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<br /> FRO'V7 I herehy certiiy that this instrument was entered on Numer•ical Index and
<br /> -- 81ed for rec�r�I this _ _ - _1�----- - -_ ------daY of_--�eg��1ri�25_T_.- -----------
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<br /> :�, D,, 191Q.__ , at--.._- -4._5�.1 ---. --- ----o'clock--- - -- - p...._1V7.
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<br /> I�no�v A�l �en l�y The�e �'r�sents :
<br /> That- �e., --Hear�ry-Allan anci__Minnie P_a_gllan� his �eifa, - -- --- - - - - -- - -- --- --- -- - - - ----- - - -
<br /> ----- ------ --
<br /> of the County of------- -- -------------H811--------------------arld State of_.----------------- 8. 1"8a 81-------------- --
<br /> -----------------------------.Grantor--g---, in cnnsideration
<br /> ,
<br /> oi the suni of_._--QriH__H11riCir8d.--Elf�3t $e I1Q�100--�-�___,r_�_—r,.._....C..ti�.,..�..,....___�_�..,...�.:.___..._....s.__,.._...__.,....,,,.,.....__DOLLARS,
<br /> iri hancl pa,id, tto__ -1ie�°eby GRr1�d'T, B��RUi�I14', SELZ,, AND CONVEY unto---J-.B.-I�88h@rs---T1't�8'G6��----4f--the---B'i-r9-t BS�'�i-�t-----
<br /> _Church__,_ of_-4rand_I�l�z��l,_ NQt�_ra�ka -- - --- - -_ __ - -- - - - --._ ..- - --- -- --
<br /> --- -
<br /> of t1�e County of_. --- - ---------.__.I�811_ _ __ --at�d State of___ _----- -----1�Ie-bTEt.BkA-------- - ---- -- -------------------- _------,Grantee------,the following
<br /> described prelrlises,situated in the Courity of____ __._______Hall______._____ _ ___.________and State of Nebraska, to wit,
<br /> � ----- Fract_i__o__nal_Lota -Si_x_. and_ Sev�n--(-�---�--7-)-- in_Fr.a��_�.Qn�l _Hl��k_TWO--(-2�- --i-n-Th�._Bonni�---Bzae-- -----------
<br /> ___ _ - _A_ddit 3on--t-o-__G__rand--I_sland_} __N�b,- ----as. _surxQyed_s--p-�a�t�_d__and---r��o�ded:- -------- ------- ------ ----- -----------
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<br /> --- -- - -- -- - -- --- - ------ __ --- -- - -- - --- - - --- - - - --- ---- ._---- - ------ - -- - ---------------
<br /> -- -- --- --
<br /> --- - - - - ---- -- -- - -- _ --- -- --- ------ - - ----- ------------- -- ---- - - - --- ------- - ----- ---- ---------------
<br /> To�ether with ati the tene;nents, 12erec'itam_ents, and appurtenances thers�zriio belong�ing, �,rid all the �st�,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wh�,tsoever cf trie saic� Grantor_$________, ar�d of either of them, of, in, or to the sazne, or a,ry pa,rt there.of,
<br /> TO FI�VE AND TO HOL?� the above-described premises,with the appurtenarces, u�ito the said Grantee____.___an_d to_______.______�i$ heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And____________�e___.__.__hereby r,cv�nant______jvith the said Grantee_________that______._____y�__..___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; briat `?P6______________11a_Ve.goecl right and lati�°fuI authorit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; tllat they are free arid clear of a�ll lie�is and incumbrarices
<br /> whatsoever------------ ------ - --__ --- --- ------ - -- ------------ -- -------- ---- - - --- ---------------- - ----------------------
<br /> --- - - --- -------- - ------ -
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<br /> -- -- ------ ------- - ---- - ------ ---- - ---- - - -- - -- - - ------------- ----=--------------- i:
<br /> --- - - - .And--------- - --- - - �6..__ ----- -- - ----------�-------covenant__----to warrant arld
<br /> clefend to said premises against the latii�ft�l ciaims of aIl persons u�homsoever, __________._ . ._.________________
<br /> --- --- - - -- ----------- ------ --------- ---------------------- '
<br /> ----- ------------ -- - - __ _ - - ---- ----- .-- - - -- - -- -- --- --- --- -- -- ------- - -- -------------- ----- - ------------------------------ ------
<br /> T ated the--- $---- --- --------- - -_day of----$�gt-B�:bEr -------- ------------------A. D., i9--�Q----•
<br /> �
<br /> ThIITNESS -----------------------�'_I_@A�y'--�.1_1R.�1------------------------------------------
<br /> - ----------------�innie___P_,_,��l�n---------------------------------
<br /> ------ - --- -George__Covvt on - - --- - --- --
<br /> H�11 �ss.
<br /> - -------- -- ---County, , Qn this-- ----- -8th--- -- ---------day of ----�e�?t6mf'b6�- ----------------�--A, D., 19_1Q---, before me, the
<br /> undersigr�ed, a Notary .1'ubli��________________________...______________within and for saici County, personally came
<br /> - ----- - �an�.'-Y-tf..L.1.8�--�.�- MZ.�n�e- �-rd1�E►-�1r--h-�B- W-if�--------- ----------------------------------------------------=---------
<br /> tc; me personally �:nown to be the identical person___H____.whose name8_______ST�__________________________aff'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> t SEAL) rnent as grantor_g______, and________th@y--------severally acknawledged the same to be.._________th�_iT_______voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> �a�-,.u-,
<br /> IN U�'ITi1ESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscr°ibed my�and afi'ixed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___-_-_-----CY�"aXld,---I��.�ri�l-,---N�]�s-__-------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------G�.orge---�q�tt o�----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires------------------- - -----------------------Ma�--�`-�--------------------------------------�9--16----
<br /> E „
<br />