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<br /> ibb#$—KLOPI'&IIARTI�T1'CO.,Printing,Li[ho�raphinp¢nd Cotanly Suppliec;•OmaA¢. .._, . . _ ,,,;_ v... ._ _..,
<br /> FP��1 I hereby cerPify that tllis instrument was entered an Numerical Index and .
<br /> - - - -JO?�8p:� P_0811 .l�r_ ___ - - - filecl for reeorcl this_ __._l$ _ - --- - --day of- - $ept _- -- -
<br /> �, D., 1J 10--, at_.____- - - - 4-�5 _ -- --c'clock--- -_-- P• -M. i
<br /> - - - .- - - -- - Warranty
<br /> _- - - -- - - -
<br /> Tp Deed. '
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<br /> 'G9'm $chnell ' niy Llerk,
<br /> ---- - -- -- - - - -
<br /> - ---- - - -Depu�y, --
<br /> I�no�v �.11 IV.[en by T�ese 1'r�esents:
<br /> That - -I,� Jos_eph__P_�ell--Jr,___a_singls�__man, - ---- -- -_ __, -- --- -- -- - - -- -
<br /> ---- -- - ----- -- -
<br /> of the C,ouni5' of----�SB.hiZlg-t-Ori---------- _ -- --______an.d State of------ ----- __SaYisa8-___._ .-- - ----- --- ------- ------ -----------Grantor------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of - e - y_'" -- - -----�=--_--.•.,..-.,_,��...�,......,��.._....._,.....,.,.__—___.._
<br /> Fiv_ _tiun�;Ted-&--��,ft ------------,�,. --�OLLARS,
<br /> - --------_ -- ---- ------ ------ ------ -- -------------------
<br /> in hand paid, do_ _ __________hel°eby GR1�.�T, B�1.RGf�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto___1��__$C_h_ YiB�1______ _________ _______ _______ .
<br /> of th� CountY' of_--- -.-----__H�11_- - ----- _----- -------- ------ --and State of_-- ------ ---NBb--------- -------. ..- ---, Gr�antee-------, the following
<br /> -- -- -
<br /> deseribed premises,situated in t�1e County of___________.__________H811__.____ ____________ ______and Sta,te of Nebra,ska, to i�it:
<br /> Lots _No. _Four__�4} .an3_ �'ive----(5-�---�1Q�k___S_e_yan�y-Eour----(-74-� - Whe�ls_r__._&__Bsnas�t-s---Thi�d--- ---------
<br /> - - _- Addit3_o_n to _the C_i__tp_ o�..(�r�n3_ _I�l���. _A1ebr_- -- - -- - - -__ _ - - -- -
<br /> . _ - - - -_ -_ - - -
<br /> -- --- -- - -- --- - ,
<br /> ----- --- - - - - --- - - - -- -- - - - - - --- - - -- - - --- ----------- -- -- - -- -- --- - ---- - -- ---- -- ------ -------------------
<br />� �'egethe�°with aIl the ter�ements, heredita�merits, and appurtenances thereurito beIon�ing, �,nd a1I the Estate, Right, Title, In�terest,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />' Demancl wha,tsoever of the said Grantor_____.___., and of eitl�er of them, of, in, or to the salr�e, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H2VE AND TO �OL.i? f;he above-described premises,tivith the appurtel�ances, unto the said Grantee_________and to__________hi_�3_________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And_______.______ _I.____________hereby covenant______vrith the said Grantee__________that_______�_____. ____I7old________said prelnises by good and perfect
<br /> i title; that____________I_______.______ha_�rB_good riglit and lawful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- ----- ---- --..- ---- -- ---------- ---- - - --- --- - - ---- - - ------ - -- ------ - - -- ----- -- - ------- - - -- ---- - ------------ ------- ---------------------
<br /> ---- ----- - - ----- - - --- - _- - - - ----- - - - ---- ------ -- -- --- - - -- --------- -- ------- ---- --- ------- -- ------ --------------- --- ------
<br /> I ---- - - _ ------- --- - --- -�lnd------ ------- -- -- ---- ---- - � covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> --- ------ -- - - ---- --- --- - - - - --- ---------------------
<br /> I ���
<br />� defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ________ _____.______________________________________________._____.______.________________
<br /> -- -- _---- - -. --- -- - --- -- -- ------ - - - _ __- -- - - --------- - - ----------- ------- - - - - --- --- ----- ---=- --------- ------------ ------------------
<br /> I 1)ated the---- - -lOth -..._--
<br /> - --d�,,y� of_-- - S�p��l'4178 r--- --- --- --_A. D., 19--10--- �
<br /> WITNESS --------------------.I4_8@�11---PQ�11---sT_�-- ------------------------------
<br />� ----------- --------------------------------------------------
<br /> - -- - ------- ---- Ri_char�l-Buenz - --- ---- -
<br />' �ss,
<br />, - �A1-1----------County, On this-------10'th-------------------------_day of_----.----3Q�3'�eIIibS_r------------------A. D., 19-1-0---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�r�ed, r��le�r�-F�r�----�QUn�y_--Glt�rk------_-------within and for said Couuty, personally came-_--__-_-----_-------_-__----------------- ----_-__---------------�-
<br />'' - --- ----- - -- --Jo_ssph--P oell-Sr----a-��-ing��---ma�---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ---- --- --- --- - ---- - - ----- - ---------- ---- ------ - - ---------- ------------------------- - - --------- ------------- --- ---------------
<br /> ($EAL} to me personally known to be the identical person._._____.__whose name________._i�____________.________________afl'ixed to tihe a,bove irstru-
<br /> I ment as 5rantor._________, w11CI_____�1e.-_------_...=se�e�al�y acknawledged the same to ,�e___..his__________________voluntary act and deed
<br />! for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> I IN TVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my����nd af�ixed my of1'icial seal at--------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------Cr�'�d__I�13xld�--N9h-r-----------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------- ------------Richard._Hue�a-------------------------------
<br /> County C7.erk ��.�ia_
<br /> Mycommission expires--------------------- --------- --- --- -----------------------------------------------------------i9.-----------
<br /> I
<br /> i _
<br />