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<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> • filed for record this----__24 _---.-------------day of---��'p-t------------- -------------
<br /> - - - ------Fran�__,J._C_aar�y---� -�_f_e - --- -----
<br /> �. D,, i9___�._4___, at- - _2�-3fl - - -. - ----o'clock -- - __-p• -M.
<br /> -------- -- _ - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. � '
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<br /> �i�_x�.�_y_ A.._�_._�t�.ff - -------- -- - -- -
<br /> - - - --- - - - -- -- -- ----- --
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<br /> Depu�y.
<br /> Know All 1Vlen bg� T�iese Presents:
<br /> Tnat----�s,- Frank-J._�ar�y -and_Erancis__C_.rarey-,---husbaAd.-and �e��'e---- --- -- - - -- ----- - -- -- - -- - - -- - --- -
<br /> _of __Qmaha- _-- --- - - - - -- - _ __ - --- ._ --_ --...__ -- ------ - - -- _ ---- -- --- - --- ----
<br /> ofti��€�---Douglaa__C_oun�y-,---------- -------and state of---------- --�Isbr_as-kea------------ - ----- -
<br /> -----------------------------��te�------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of-- - --------TWO_.Hu21d.7CEd---- --------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------- - - --- --------------------------------- ----
<br /> ---------------------D OLLARS,
<br /> Fienry A.W. Ruff of N$�f��alo Ca 11nt and �tat� c�f Neb�aska do
<br /> in hand paid, �o..__.bjt'_,,�___hereby GRA?VT, BARGAI , L, � G'ONV�Y unto_ �he `3A3d HE3ri2�� A.�.�tLt�f -- --- --
<br /> - -- -- - ---------
<br /> �����
<br /> - ------- - - - - ------ - - --- ------------ - - ----- --- -- - - -- -- -- -- ----._ - - -- -- - - ---- ---- - ----- - ----- ------ ----
<br /> of the County of_--------- -------.�Lif falQ--------------------------and State of---- -- _�1Q_bT_A.Bk�----- ------------------------_ ------------------------ -��rt,ee--.--,the following
<br /> described preniises,situated in the County of_______________________���,.1.____ ___________________________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> --- ----�Qt�--�'�._ve- -�5-�--��� -��.)- -�Q_ve-z� --�7-)---az��l--�-��h'� -�$� -in--�ls��-k Qne--(1� _�ogg�___and__Hill�_sddition------
<br /> -- tQ_._Gran�_ Island-t -.Ks_�araska. - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- ---- - - ------ - - -- - --- -- - -- ----- - - - ------ - --
<br /> ---- -- - -- - ------- --- - --- ------- - - ----------- ---- - - - - --- ------ ---- - - - - -- -- - -- --- -- -- - - - - - ------ - - ------- - --
<br /> ------ - - -- - ------------------- - -- --- - --- --- ----- - - - ------ - -- -- ------ ---- - - - - --- - ----- - - - -- -- -- - - -- --------- -----
<br /> --- -------- ----- --- - - --- --- ------- ----- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -------- --- -- --- --- ------- ---------- --- -- -- ---- --- - -- -- ------------- --------
<br /> - - ---------------- --- -- -- ---- - - ------- -- ---- -- - - - - ------------------ - -- - - -------- - - - ----- - --- - - - -------- -- ---------------
<br /> -- ------- ------------------- - ---- - - --- - -- ----------------------- -------
<br /> ---- - - -- ------ - ----- - - - ----- ---- - ------- - ---- ---- ---- - -- --------------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenan es `�belon�ing, and all the Estate,R,ight, Title, Interest, �e�, ��, Claim �-
<br /> including DoWer, Curtasy and Homegtead�Ri�hts, of the said Frank J. Carey ana Franeis C. Carep
<br /> Demand whatsoever� ______,_, � a � •+h �`w����, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto Etiena'����RLtf�nd to-----------hi&---------------------heirs and
<br /> He nr A.�. Ruf f
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____.____we____._________hereby covenant________with the said���__._______that_________w�__________hold__________said premises by good and perfect '
<br /> title.; that_____._._.�Pe______._______ha_v�_good right and lawful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------------------_ .------- ------------------------- -- - - - - -- - ----------- - - - --- - ------------------ -------- - ------- -- ------- - - - ------------- --- ---- -----------------
<br /> ---------------- - -- - ----------------- - - ---- -- - ----- --------- ------------ - - ----- -- - -- - -- - ------ - - -------------- - --- ---------------------- -------------
<br /> -- - --------------- -- ----- -- --- -- - - ----------------------------- - - --- ----- ------------------- ----- --- -- ------------------------ ------- ---------------------- ------ -----------------
<br /> ----- - - -- - - - ---- --------- - -- - - -- ------ - - -- And------ ----------w@- -- -- -- ---------covenant-- ----to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___ _______ _ _ ______.______________________________________________.__________________._________________________.____.
<br /> ---- --------------- --- - - - ----- - - ---------- - --------- - - - - --- -- - - ------------ -- - -- --- --- --------- --- --- -- - ------- - - ------------------------------
<br /> � . `
<br /> ��ded�th�d1-----------l��h--- - -- ---- --daY of_----- --- .T_L11Y------ - -- ---------------A. D,, 19--1Q---•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------Frank__al.�are�r
<br /> ------------F��n�-�-s---C_._C�_r_�-Y----------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------C_�.i f�oxd- -G_._S.�d�.e�--- - -----------
<br /> ------------------------ -- - - ------------------------------------------ -----
<br /> -------- - ---- - -----
<br /> -------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---------D-O-'ug1.�e------------County, On this--- --- -_1$t-Yl�------------ ----------day of_------- ---Jti].�-------- --------------------A. D., 1�1�.----, before me, �
<br /> C if.fo d C a
<br /> btn�nr�na Nbt ry�u��c---------------- ---------------------within and for said County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------- �
<br /> --------Fr_ank__,7__._�ar_g-�---ans�--Fr_ancis---�._QarsY----------------- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person____s�whose�_��T�����_____________aflixed to the above instru-
<br /> (qE1�L) ment as grantor_g_______, and__________________________severally acknowledged���to be.____'�heir____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose5therein expressed.
<br /> �-v
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and affixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ----------------QmB��-----HB����k�------•-----------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------------------�13f f 4rd---�_�_3adler-------------
<br /> Notary Publie. '
<br /> My commission expires----------------------------------F�b�---'�$�------.._..-------------------------------------.1911-------
<br />