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� _ ._ _ . _ _ _ ----� <br /> �,:,.�� <br /> . <br /> A�_�.:: � � � �-� � � � � <br /> � � <br /> 50U#$—�{LOPP c£SARTI.ETT CO.,Printinp,Lithopraphing arzd Coiinty Supplies;Oirzahc,. . _ _._ ___.__.____`T__�=�. <br /> F�ROli1 I hereby certify that this instrument ivas entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this- -_ -- -9. _ - - --day of_-- -SSP'�-- -- - ---_ ---- -- <br /> �, D., 19__1Q. .., at- - - -- - --- 9---o'clock- - - -- A_,_M. <br /> - -T71e ._RO�a__ITlveat�ent_ C.o ._---_ _- --_.. --- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' ' ��' <br /> - -----��=r���� ���� � <br /> �ti� <br /> -- --- <br /> _ ._--- - <br /> C18, tOri Couraty Clei�k, <br /> -- - y F.��.awa��. - - <br /> - - - - . - - <br /> - - - -- - ------ ---- ----- <br />� � Deputy, � <br /> All l�en b� Tl�aese Presents : � � � <br /> That Tha_Roas_._I__nveatment__�o-� a c_o�gQrat�,�n- - - - ---- -- -- -- - - - - ---- - - <br /> of the G"o�antY of---H811-------------- -.------------------------and State of__-----------------_.�l8�br��kE4_-------- --.----------------------------Grantor-------, in col�sideration <br /> of tlze sum ot'------ThTea--Fi1121dreti---T�B_nt_�r-Five----&- riO�DD ------------------------------------------------ DOLLARS, <br /> --_--�--_-____�_________ <br /> ,�,�,._!__.�,..,.,____,.�..�_----- --------- <br /> in hand paicl, do__._-- --_---hereby GRA.:�T, BARG,9I��', SELL, AND CONVEY unto__.--C-l�ytQZi---E._T.idbR7.1-- -------_.----- --- ----------_.-------------------------- - <br /> of the County of_-- ----- --Hall _-- ------- ------ --- ----_a,nd State of__ ___._---- -----N8bTa8ka------ ---- - _, Grantee----_,the following <br /> - - <br /> described premises, situate�in the Couiity of____________________��t1.1_ ______________________._.. _...____and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ---- L ot __Numbe r---Ni�e----(-9)--ir�--Blo�-k--�uml��r- --T_wo---(-2��---re_c_os�lad--�1��-- <br /> al <br /> � -Ne_l�raska -- - ---- - -- <br /> -- thereof _now--on---file_ _in__the o.ffic�----Q�_.�he---�_o_un�-X--�-lerk__of -aa d_,� _AUn�-- <br /> ---- -- <br /> - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - --- - - - - - ---- - - -- -- - -- -- -- - --- - ----- - --- - - --------- --- <br /> - -- _ - ------ -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - _-- - - --- ---- --- - -- - -- - ----- - - - -- - - - ------ - --- - -- --- -- ---- ---- ------- <br /> --- - -_- - <br /> - - - - - -- --- - --- -- -- --- -- - ------ ---- - -- - ---- -- - ---- ---- -- --- --- ---- -- - - ---- ---------------- ' <br /> - -- -- --- --- ---- <br /> -- -- --- - - - - - -- -- - -- --- -- ---- --- - - -- - -- --------- -- - -- - -- - - -- - - ---- - ---------------- -- -------------- <br /> - - -- - -- - --- - -- -------- - - - -- - --- ------ - -- ----------- ----- -- ---- -------- -- - - ------ - --- --- - --- ------ ---- ------ ----------------- <br /> To�ether�it1i aIl the teriements, heredit�,�nents, ancl appurtenances tliereunto belon�ing, s,nd �,11 the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demaild whatsoever of the said Gral�tor_____________ ' , of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TC H_4VE AND TO HOLD t11e above-describeci prel2iise�, tivith the appurtena,7ces, unto the said Grantee__.____and to___.________h3��_______ ___._______._heirs and <br /> The Ross Invsetment Ca. <br /> a,ssigns forever, �lnd_____thS__._s_ai�l._ ---_hereby coverlant__.___with the said Grantee_________that_______1'�_________hoId.._______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_________i�______________ha_�____goo� right and lasF✓ful authority to seli and conv�y the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liezis and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------------------- _--- --- -- --------- - - - - ------ ----- - - -- -- ------ -- ----- - ----- - ----- ---- -------------- - <br /> ------------------------ <br /> -- - ----- - - -- ----- - -- - ---- -- -- -- - --- - --- -- - - --- - --------- - --- ---- --------- ----- --- -- - ------- -------------------------�--.._ <br /> -- _ ---- - - - - --- --- - - -- -- ---- -- - --- - ---- - ------ ---- --- ------ -- ------- --- --------- - - ------------- - ------------------------------------ <br /> ------,���1--�-�.e--�aid-- -Ros-s-- nv��taient---Co.--------- <br /> -----,���---------- ---- - - ----- - --- -------- -- - ---------------covenantS ----to warrant and <br /> I defend b��Said pren�ises against t11e law°ful claims of all persot�s Whomsoever�, __________Irl__Wi_'�Ae_ae___Wher�IIf i____'E12S__&�1id--ThE�__.ROS.�--=ri-V-B-e-�- <br />, ment---Co,-- -has---eau�ed__thes�--p_x�_�en��---ts�__bc�__�igne_d--by--i�s--Pr��ia.ent----and---it�--c+arp_orate--aeal---attac.hed <br />'' -��e�-�ie- --heTet_O_ _�his--24th ----da�� of_-- ---ALtg'a�.�t -- - - - ------- -- -------A. D., 1��------� � <br /> WITNESS � ------T Y�.e---RQa�---Inye.stmr�a�__�si}------------------------------ <br /> �o-� '�. <br /> -��� b y--------�rsti---�.�.shtan--------------------�?ras ident-•---- <br />,� ------ ---- -- -----�h��-!��--���-- -- - - -- --- -- - <br /> 8'�'�E�"�,- - ----5_._I,?_._RQB-S--------------------------$@�TL'_�_&.x_St_----- <br />' STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss, <br /> -__H__a-1-�.------------Count,y, , On this---------�4t.h--------------------------da�y of_-------g�1guB-t-------------------------A. D., 19_�.Q---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Ivotary Public_____________________________.________________within and for said County, personally came________Frs$___W_RA�h�.Qn___,___P_xgaide_nt________ <br />'' -of �hs--�o�as--Inve_�_tment�---C-o- ---------------------- -- - -- ----- - --- - --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- <br />�' ------ --------- ---- - --�-g---- - -[�-�-�-!-------------�;;�l�`-'- -- ----------- -------------------- ----------------- -------- - --------- ---------------- <br />, to me pe�r o�na�l��eotivn to�ie��i'e�cTen�i al�erso�i'_.___.____whose name______________is_________ _______________afl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor_________._, and________________._______.�,severalLy acknowledged the same to Ue__.____his________________voluntary act and deed <br /> a�o�Ghe purpo elt�i��i.�i�pr�s�e�. �`na deg� of the said The Ross Inve�tment Co. <br /> �YL� <br /> IN �'ITNESS WHEREOI�' I have liereunto subscribed 1ny�and afI'ixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> j SEAL) _________4r_ana__IBla�d�__N�braska_______________________on the date last above tivritten. <br /> -----------------------------C-has---�._��a.n_----------------------------- . <br /> Notary Public. <br />, My commission expires--------I'_BbY--- -------------1-"---------------------------------------------------------------�9--�'----- <br /> _., Y.�.��._ 1 <br />