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<br /> ' �R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---- -19--------.----------day of--- ----$_6�i�-----.------------- ----------- ;
<br />' --- - - - -Sames--T-hottt�s-on --- - ,
<br /> �, D,, 19_�Q , at - 11._3�. - --o'elock -- -_�..._ _M. �
<br /> - - -
<br /> _singl�-- - - - _ - -- Warranty -
<br /> TO Deed. � � ��� ;
<br /> - - -�=��- �r�n-
<br /> -- -
<br /> -- - - �
<br /> County Cierk,
<br /> ---- -- Karl--En�s_ert - ---- .- - -- - - :
<br /> --- - - --- -
<br /> - Deputy.-
<br /> - -- - - -- - --
<br /> �
<br /> - — i
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> Know All 1VIen by T�ie�e Presents:
<br />', That- - Jarnet� Th4��son_,--a -si�gla _m�� -- -- --- - - - - - -- - ----- - --- - -- - ------ --_.------- ---- ---- - - -- - ,
<br /> of the County of_-------�3�t1�1�Qri------------- -------------and State of-----------Nebra.BkS.__- ------------------ ---._--------------------------Grantor-------, in c�nsideration
<br /> of the sum ot'-_-___-_-Three Hundred and____F_ifty__and_ no��00--_-_--_--------_----------------.----.._—...�-,.,.--.---DOLLARS,
<br /> ---- - - - - --- - -----
<br /> in hand paid, do------------------hereby GRANT, BARG_AIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto----------KArl-BO�SAT-x--------.._ ..-- ----- -------. --------_-------------------------------:---
<br /> -- ----- -- ------ - ----- - - - - -- _. - - - - - - -- _ - - - ----- -- - - --- -- - - - -- - - -- - ---------
<br />', of the County of_----- ------- ------ -------Ha11----- -------------and State of--------- -----NebTaB_k_a--- -------- ----, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> -- -- -- -
<br /> I
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of__..___ .._________ ___________H__aIl______ __________....___and State of Nebrask�, to w•ii;
<br /> -- ---Lot-Number---Thre__e--(3_)___�n__Bl�ock--num�er---�i�---(�-)-.-o�--�.he__l�onnis__ Brae-__Addi_ti.on--�Q__ths---Gity-------------- '
<br /> � - -- a�_.ar_and _ _Island__�►ebxaska, - - - - --- -- -- - - - --- - - -- - -
<br /> � --- --- - -- --
<br /> -- - - -- - - --- _. - -- - -- - ------- -- - -- - --- - ---- _. - - - -- - - - - - , - - -- --- - - ---- - -- -- -- -
<br /> I - ---- -- - -�- - -- --- - - -- - --- - ---- - - -- -- - ---- - - - --- _-_ -- - -- - - -- ---- -- -- - - - - - -- ------- ------- - --
<br /> ----- -- - - - - - ._- -- - _ - - --- - ---- --- ----- -- - - -- -- -- - _ - ------ -- -- ------ -- _ ---- - -_. - - ----- ---- - - --- --------------- ----
<br /> -- ----- -- ------ -- - --- - ---- - ------- -- ---- ----_ -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - --- ---- ---- - -- - - - -- ---- ----- ---
<br /> -- --- - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - -- - --------- -- -- - - - -- ---- -- - ------- - -- - - -- ---�-- ------- --- ---- --- - --
<br /> Tagether wit�i all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, 2nd all tlie Estate, R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_________________�'118_______ ..____ _____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And____________I_______-_______hereby covenant._______with the sai�l Grantee_________that___..__I__-_________._hold.______.said premises �y good and perfect
<br /> title,; that___.____I_____________________haY�__good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey tlie same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------------- ---..----- -----�--------- - - -- -- --- ---- - � ------- - - - ------- -- ------- -- ------ --------- -------- - -- - - ------------ - --- ------ -------
<br /> --- ------- - - - ----- ---- ------- --- -- ---------------- --- - ---- -- -- -- --- -- -- - --- -- ----- -- -- --------- - - - ------- -------�-- - ------ -------------- - -------
<br /> -- ------ - ------- - -- ---
<br /> -- -- --- - - ---- -- -- - -- ------ -And- - - - -- -- -- -- -- � -- - -- -- -------------covenant-- ---to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ______________ ____________________________._________________.____._____________________________________________.________ '
<br />, ------------ - --------- -- '- - ----- - - - --- ------ - - ---- - - -- ------ -- -- ----- --- ----- - - - ---------- -- ------�- --- --------------------------------------------�
<br /> Dated the--------------__17t-h------------------------day of___86�t0131�?9T-------�.6th-----------------A. D,, 1910----• :
<br /> WITNESS -----------------�TBm@�------ThOmpBO__*.1----------------------------------
<br /> I - -- --------------------------- ---------------------- ------- '
<br /> ------------------------
<br /> ------ ------------ ---------- Qeorge---Co�rt on---- ------ - '
<br /> ------ ------ -- ------ ---- - ----------- ---------------- - -- - --------- `
<br /> �ss. i
<br />' -----------�all------------County, On this------,-----17th-----------------------day of_----Se_ptera�er----------------------A, D., 19--�,-4--, before me, the �
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public--------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
<br /> -------- - ---- -------------------------- --Jam�s--Thomp$on,- a--single---man-,------- - - ---�----------------------�----------�-
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.______whose name__.____�._�3_____________________________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> �� '�L� ment as grantor_________, and____________haS--------severally acknowledged the same to be__.._______hi$______.____voluntary act and deed ;
<br /> Ifor the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> �.�-�
<br /> IN ZVITNESS WHEREOF d have hereunto subscribed my�nrFand afCixed my ofi"'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ,__________________Grr�nd_T_�����1_,___�4����Sk�_______._on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------------Qe orge---C owt on._.------------------------
<br /> 1Vota,ry Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------------------------------------�----------Jt��ly___10�h-----1�1�-------19------------
<br /> .
<br /> • i �
<br /> :-- _. i
<br /> ____.�
<br />. . . �L
<br />