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�� t <br /> � o �� � <br /> i._ D � D O � D � <br /> � <br /> _- 50Dt$-€CLOPP c�Bf[RT7.ETT CO.,Printi�a9,Li�hor�raphirg¢r.d County Suppliesr Omali¢. •• -_ _-`=... '-_---=.--=_�__—_��:_=_.i—__`__>>��_ ____ <br />— - _.: _ _ __ . <br /> _ _._ _, _ _.._ _ --- -----_� . ___-�_`v��._.— <br /> __ .__ .—_=:_i— `°__'�_--,---- _�. <br /> FRO��T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> fiied for record t,his___.._ ._17__ __ _--.._.__day of---- $�p�--------------------------- <br /> A, D,, 19 1Q � at__ ___ _- ---3.$0- . - - -o'clock - -- -__- - ---�.I�T. <br /> - - W._(`�,�.�rt�i��gB_ &_.�i.f6- - -- Warranty <br />�, TO Deed. � � � <br /> - � - -- �����.._/'"/_-�� - -- �- - � <br /> ourity Clerk, <br />' --_ ---- 0_sc�r-Dye ---- - ---- -_ <br /> -- --- --- - --- -------- --- --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ���w AIl IVgen by �I'l�ese Presents: <br /> That ------�!e-, --W.a.par_t__ridge- and._E.__J__osaphine__ �artri.d�e_,.._hus'oan� and_.wi�e-; ----- ---- ---- ----- -------- - ---- ------------ <br /> of the County of_----------------Hall_-----------------------arid State of_---------N_8__bTaSka------------------ ------- ---------------------------------Grantor--S----, in consideration <br /> of the s��m o�'--------------__4ne- Hun�xad--s_QU�n�y---�i-v-e--and---na/lOD__.�__.��.��...,��.�.,��..�.�.»._,�,�.�.�.,.,..,�.�„��,�..-----.�r--DOLLARS, <br /> in 1:�,nd �aid, do---___------1�ereby G.RANT, Btl�tGAI�, S�LL, Ai'�'D CON�'EY u17to- ---- --QS�Ar--Dyf3------------ ------------ ___- --------- ----- - <br /> of the County of_ - - -- H$11 __ -_ _and State of-- - -_N6br88k1 - - - __- , Grantee- ,the following <br /> described prem.ises, situa�ed in the County of_____________ _____ ___.____-__��.11_ _____ ._._____.___ar.d Stat� of Nebraska, to wit: <br />' ----__L_ots --thr__ee---�3�-- __a__nd_four__ .(4)---- �r�_.bloc_k__Qt�e-- -(-1-�---in--Lamber�' s--�3di�iQn--�-�-- ci�y--�f__G��,.nd---�-a-1-��..----- <br /> - -- - --- -- - - --- -- - - -- - - -- --- --- - - - -- -- -- -- - ------ - - - ---- =--- <br /> -- ---- - -- - - __- -- -- - - - -- --- -- -- ---- --- -- - - -- - - ----- ---------- -- ------�- --- - ----- -- -- ----------- -------------------- <br /> To�et,her wiih all the tenelnents, hereditamenis, and appurtenances tliereurito belonging, �,nd alI the Estate, £,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wllatso�v�er of tlie said Gr�artor_.�_______, and of eitller of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TG K:�VE A1�1D TO HOL� the above-described premises, i�itfi the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_______213�_______________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigi�s forever, And_____________S9@________._________hereby covenant__.__u�ith trie said Grantee____.__.____t11at__.__�__.____.___hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> , <br /> , <br /> , , <br /> title; lhat__.__�9______.__________ha_Y�_good right and lau�ful authorit,y to seil a,nd convey the same, that theyare free a,nd clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------------- --- - -- - - ---- -- - -- ------ --- --------- - -- ---- ---- ---- --------- ------- ---------------------------- <br /> - -- - -- ---- - ------ - --- - - --- - - - <br /> ---- --- ----- - --- - ..._-- - - ----- - - - - ---- -- - -- -- -- --- - - -- ---- - --- - --- ----- ------ - - --- --------- ------------- -------- ----.. <br /> -- - - --- - - - -- -- - --- --- - - - ------�- - - -- - --- ----- ---- ---- -- - ---- - ---- - ---- - --- - ----------------- -------------- -------- ---- <br /> -- - And-------------- -- ----- ---- ----�8-.--- ------ -- ------------covenant-- ---to warrant and <br />' defend to said premises against the lawful claiins of all perso�is wllomsoever, ____________ ______._.___________________._ <br /> ----- - ---- --- ------- -- --------- <br /> -- <br /> -- - -- _------ -- - -_- -- - ---- -- -- -- --- -..- ---- ---- - _.__ . -- - -- -- -- - - ---------- - -------------------- --------- <br /> liated the----- - -----��h _. - -- - - ----da,y of- --- Fe�Zt;taT_Y_- - - - - --------------A, D., i9--1Q----� <br /> WITNESS ------------------�l,G.Par�ridge---------------- <br /> �, ---------E�ar-tridge------------------- <br /> ------- --- - - -- - ---,Ta���--E_._Dill-- - - - <br /> STATE OI' NEBRASI�A, <br /> �ss, <br /> - -Hall----.-----County, On this_ 5�-h-------------------�day of--------------�8��'L�a�p---------------A, D., 19._14__, before me, the <br /> undersinned, a lvotiary Public _________.____.__________within and for said County, personally came______ ____________________________________________ <br /> ----_�!,�,_�?a�tri�s�g�---and--�_._Jo_sephi�e___P_�r_t-r-id8a,---husband---a3�si--wi�e,------------------------------- <br /> --- -- - --- ------- - ------ ---- - -- -- ----- -- -------- - --------- -- ------ ----- ------- ---- ----------------------- ------------- --- ---------------- <br /> to me personally l�nown to he the identical person_�______whose name__�.________�.T_E�____________________af�ixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAI,) ment as grantor__8_______, and_________t_h�_at_._____severaliy acknowledged the same io be____.____t�,g�,�_.______voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> ,�.�� <br /> IN tiVITNESS T�H�REOF I 11ave hereunto subscribed my�1 and afl'ixed my oflicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _______________Grd�'13_I�7.�21�1_�___�T�b_r�HkB:_________on tre date last above written. <br /> ---------------- -------------- -J,_E._�i-�.-�---------------------------------------- <br /> • Notzry Public. <br /> My comznission expires------------- ----- -__--------- ------J_u7.3t---16t.Yi-----------------------------1�--��---- <br /> • <br /> . • <br /> ',, <br /> ;�� . ._ . <br />