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<br /> FROM T hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and '
<br /> - - -- - - -- --- . - -- -- --
<br /> filed for recorcl this----- 12----- _- ---------day of_----$gp'�----- -:_ _:_
<br /> - _ -- - -
<br /> - �. D., 19-14 , at- - _-11� --- -- - -o'clock_ - -- A. -M� '
<br /> H�.ttie M.YouM�man & husb ___,_ Warranty !
<br /> --
<br /> , TO Deed. ' '
<br /> - -- -- �-�%__
<br /> - - - - - - -
<br /> C unty Clerk,
<br /> -- -Etta -Cf-Leonard- -- --- - - - - --- -- - '
<br /> - - -_ - - -- ---- ---
<br /> - - - --- - -Depu�y, -
<br /> �.now All 1VIen by T�.iese Presents:
<br />, �ha,t- �at��.e--M,._XQt�n�ta_�__and �os_e�h_D.Xoun�tt�a�-,-��_fe--ar�d--hu�h+an� - ---- --- - - - ---- ----- - - '
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<br /> � - 3t --- -
<br /> ofthe sum of__Thirty_.--fi-tte--hua�lra-d---dollar_�a--(---��1_�C�O�AQ)--------------------------------
<br /> ------------ - - ------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, �.._.-l�p_----..1�e,�e,h3���At�',-x^,:!"n T�„�T--7r-�,A:A.�4DLY,I'iY..ux�to__��tet.--t�.-I►e_o�d-- ----------- --of--Hall__.C"o_u11t.-Y--�----et2d__$t8t8-
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<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____________________________$A11----- -----------------and State of Nebraska, t� wit;
<br /> --------Lo�__t�ro---(2-}---Black---S�x_�een----(-le-�---Q�---Roll_ins---�dditi_on__t�_ the __�a�an,--no_�v_City--of---4rand---I�aland-,-------
<br /> -- - -_ Nebra�ka -- - - - - --------- . - -- -- _ - - - __ __-- - --
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<br /> (��i o�-/.���_�u�-2a�cr G-� rus�--� ,��-��
<br />. Toge her with all the tenements, he�editalnents, and appurtenan�ces�t 8 $�o�longing, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest,�Dower, Curtesy, G����
<br /> GLiu�/����,�`"f a.cl �fi Gd �`/a 2t�4. �?������ ���r �-i-�.l �J. J�-�-����.
<br /> � �1�� of the sa,id�G'�______.___, " of, in, or to the same, or any rart thereof,
<br /> � E t a . Le nard
<br /> TO �4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto t�e sai��l�r�ee_________and ta__._____.______�le�________________heirs and
<br /> Ft�a . nar
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And---------�te--------------hereby covenant------with t�"ie ald,��i��-------�hat------..�e--------hold-------said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title.; that__________�8._.__________ha__�S_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------------------_- - ------ -- ---- -- - ------ - --- - - ----------- - ----- - --- - --------- ---- -----------------------------
<br /> - ------- --------------------- -- - -- -- ------- - --------- -- - -- - - ---..------- -- -- - - -------- ------____. - - - ------ --------- ---- -- - --------------- ----- --------- -
<br /> --- ------- -- -------- - -- - - - - - --- -- - --- --- ---- -----.. ---- -- And------ - - -- - -- - - -- �B -- ---- - ------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend t�"said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wllomsoever, ____. _._ ________________________.__..__._________.__________________________________________________._______.___._.__
<br /> Dated the---- --- - -- -14p -- ------ - --day of_- -- -----$E3�i�8mbeT - --------- - -- -----A. D., 19-1Q----•
<br /> WITNESS ------�A�_t�Ei___�,�_Y_�ungm�n-- --------------------------------------
<br /> ---Jo_se�h__Il._Y_oungma.n------------------------------------------ `
<br /> i-
<br /> ------- -_----�has---�-�-�-Y-an----- - ---------- ------- -- - �
<br /> ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------- '
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, SS �� � ���� '
<br /> On this---------z0"-----------------------da of-------�9 t Q�i$8-�-----------------��",, 19__10__, before me,/l�
<br /> ---------- -�ie.Il------------County, Y P --
<br /> - z�de��, a �Yotary Public------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came---- --- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------
<br /> -------Ha��ie---M..Ynungman__and__,T-o�eph---D-�Yaungr�an-----�ri-�€---�r�c�---Y��a�a�c�---------- ------- -----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_s______whose narrlea______a�'e_____________._.________affixed to the above znstru-
<br />', (SEAL} ment as grantor_________, and____________.___________severally acknowledged the same to be_.___the_�r_._________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purposeStherein expressed,
<br /> ����
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�� and aflixed my official seal at______________________________________________ '
<br />' -----(�ra11d---I-Sl�xid-------------- ------------------------�----------oi� the date last above written.
<br />� - ---_._G�'1��---�=-�-3��-------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires--------------- --g6by---1Bt-------------------------------------------------------------------1913------
<br />.. _
<br /> i
<br />