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� _ _ - <br /> � �'�� 2� <br /> D D D O D D � � ��F <br /> _ _ __�_ - _ __,_ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ <br /> � _ _ 50ll18-�CL01'1'&BA&TLETT CO�.Prxntzrw.Z.atho?r'�i3gyaudCnu.ntu�Q� — -- -- --- — — -— <br /> i <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> -------------Csrl-Q�--Frahm----&--._vPi.fe------------------- filed for record this-- - 20- ------- - _ ___--.._day of---$eptember----------------- <br /> A. D., 1910 - , at - - 3._40 - ----o'clock-- -__P� -M. <br /> - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- Warranty ,� <br /> TO Deed. /j � �� <br /> / .��c�G 2lil' -C-GO_iZ' . <br /> ------ ------ --- - - -- - -------. __---------....- <br /> �County Clerk, <br /> - - __- - -- 5.�_,Hu_8_t_Cn- - -- - -- - -- - - i <br /> _ --- - -- - -- - - <br /> -- -- ----- - <br /> ll eputy. <br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That__-----_-we,---Carl. _G.Frahm__and---Carr3e_-M,---_Frahln---,-_husband__and---wife-,-__--___-- <br /> -- -- -- - -- - - --- --- ------- <br /> of the County of-------.------------H�11------------------------and State of---------------- �18bT8�S.ka.------------,---.-- ._--------------------------Grantor--s----, in consideration ; <br /> of the sum of -- -F�t1�C___H_tiS�d�6_d__1'_1�'�y aIld__A_QIl4�------___�_`.��_v_f_�_�_�_.._����.____�.___��.s�__�__�_____�.�_.���_�.__�._-----_-_._DOLLARS, <br /> in hand, do-- -----------hereby GRA�dT, BAI�G_AIN, SELL, A1�'D CONVEY unto-------S..G.HU.B'�Qn-------------------- -------___ . __--------------__------------------------------ <br /> - - ------ --- - ------ - -- - - - - - - - --- - - -- - -- - - - -- --.._ ------ - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- ---- --�- - - --- --- <br /> of the County of----- ------------Fie�7.I- ---- ------- - ----------and State of_------- ---------- _NebTaSka------- --_..--- ----- -- ---------------, Grantee-------,the following ' <br /> described premises, situated in the County of________ _________________H811____________________._______.___and State of Nebraska, to u�it: <br /> -- L_Qt._.14_Q�___��ro-��)_ ir� -�l.o_�k__�iQ. TQ-n--�1Q�- -�._G.__Clark' � -Qddi.�.i_ou-�o._�r-and- Island, - Nel�r.aeka- ---k --- ----- <br /> -- -as su__rveyed� Flatted and_rec�rciad.----------- - ---- <br /> --- ------ -- -- - -- - _-- -- - -- ----- - - <br /> > - ---- -- -- - - - - ---. - -- -- ----.. ---- - -- -- ---- ---- - -- - - -- --- - ----- -- - - - ------ - - ---------- - -- --- -- <br /> - --� - -- - ---- - <br /> -- --- -- -- - --- - - -- --- --- -- ---- - - - - -- ---- -- - - ---- --- ----- ------ --- - -- - - -- - - ------ -- ------------ --- ------------ <br /> - ---------- - ---- - - - - - - --- - -------------- --- ------- - - ---- -- -- - -- - ---- -- - - ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - ---- - ------- ------- <br /> -- --------- --- - --- - - - -- ---- -- - --- --------- -- - - - --- -- ------- -- -- - -__- - -- ----- -- -- - - --- --- - --------- - -- ---- ---- ---------- <br /> Together wi�Ii all the tenerrients, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonginb, and all the Estate,R-ight, Title, Interest,, Dower, Curtesy, Cl�,im atid <br /> Denland whatsoever of the said Gra-ntor_g______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO _T-74VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_________________hi8-----__________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And___.___.___WB__.____.________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee__ ______that__________WB--------_hold__________said premises by good and perfect ' <br /> title; that______________�i8_____________ha_Y�_good rignt and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever------------------------..------------------- ---- ------ ------------ - __-- - ---- -- - - - ------------------------ - - - -------- --- --------------- ------------------------------- <br /> ------------ ---_..- ------ -- -- - - ------ -- ---- - - - ---- -- --- - -- ---- -- ---- --- - - - ----- -- ------------------------------------- --- ----------------- ---------------- <br /> - - _.And----- - - - -- ---- ---- - �e!.- ------------covenant-------to warrant and '� <br /> ------------ ------ - - -- ------ ---- ---- - -- -_.__.._ --- - - ---- <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _____________ .________________________________________________________________________._..._____._________________________ <br /> ------- ------- - - --------- ----- -- ----- - -- -- - ----- --- ------- -- -- ------------ - --- ------- ---- - --- - ----- ---- -------- -- ----- -- - -- --------------- -- - - ---- <br /> Dated the-------E1gh��silth--------------__day of_-----------------AugLtH�-----------------------A. D., 19--1Q---. <br /> WITNESS ----�a�a.---�i�_ETa�l�i.---------- <br /> -Carrie__A�,_Frahm----------------- --------------------- ; <br /> - - -- --- ----��_R�,Al_��s- J�------- --- -- --- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> _______________HSll____________County, On this____E_i�ht_�_e_nxh_________._____.da,y of AuguSt______________________A. D., 19__10_._, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_____ __________________within and for said County, personally came_________________________________________________________________________ <br /> ------- --- ------ - -C_ar_1---�,_Fr_ahm--$nd- C_ar_rie---M._Erahm------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------- <br /> ------ -- ---- - ------------------ ------ - ------- ----- ------�-husband--arld--wife-�--- -- ------ ----------------- --------------- ' <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_s______whose name__s______________2tr�_____________________a,f�xed to the above instru- !, <br /> �S E A L � ment as grantor_S_______, and_________�he-y--------severally acknowledged the same io be______thg�,x___________voluntary act and deed � <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> �.�,c, <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afC�xed my ofCicial seal at______________________________.______________ ': <br /> _________��{�_Yid.__I�1a�1�;___�Tebr�B_ka___.__________________on the date last above written. �. <br /> ----------------------------------I_t_R.A_�ter---Jr------------------------ ' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------ ------------------Aug 23------1-9�-------------------------------------�-�------ ' <br /> L <br />