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<br /> ���..��:: � � o �� � � �
<br /> � � _�, a
<br /> 500dS—iCLOPP&�13ARTI,ETT CO.,Prinling,LithopraPhting and Cou�zty SuppZies:OmaTie.. __ , . __. ___. __�
<br /> ����'�� I hereb,y certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> --------El�.a_ M,_YoungS&__huSl�---- -- ------.___ filed for recorcl this---- 2__4 ----- ----------day of-----3ept---- ----- ._ -- --
<br /> A, D., 19__1Q___., at---- - 3 -- -- --o'clock- - - -- - --- �-•- -M,
<br /> - - --_ - -- -- -- -- _ - __- - Warranty
<br /> T fl Deed.
<br /> � ,
<br /> - - ---- - - - . . ;--- r1='
<br /> - -
<br /> � unty Clet°k,
<br /> - ----_ �hr_o1� �i ndf�eld -
<br /> --..__- -- - - __._
<br /> - - - - - -Deputy. -
<br /> I�nodv All 1'�en by T�iese I'resents :
<br /> That- -_we, Ella �. Xc?ungs& Wa�ter A..YounB$ -- - _ - - - - -------- ---- - -- - -- ---
<br /> -- _- - -_ __ �_ .�i_fe_ & husband) - -___ -_ _- - --- - -- -- _ ----
<br /> -- --- - -- --
<br /> of the County of_-------------.---Hall -- - - ----and State of---------NebTa�kB -- -------------- ----------------------------Grantor_°?----, in consideration
<br /> ot't��e sun� of--------�tir��- --Hund.r�-�.---&--Tmenty--Ei_ve---8�---nQ/10-0---------------------------
<br /> �----------------------------- -------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, cio---- -----.-------hereby GRANT, BARGAI�1�7, SELL,, A1�TD CONVEY unto-----ThrQ1S.._.Wi2ldfield----------------_____._ _. ----------------
<br /> --- -- ------- --- -
<br /> of the County of_--- -- ------- ------Hall--- ---__ _---_ ----____and State of___ _ NebTaB�,a----- ---____ ___ - ---------, Grantee-----_.,the following
<br /> described prem.ises, situatecl in the Coui��y of____ ____________ Hall _______, ,_ ________. ______and State of Nebraska, to ���it:
<br /> -- Lot_s_ Ei$ht---&--Nine-s-- (-_-$_ &-_-9----)-_-xn__B1ack---num�ex-_�hree-_ (-�}-- _in__P_.leasant---Hi-1-1_-�s��l�t_�_Qn_-�a---4r_and_����nd
<br /> %��%�_-t o��,
<br /> as surveye.c�-,-- pl�tt��i_&---r_e�_Q�sls_d.------------ -- -�ubj��t_._ho�rsve-r--t-o-- the---unpaid--po-r_tion---af----ona--cer_t_4in-----
<br /> - -
<br /> _ mort�;a�e _in_ favor_. of___the___�?e_braska__C_e__n�ra.�___Bu�_��i.�?g_&__�4_an__�,ss_o.cia�ion_..�f___I,in_c_Q1n,__I�.ehr_aska________
<br /> _in ___t__he _ sum____o_f__�400,_OQ__same_ _bin�__recp�s�sd__�,n_�_QOk__4_Q__p��s__196__.�f__t_hs.._mo_rtgage___re_c_ord�.__�f__s�i�i_._._
<br /> - --Ha�1 Coun�� �Tehraska•- --- ---- - --- -- --- - - --- - - ------ ---- - - --- -- - -
<br /> - - -- --- - -- ----- - --- ----------------
<br /> -- - ---- --- -- ------- --- - -- - --- -- - --- - - - -- - - --- -- - -- ___- -- -- - - - ---- --- - -- --- --- --- ---- - - ---- ------ --
<br /> ----- ------ ----- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - --- - - - -- - - --- - - ----- -- ------------------------ --- - -- - - --- --_ --------- -- -- -----------
<br /> Tobether with all the tenements, hereditalnents, and appurtenances tliereunto belon�ing, and a,ll the .Est�,te,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />' Pemand whatsoever of'the said G-rantor___S_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br />', TO K4VE A1VD TO HOLD ttie above-de,scribed premises,tivi�.h the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee_.______and to___________hi8___________._____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, A�1d______.______W�-_____.______hereby covc-nant_______u�ith the said Grantee__________tha,t_______��'___________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that______,__._.____�e__________have___good right and lawfr�l autl2ority to sell and convey the same; that tlieyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------E�ce�t__mQrt��g�.--�s- �l�QV� s_tat�d -&--191Q- & -sub_s��u�nt--t_axes------- --- --._ - --------------- --- ----------------------------
<br /> - ---- --- ---�_--- - - - ----- --- - -- - - -- - - --- - - - --- - ---- - -------- - -- -- ---- - -- -- ------ ----- ---- - ---------------- - ---------------�-----
<br />' -- -- - ----- ---- - ---- - - - - --- --------- ---- - - - -- -- -- -- ----- -- - - - -- --- - --------------- ---- ---- -- ------- - - - -----------------
<br />' -- And----- ----- -- -- - - --�iB ----- -- --------------covenant------_to warrant and
<br />� defend to said prernises aga,inst the lawful claims of all persotls whomsoever, ____._________Ex�Bp_�___38__abL1Ye__$�a'�_ed--------------_-__________________._______________
<br /> -- - -- - --- - --- ---_ __ - - --- ----- ---- -- ---- -.___.-- - ----- - --- - - ---- -- ---------------- ------------------- - --------- --------------- - ----
<br /> 1.)ated the- - - --- ---�3rd- - -------------da,y� of_-- ----Se�tember----------- - --_.A. D., 19-1Q---- •
<br />! WI2'�VESS -------------------Ell�_?��_��un
<br /> 8�-----------------------------------------
<br />� - ------- -�alte�__A�.Y_QUn�s-----------------------------------
<br /> --------- S_,_C_._Hus_t_Qn-- --- - - ----- -
<br /> ss,
<br />' -----------------H811--------County, On this-----------------�4_"_--------------------day of---------�H�tBmhe-r-------------------A. D., 19-10----, before me, the
<br />�' undersigr�ed, a llo�ary �ubli� ---------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> ---------- - --- E�Ia--Z��_Yo���--�Lal_�er--A_._YQUnga--------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
<br />'' - - - -- --- - ------ -- --- ------- - -- --� -���'e 8�---Y�.usban,�.)_-- --------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------
<br />', to me �ersonally known to be the identical persong__________whos2 name_�_._____d�8----_____-.. af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> rnent as grantor___S_______, and______�he�'____.______severaliy acknowledged the same to �a_______��e_�_x__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> t sEAI�)
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> ���
<br /> IN u'ITNESS WHER�EOF I have hereunto subscribed my,�cl and afl'ixed my ofl'icial seal at_________________________________________._
<br /> ____G__Tand__I_�larid___N�_br�Ska______________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------- ----5�._�.-HuB�Ori--------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Nly commission expires------------------ ---------JuJ,_y_-�'�Z-----------------------------------------------------------i9_12.----- .
<br />