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D., 19__��._., at --1_7....�9 -- -- - - -o'cloclz----- -_ _- --A._M, ' <br /> ------- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> - -- -- -- °����-� - % <br /> - - - --- - <br /> - - �ty Cierk, <br /> Y�3.nf_i�ld S_.�farren --- --- -- - - <br /> -- - - - --- - - --- - ___-- - -__ - - - - - ------ <br /> De�uty-, <br /> I -- ---------- -- -- - - - --- --- - - - - - --- -- <br /> I�now All 1VIen by These Presents : <br /> That -�re-�--�har_l��__E_._'�Q�n�_ _an�__W��.tha__H._T4wn�_, huslaand_ _and -�3.fe, =------------- - - - ---- - - - ---- -- - ------- <br /> of the County of_------.---Hall----------------------------._---and State of.-- -._.._----------- ._N6b��.8-k8---.-------------------------- ---GrantorS-----, in censideration <br /> I <br /> of the sum of___�'�.Y@ �u�d_T_8�1 ------$c--�.Q��,C�Q-_�,�.___.��_�..�__....`_,.__......��...,._��___�__..__�� ----- -----------------------_'----===-------DOLLARS, <br /> __"___________"__Y_. "••�••a.s ti.�rs.w�.. � . -. <br /> __"_ _____________"_"________ � . <br />� in hand paid, do--------------hereby GRANT, B�1RGgIN; SELL, AR'D CONVEY u�1to--_.--Y�3Ylf�,eld--S...��._T_Telc�----.._--------------------- ._---------------------------- ; <br /> -- - --- ---._. - - --- - -- ------- - - - - -- - - -=--- --- - - - - ------ --- - - -- -- - - -- - ---- -- - -- - -- - - --- --- �: <br /> of the County of_____.________Aall ____________and State of___.____.____N_e_braska__ __________ _____, Grantee_______,the following <br /> - - -- - - - _ -- - - --- <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____._____.._________��11___.._______._.._ ._______________and State of Nebraska, to witr <br /> - -Th�--ldorth___f ift_y--sia--(-56-)__�eat---�f---L_ots--�Q.--Elevsn--a.nd_T_�rele�a ----(-11=-&--12.)---in_Blo_ck_Nn,---Se-�entss.n_ <br /> _�17_} __3n_ TQwn __4f__�ood_ R_iY_��,�--_�n---s�id_ _�QUnt-y- �n�i--S_t_ats and _- a�aar_din�-_ta- -�he_--pla�__f31sd__and__r��ord , <br />'�, ed--i�n__�hs__�f_f_ice a�--the--Cs�un�y C-�erk af--�aic1 Hal�':�ount3r-- - - - - _-__ - --- - - - -- - -- - -- - ----- <br /> - -- -- -- - -- --- -- -- - - - ------__ - - ---- --- - --- - ---- .- ---- -- - - --- - - - - --- ----- - - -- - ---- --- ------ -- - --------- <br /> ----- ----- - ---- -- -- - - -- ------- - -------- - --- --- --------- - --------- -- - -- - - --------- - --- -- ---------- -- - -- - - ---- --- -- - -------- - ---------- <br /> - ------ -- --- -- �-- ---- --- - - - ---- -- - ----------- - -- --------- ------- -- --- --- - --------- ----- --- --- ----- - - - - -- - -- ------- ----- <br /> Together tivith aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the F.state,R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�__.__, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HqVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to__..____.____hi_�______.___..____._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And___._____W�___tiII_______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_________that_.__W_�___ri_oY�[____hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______�g_________________haVe__good right and Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- - --------_-------- -------- ---- -- - - ------ - --- ---------- ----- - �--- -- - - -- ---- - -- - - -- ------------ - ---------- - -- ----------------------• <br /> _- ------ ------- - --- ----------- -- --- - ----- --- ----- -- - - - ------ --- --- --- -- --- ---- ---- ---------- - --- ------- --- --- -- -- -- --- - - -- -----------�-- <br /> ----- --------- -- ----------- - - --- ----------- -------- -------- --- - -- ----- - ------------- ---- ---- ---------- - - -- ------- - --------------------------------------- ------------------- <br /> - ------- -- - -- - - --- - - ---- - - ---------- - -- - -_-- .. - - -----And----- - -- - - --- �6 ----- ----- - - --------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> -.�� � <br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _._._._.__.__ _________________________.____________________________._________.___________.________________________ <br /> --- ---- -- ---- - --- �- ---- -- --------- -- ----------- - --- -- - ------ -- - - --- - ---- - ----- ----- --------- --- ---- -------------- ------- ----- ---------- <br /> Dated the---- -- --- �1 S'�" ------------ - --day of_-------- AZ1gus'� -- ---- - ----------- ----A, D., i9-Q4----• . ; <br /> WITNESS ------��l�lzl�-S---E---T Q1�118___ <br /> ----Ialx_ha__H._TQane.-- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> --------- ---------------Qeo--9�.I�iillex----------- -------- - --- <br />' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss, <br /> ----------- - - - --H2t1-�-----County, On this----------- -3I-�-t---------- of_---------l�ug3X�#-- ----------------------A. D., 19-5�----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Publicd_11Iy___��mmiB8it�1@�L-__within and for said County, personally came____________________,_______________________________________________________ ' <br /> -----�h�rlas__�.'S_owne---and-�eltha-H..T-awx�e--------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> �- ----husband--and--�i-�e- ------- -- ------ ------ ------ ----------------------------------- ------- ------- �---------------• <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�______whose name.s______they------------------.----affixed to the above instru- ' <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor___$._____, and___________'��@y_______severally acknowledged the same to be__.____�h�ir__.-_----_voluntary act and deed <br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and afI'ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ ! <br /> ----------___1!�_QQ$_.RiY�r-,--I�IBhi--------------------------------------on the date last above written, � <br /> - . --------------------------4@0_�P��i�.���----------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires-----------------------NOY-----lQth----------------------------------------------------------j9-�----- <br /> . <br /> ; <br />�_; � . .�_ � , <br />