ------- -------- -- -------- - -------- - ----- - - ---- -- - ---- ----- ---- - -And---- -- -- - -- - - ---We - - ------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____________________________._______________________________________________________________.______________._____________ ' <br /> -- - - ------ --- -- - ------- - - --- - ------ ------------ ------ -- - --- - - - ------ --------- - -- - --- --- ------------------ - ------------------------------- -------- <br /> Dated the--- - - -��"---- - ------------------------day of --- - - $E3p�Bmber-- -- --- --------A, D., 19-�Q---• , <br /> WITNESS -------------2�r�.---�Ienni-e--Adx,im------ ------------------- <br /> ---------E�i_chard--A.Osi�m------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------�'`.A.prin_�e-------------------------- ----------- : <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. ; <br /> --------- - --Hall------ ----County, On this-----------2�n------------------------------day of-------$apt_ember-----------------A. D., 19��___, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a IVotary Public___________W_._A_.PririC.e______________within and for said Connty, personally came_________________ _________________.___________________________ <br /> �-- -- Jer�ni-e--Od�m---ar�d-�ic��-r-d- Od��-�--�e-�---��s��r�e�------------------------------ -------------------- � <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__8_____whose name_s______are______________________affixed to ihe above instru- <br /> , (SFAI,) ment as grantor____�____, and_____��1@y_____________severaliy acknowledged the same to be.._.___�he_�_�____.______voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> Il�' WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m�yM�i�ieand affixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> __ _ ____l3rand_ Tsland!___NebraBka;______________________on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------------------------------]�,_A.Prin ca--------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------------------------ ---------J�1ne----'�--"----A�-��----------------------i919;------ <br /> E , <br />