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� �i� . <br /> - <br /> _ <br /> ___. �_ -- _ <br /> ..�._�... . D � � o O � D <br /> ❑ <br />� 500�8-IfTOPP&BAI�TLETT CO.,Printinp,Lithograp.�ingand Cozcnty Suppties;t)mafaa. . : "' - ° -_ -----__ �..�-__�= <br /> . _ ,._ _ _ _. __ ___ ,_.:.:.; __._.._. ,..__,�..— _.._ ____ <br /> -.—..---- - -`--- —:--.--�.—:__::__ __— <br /> FR���� I hsreby certify that this instrun�elit was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record triis--- --2�i- --- ------------------day of------$_e�?�------------ - <br /> - - - - -- Laura_ Johans-en & huab - - - -- -- <br /> A. D., 19 ],.D__ ; �,t--- -1.5�- - -- -- - - --o'clock -- - . -P-.- -M, <br /> --- -- --- - -_ - ___ _ __ Warranty <br /> TO Deede '� p <br /> � <br /> - -- _--- - -��!_�--��-�. -- ���;°--ry- --,. - <br /> Go ty (,leik, <br /> - - r�_o��e._.l�ull�n - - - <br /> -- ---- ------ - - - - - - - <br /> - ---- Deputy�.-- <br /> Kno�v A.�11 1VIen by Z'�iese Pr�s�ntss <br /> That I,.aur� J�h�nsen -(-fQxmer�.y. _Laur_a _Mullan � and- S�e� �I_ohan�en _---------- ----- - - ------- - - -- --- - ------- - - _ ------ <br /> -- ---- -- - _ ___-- _ ---- --- -- - - -- ( �i�Q and_ _husband} -- - <br /> of the CeuntY of--------- _._--xa�l --------- -------- <br /> __---and State of__ -__- _----Ne�?ra�ka_ ------_- _ -_._- ___.__ -____ ----------_.Grantor-s-----, in consideration <br /> of the sulri of_ T_�o__HL�,ndre�l-----------_-_—___�.�,---_____------------_--___------------------------- DOLLARS, <br /> ---- -- - --- ------------ -- - --------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------- <br /> i11 hand paid, do--- -----------hereby GRANT, B�1RG_lII�', SELL, A1��.D CONVEY unto----------G�org6._.Mtl11BII._---- --------------------------------------- <br /> - --- - <br /> I, of the County of---- --- ----H31.1 - -- ------- ---- -- _----_. ----and State of _ _ _---------- Ns�Tc18-ka ----- ---- - ------- -------- -- ----------------, Grantee--------,the following <br /> described premises, sittzated in the County of_________ ___ ___.___ ________Hdl�.____ _.____ ________ .___and State of Nebraska,, to u•it: <br /> Lots I�umber_lvzne and__Ten �n__B�ock__�tumber__T�e_n_t.y_ Ei_ght__ in Pack_er_ &__Barr!s___S�cond Addition <br /> -- - - -- . _ - - - --- -- - - ------------- <br /> ---��. Granc�__I�land,--lv_ebraska---�-as__surve_ye_ci, --��or_de�.__.___ _ -------------- --- -- -------------------------.- <br /> - - ---- - --- <br /> -- - ---- - - - - - - -- --- --- --- -- -- - --- - -- -- - - -- - -- - - --- - --- - -------- -- - ---- ----- - ------ <br /> --- --- --- -- - - -- - -__ -- - -- _ - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- - - ------------ - ---- <br /> - -- - - - -- - - ---_ - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - --- - -- __._ ---- -- - - - --- -_ ----- - -------- -- - ----- ---------- <br /> ---- ------ - - -- - - -- - --- - - - - - - ----- _ - --- - --- -- - --- --- - ---- - -- - - - -- - ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- --- -- --- <br /> -- -------- -- -- -- - - - -- --- - _ - . - - -- --- - -- - -- ----- - - -- ------ - ----- - -- --- - ---------- ------ -------- <br />� T��gether witl� all the ten�ments, h��°aciitarients, and appurtenances thereurito belon�ing, and aIl t1�e Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> li Demand whatsoever of the saici �ranto�°_�_ ______, and of eitl�er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />�I TO I��'�tiE AND TO H�J?�� the above-described preniises, witfi the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee__.____and to___._______________hi�______________�eirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, Arid_._______��g.___________..____hereby coven�nt______with the sairl Grantee.________that_______._�1tE;____.___hoId_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title.; Uhat_____..__w�_____________liav�_good right anc] lawful autllority to sell and convey the same; t11at theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------ ------..--------------.. ------ - - - - - - - --- - -- --- -- ------- ----- - - - <br />, --- -------- <br /> I' ----- -------- - ------ ------- -- --- -- - - --- - ---- - - ----- - ------ ----- - -- ----- -- - ------------- ------ - - - ------------ - ----------- ---------- ------------------ ' <br />'' ---- -- - - - --- ------ - -- - --- - - ---- - -- _- <br /> -- And--------- -- ------ --- ---- ---w� - - - -- - ---------------covenant--------to warrant and <br />�� defend to said premises agairzst the lawf�l claims of all persons whomsoever, __________________________________________________________ <br /> - - - --- -------- --------- <br /> -- <br /> . <br /> ------ ------ -- -_ -- - -- --- ---- - - - - - --- -- - - - -- -------- - --- - ------- ------------ -- ------- - ---------------------�------------------ - ---- <br /> 1�ated the----T�leri.t�r---Fotir_th_-----------day of-----------------.$�}�tem'ae-r---------- ---------A, D., 19__�.-0---. <br /> WIZ'NESS -------------Ia�llx�__�T4��1�2�15 8ri--------------------------------------------- <br /> -----------�ie r_,_Johansen------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ----- - -----�I�me�_�_.�ill--- -- -- - -- -- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKQ, <br /> ss. <br /> -----------------H�1-1--------County, On this------T;�t�_n�-3'---FQUr��i_------day of_---------.�5���3mheT--------------A. D., i9_14---, before Ine, the <br /> undersigned, a IJotiary Publi_r,__________________________._.______________within and for said County, personally came <br /> ---------------- ---------------- <br /> L,_aura__Johans e n----�f o rme_rly--Lau ra__Mul l en-�---and__��e�---,�o ha�_�en--?��-�--hu�b a�c�------------------ <br /> �o me perscnal�y known to be the identical person_B_________whose name__s__are__.__._______._______________affixad to tlze above instru- <br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor_�________, and______�_��________severaiiy acknowledged the same to be_________th8ir_____.voluntary act and deed <br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed. <br />, 1N ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m,y��and af�xed my ofr'icial seal at__________________________._________________ <br />' ____________4ra11d__�_S13nd_,.__�I�b_r��k�____________________on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------�------- ----------�T�E_._��i.l�.---------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires_----------- -------J�7�y_--l�th�r------------------------------------------�-------------19--1�'----- <br />