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<br /> �4D1$ BLQPP&.BARTLETT CO..PnnGing_Latho�'aghiu¢and�p�nt�S�lsES.O;�glie . _ --- _---_- — �_ __ - _ _
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<br /> ___-:- _ . :>---- __;_ :__._ :. . -- -- - _ __
<br /> F'R�]� I
<br /> I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this______.13 _ -----------day of__ .__S9��----------_----- ----------- '
<br /> . 3. D., 1910_ ____, at--____ 9.50-- ---------- __o'clock-----_ _ __.__ __A._M. ;
<br /> �'O�iA� '�.�,8l�ibert '`'uilmSrr$e�--- -- ---.- --- Warranty ,
<br /> TO Deed. �
<br /> .,�,-,����, �� ;
<br /> - -
<br /> -- - - - -
<br /> � niy cterk,
<br /> -- - -- - -Du�.�ey` �' �'Hamil�Qn -- - -- -
<br /> -- - - ---- - -- - - - - -- -- ---- -- - --- ---
<br /> l�eputy,
<br /> Knotiv All 1VIen by T�ese Presents:
<br /> That--�_�hn_@�._L�bert t �-unmarried- � - --- --- __ - -- -- - - - -- -- - - --- - ---- - - - --- - -------
<br /> of the County of_---------__��1-1--------------------------------and State of_---------------- -- _N.ebr38ka----------- ------------------------------Grantor-------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of-----One Fiundre�__anCl--Sia�y---FivB__-------_-_-_--_------_-_-_-_------.-_-_-_-�_------------------�--._--------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa.id, do__ __..__..____hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto__._ __._D_tldl�y---J-.H8IIti1_'��n�._Jr-__-_-_______-___._
<br /> --- - - - ---- - --
<br /> ------- - - ----- --- - - --- - - _- - - - - --- - - --- - - -_ - --- -- -- - --- - -- - --- --- - -- ----
<br /> of the County of---------------Hall------------------------- ------._and State of_-- -------.----NBbT�xB_ka._-----------._ --------, Grantee-----,the following
<br /> -- --- -- - -
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of__________. ___H�11_____ _____________._-_._-----------------_and State of 1Vebraska, to w�it:
<br /> --- --Lot_Nu__mber-Eight--.($�_-ir�_--Block--Number---Fotzx---(-4-) -o�---�,.��er�':s__A3di_tiQn---to---G�an�t__I_slaz��.-,-----------------
<br /> -- - N�br�a_ka, -a� s_ur�re���,-Fl�t.ted-a.nd__recor-deri..._ _- - --- --- - - -_ -- - - - - - - _ --- -- -,-- --
<br /> -- ------- -- - - - ---- ---- -- - ---- -- - - --- .. -- - - --- - ---- -- --- - - - - - - - --- -- ----- -_----- -- - - - ------
<br /> -- ----- - - -- - --- - ------_- ----- ---- -- - -- -- -- - -- --- -- ----- - -- -- --- -- -- - - ------------ - ----- - - -- ------
<br /> - -- ---- - ----- -- - - --------- -- -- ---- --- --- - --- - - - -- -- - ----- - - -- -- - --- -- -------- - -- ------- - -- -- - --
<br /> Tobether with a,ll the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereul�to belonging, a,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clain� and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H:4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to__________._________�i8___._________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And______.._____I________________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee__ _______that___._____I_--.----__hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that.._________I________________h�t'B____good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----�X�Bp-t---t�xQS__for--1908--and--suhs�q�aeAt---taxes-----Whi�h--grant�e---i�--t Q--P�Y-- ------------------ - -- --------------
<br /> ------ - - --- -- - - And-------- -- --- I- --------�------covenant_:----to warrant and
<br /> defend €�"e said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, -----.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- --- - -- .._ - -------- -- -- - ----- -- ------- -- - -- ----- --------- ------ --- --- -- ----- - ------ -- ---- - - -- ----- - - --------- -----------------
<br /> Dated the-------------TW61��'t-h- ------- -- --day of_-- - ---- ---11�1,y - - -- -- - - ---- --------A, D., 19-1Q- •
<br /> WITNESS --------------------�0�1YJ�__IY_._�,A�'11�Q�'t--------------------------------------
<br /> -- - ------------------------ ----- ------ --------------------------------------
<br /> James E.Di11 �
<br /> ------ -------------- ------------------------- -- ------------------------ ---
<br /> - -- --- ------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------
<br /> �ss, i
<br /> ----- ----- ----HSll ----County, On this--- -'�_W_��.�t.�-- ------ ---------day of_--------Jul�'------------------------------A. D., 1��----, before me, the ;
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public-------------------------------.._-------------within and for said County, Aersonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> -------- --- -------- ---1ohn_�..�,ambert------��ing�.e�------- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person. whose name__.____________�S_______________.______affixed to the a.bove instru-
<br /> (SEAIa) ment as grantor____._____, and__________118_______-�se�s��y acknowledged the same to be____.____hiS____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and ati'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> __________aran�_I_��,ans�,,___�at��._____________________________on the date last above written, !
<br /> --------------------------,T_tE_,_�_i.11-------------------------------------------- i
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------•�t�ly_---1�_�21-----1�13-------------------------------------_�----------
<br /> �
<br />