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<br /> ��,�� � � � � 0 D� D
<br /> �5� . � � �. ❑
<br />_ _ _ 50048--QLOPl'c@ BACZTLE4'T CO.,Pr-�nting,Litho�r¢phin9¢rid County Supplies:O�nah�. . _ ,.,. _-, ==-. : -=—_ _..__—.�__.____�--=—`�—=_',_.,`: --'-=--_=-==`---=
<br /> FRO�ZT I hereby ceriify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Iridex and
<br /> filed for recorcl t11is--- 1� - -- -- ---�a3' �f-- �81?�---- -- -- -- - ---- - -
<br /> 3, D., 19.10- � at - - -- - --3.?5-- - ----o'clock--� -- - - - - P.---1�7.
<br /> - _ _
<br /> ------Jo.hTi._9�.I,ambert- -- ----- -------- Warranty ,
<br /> � Deede /"
<br /> �� _�r l �-�-�_i���c-n ,
<br /> --._ --_ _- - - - -
<br /> - - -- -_- ---- --
<br /> olznty Clerk,
<br /> - - ---- -- - B_e_lle_Qoo��i�: - -- -
<br /> _- -- - - -_ _ - _
<br /> - -- - --
<br /> i�e�uiy.
<br /> now 1�11 1V�e� by Tl��se Presents,
<br /> That, I,.__John_ �1.I,anbert_ _- -- -- - - . - - . _ -- __ _ - -- - --. - - _____ --- -- .- -
<br /> -- - - - - - (sing�,e wan)- - -- -- - -- -- - -_ -- -
<br /> of the County of---------..--------.--HB��---------------- - -----and State of-----,-------N81?.x8l�k�t------------------- -----------------------------Grantor--,---_., in consideration
<br /> oftn� sum of------.---- -Two Hundred__and no/100--___-______________..__________..�_____________________ DOL�,ARS,
<br /> ----- ---- -- ---- ------- ------- - ---- - - --------- ------- -------
<br /> in hand pa,id, do__ - ------ ---liereb,y CR�lYT, Bti�LG_1Ii1`, SELL, A�'D CONVEY unto------ --------8�116--1'.,r-Q�?�W3.11--:------ ----- ------- -- --------- ------
<br /> of the County of_--- ----- --- ----- ---- --He�ll_ _ -------- ------and State of_ -NBb�et�k�.-- -- _____ ------ --------------------_..---, Grant,ee____. ,the following
<br /> describetl preniises, situated in the Cotlnty of___.___.._____.______._ _____Hd�.�,________.________._.____and State of Nebraska, to u�it:
<br /> -- ------Lot---ATo,----�ever�--�7}----in__�l.o�k--No�F_ou-r----(-4�--Lanb_er�s _A_�.�ian--t-a-Granc� -I_sland-,----�T-e=�-r�ska------------------
<br /> -- -_ a�- sz�r4�yad,_ platte3 and raca�rietl. - _-- -- - - --- - - - - - _ -------- --
<br /> - ---- - --- -- -- _ ---- _ - -- -- - - - - -- - --- - - - - - --- --- - -- _ - ---- - --- -- ---- - --- --- - - --- ----- ----- -- --------- ------ ---
<br /> -- - - -- - -- --- -_ - -- --- - - - - -- - -- -- - --- - - -- -- - ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - -- - --------- - - - ---- - ----
<br /> To�e�her i�itl� all the tenen��nts, hereditaments, and appurtena�nces ther�anto belor,�ing, and all the Estate, R.isht, Title, Interest, 1�ower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever af the said Grantor________, and of either of them, of, in, or tc the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO F�4VE AND TO HOLi� the ahove-described prernises,with �he appurtetlanc,es, unto the said Grantee________�nd to__________21i_S_____._______________.n�irs and
<br /> assigns forever, And____. __.______ _I-------------�ereby covenant____.__with the said Grartee._______._that_______I______.____hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat_________Y__.__..____________haYe___good right ard Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br />', whatsoever s_ub-j-���--�0---�11---t-axe-s--an�_as-€�e�3me-nt-s----fa�--�he----yes�--I�-1-4---��td -$ub�.e�ut3�-t.� -----------------------------------
<br />' -- -- - - - ----- --- --- -- -- _ -- ---- - ---- - --- --------------- - -- - - - � - - --------- - --- - - ---- -----�--------- ---- ----------- -
<br /> _ - - - - - -- -- -- �nd------- - - - ----- - -- - - ---z-- ----------------__covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said prer�ises against tlie lawful claims of all persor?s u�l-�omsoever, __�X��p_t__a�__ t�}�p'�tg .;.g'�at-9;� _--____-_------_---_-__--_-___-------__-_--_-__---
<br /> Dated the-- - - ��elf_�h_ -- - ----�a,y of--- - - Jul�t-- - - ------- -- -- --------A, D,, 191Q----� :
<br /> wlT��rs� ------------------John__W._�,ambe_r_x---------------------------------------
<br /> -�- -- ----- -- �._C_.Hus�4n ---- - _ - -
<br /> -- --- -- --- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - ---- --- - - --- � -- --- -- --- ----- ---------------------�-------------------------------------
<br /> STATE 0� NEBRASI�A,
<br /> ss.
<br /> - - ----Ha�l-------County, On this-----------T�[elf_th----------------day of_ _J-�a1.y------------------------A. D., 18_10._, before me, the
<br /> undersi,necl, a ivotar3� Public--------------------------------------------wi�hin and for said Lounty, Personally came-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -
<br /> - --- ----- �ohn l�.I,.amb�rt- ----------- ------ -- - ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - --- - ----- ---------- ---- --------- --------(_a__�ingl_e. _man-- � --- -----------------------------
<br /> - -----------------------------------
<br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person_________whose name_____�_�_______._______________________af�'ixed �o the above instru-
<br /> ( 3EAI,) Inrnt as grantor__________, and________,_.�,8._._.________severally acknowledged the same to be_.___________�31_8___�_____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n�-�-�,ti�
<br /> Iii�' u'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�and af�xed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> __(irt�n;�__I�3��,Z),C1�___Nek21"_a�k&_________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> $.C.Hust on
<br /> ---------------------� -------------------------Notary Public,-----
<br /> My cornmission expires----------------------------------$ttl-y--?5--------------------------------------------------19---1-�---
<br /> __�►-_ _ �
<br />