�,� �
<br /> `� __. � � � �� �� o � �� o �
<br /> � � � o
<br /> b0048—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,r'rintina,Lithograghin9¢�d Coun[,y Supplies;Omahc, ° ° . `"` -..`` - . `° `°`°°°-,_' _,--:`—_—=--=_�—� -`.-`-
<br /> FR01�1 I 1lereby certify that this insti°ument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---- ---12_ . ___.-----------day of----SQ�t--------- --
<br /> --- - ---- - ----
<br /> �, D., 19 1Q _ , at-- --. _ --9_._1Q__. --- - -- - ._o'clock - - -- - - - A•__M.
<br /> - - - �i��xy-�All.all--s4e_ wi�e - - - -- Warranty
<br /> T� Deed. '
<br /> - - - -- - -- - ---- - - -- -- - - -- ----/ -- ---- -
<br /> �unty Clerx,
<br /> - -- - --- Stella__ _H__ensl.ey -- --- _ _._ _ _ _ _
<br /> -- - . --- - --- -- - - -- ---- -- --- - ----- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�now Afll IVIen by T�ese 1'resents :
<br /> �hat - - �a_..Henry -�ll�z�--an� _Min�a�.�--P_._,�ll��n, _h_��_ W�.f�- - _ __ - - - -- - -- - - -- ---
<br /> of the County of--------..---------HEtll-----------------------and State of_-----------------1�9'OraSkt�_--------------- ----------------------------------Grantor-s----, in consideration
<br /> of the su�n of-_------QnB__HUnd�Bc�,---SE3Ven�-y----�iYB_8a_nQ�1QQ---_--_r__-_--------_----_-_-------_--_�-.-----______--_----_--_-DOLLARS,
<br /> in t�and paid, do________________liereby GRf�Ni, BARGFIIN, SELL, A1�'D CONVEY unto________$t611a__H6r181ey_________ ____
<br /> - - - -- ----- - ---- - ----- --
<br /> of the County of--- -------- --------_HB�� . _ __ --------- __and State of____. _----_���?rd8k�---- --_ _-------- -----------------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described pl�en�ises,situated in the County of________________________Ha►11________________.._._ __ ___and State of Nebraska, to w•it: -
<br /> --- __---- -_ �,t��- N�.-n�-�---�9�_--in--B1Qe�_ T.sn---�10-�---in__Th.e--Bonnie___B.r�e_.Addi.�ion_ �Q-�ran1--I_sl�nsi_,_N�h-,----------------------
<br /> -- - --- -as su_rv�_yady-�latt�� ana rec�r_de_d, - ---- - - --- - -- - -- ---
<br /> - - - - --- ------ ---- - -------- ----
<br /> -- - - --- -- - -- -- - --- -- -- - - - - -- - - ----- --- - -- --- --- - --- ----- --- - -- - ---- ------- ------ - ----- --------
<br /> -- -- - - - -- -- - --- ----- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - --- --- - -- ------- - -- --- - - - -- - - --- - ------- ---- - ----------- -----..
<br /> -- ---- --- -
<br /> - - _-- - --- - --- -- - -- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- - - -- - _ - ------- -- --- -- -- - --- ------------
<br /> _- - ---- - - - - - ---- - - - - --- -- -- - -- ---- -- --- - - - - -- -- ---------- - - -- - ----- - -- ---- - - -- --- ---- ----- -- --- - --------
<br /> - ---- - - --- - - -- --- - -- -- - ---- - -- -- - -- -- - --- --------- -- -- - -- --------- - - -- -- ---- --- ----------- --- - ------ --- ----------------
<br /> fiegether with aIl the tenements, heredital�ients, and appurtenances thereunto beloz��ing, �,rd alI the Estate, Right, Title, Interest,� Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Graiitor_8._______, and ot'eit�ier of them, of, ir, or to the same, or a,ny pa,rt thereof.
<br /> TO I�AVE AND T0 HOLI1 the ai�ove-�escribed premises,tivith the appur�tenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to_________�Qr______________.________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, �nd_____W@______________________hereby covealant______with t1�e said Grantee.__ _______that_____ _we----------_hold________.said premises by good and perfect
<br />' title; �hat___._____W�_.______.______ha________good ri;ht and lawft�l autrioi�ity to seIl and corvey� the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br />'� whatsoever--------- --- --- - -- _. - - - ------- - ---------- --- -- -- -- ----- -- ------ - ---- -- --------------- --
<br /> ------- --- - --- ----- -- ----- -- -----------------------
<br /> - - - -- --- -- ------- -- -- - --- .._-- - - --- - - - --- -- -- ----- ---------- - -- --- -- - --------- ------ ------ -------------------- ---------------------
<br /> --- - --------------------- ---- - - - -- ._- - ----- ------- - - ---- - - -- - - ----- - ---- ------- -- - - ------- ----- - - - -------------- --- -------------- -------------------
<br /> - - - ._-- - - -- -- --- -- -- - _.._.- - - -- -- _ -- -
<br /> - - And----- -- -- - - ------�e - - - --- --- ------------covenant------to warrant and
<br />- defend�said prernises against the lawful claims of all persoils wl�omsoever, ____._.________.__.___ ______________________________-________________
<br /> ---- -------- - ------ ---------------------
<br /> D�ted the--- - - --$t�l - -- --------- --day of_- -- - ---$e}�t�mhBT -- - ----------A. D,, 19__l-0__._.
<br /> WITNESS ----------�s�-�--�llan-----------------�---------------------------------------•-
<br /> I' --Minnie---�?.Al�an-- --------------------------------------------------
<br />' ---- - --- 4eorga C_o_�_�t on- ---- - ------ - -
<br /> ------ - -
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------------Hall-----------County, � On this------------------$th------------------day of---S-ep_tHmbBx-------------------------A. D., 19----1D, before me, the
<br />'� undersigned, a Notary Pubii�-------------------------------------------within and for said CountY, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' - --- -----Henry- All�a:--and__Minnis- P_._�ll�,n_r-his--wife---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally l�nown to be the identical person_._$____whose name__3_____.___�lt'�___________________affixed to the above instru-
<br />' (SEAL) ment as grantor_g________, and______�h�y__________severaily acknowledged t6e same to be_.____�he-i_�_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the pur•pose therein expressed,
<br /> ��
<br /> I��,7 WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and affixed my of�'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> --------G���.d.---I_sl�ild-�---NBb-•-------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------ae or�e---Cov�►t on----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-----------------..__ ---------�-ay_--�O�h-----------------l�l�--------------------��?-----
<br />