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� ���� � <br /> D D ° 0 ° D � � �_ <br /> . = __. ____� .__ ._ . _ __ __ _ __ _ - � <br /> � -- _ ____ __ _ _ _ __ _ - _ <br /> Knniu ttrnni���A�Tl.EZ1'�Q�.P m�. ',�^ q_���^m�';��_��..m�,.,�+�yl1e�.�Ya�_ =-_ - �— – _ - _ - _ _�.__— .._.__ �_�--- <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this- _ -s -__ -- --day of----��pt- -- - -- -- - <br /> - -- --- --- - - -- -- -- - .- --- -- � -- ---- <br /> �. D., �9. 14_ __, at- � -- -_ _ -o'clock- - - --A•--M� <br /> - -- --Car_r__ie_L.�eod & hu�b - -- Warranty <br /> TO p <br /> Deed. � � <br /> ��.,r-���af _��f-C�r�i <br /> ---- --------�- � --- - ----�� - ------- -- ------ '- -�------------ <br /> Co,�nty Clerk, � <br /> ------ --_--- <br /> t3eorge--�,-gutton- - - --- -- � <br /> - - --- - - --- - - - -- - - - -- ------ -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> Iinow All 1VIen by T�iese Presents: <br /> That--- -- �aT_ri8___�..'�o_od--and_Luthe_r_.I_._i�Q�zd, -Aifc� and__Sus?aand- -- --- - -- --- -- - - - ----- ----- --- -- - --- - -- --- -- <br /> of the Count of_________B_1 _ AOZII_______-_____----._________and State o£_________1(�_ Omiri _-_______._ __-_--------------.------------Grantor__B___, in consideration <br /> Y 8 Y 8 __ -- <br /> of the suni of,-----Twent_y____F__iV8__fittnd�ed----�--�- __2_5__0_0._t70�_--..________...______�__-_�_____�..------__.....___ DOLLARS, <br /> --------- ------- ------------------- ------------- -- ---------------------- --------- -- ----- <br /> in hand paid, do---.---------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_------QeOrgB_�._�Ltt'�4n------------------------------------------------.--------------- <br /> . of the County of --- --- Ha12- - -- --- -- -._--- - -and State of-- - -N@b�'�i�ka - - - _ - - -- � Grantee ,the following ' <br /> described premises,situated in the County of__________H�ll____._.______________________________.__and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ------8$�inning--at--a--�-o_int---Far�-y--�4Q-)----�o_ds---Ea�t__af--th8---9_o-uth___�ast---c_ornBr--u�- ��ctinn__f-our---(�4-)----�f.--------- <br /> ----T_��S�hi _ _�T��e---(_9�No ��-,----s�f__RanYgs__Nina--(_��___l�a�-�--Qf__tha__9ia�h__P-.-K.--�iall __Co_unt_Y---X�braek�-,---th�_��Q� <br /> n2�o-r�`� 6�� ���t��.�zo�e� �cnlL <br /> , <br /> ��_aet-- urt_een---and---twQ---�hirds---(_ _ 14--���-),--_r_�da:---the�aae---�_aut_h..E_igh�e-e-n--- -(_18�---r-o-d.s-,---�hence--�te-�-t---------- <br /> Es�ur�sen--,an�.---t-�►o--�thirds---�--14--2��--�--rods--t-a-tha--�al-ace---af-.beginn3xi�,---tha--eame._}��ing-a--se�t_angu].ar <br /> -��e�Q --of--l��d�- co���,x�g Tw�Q --I�undr�d__ Si.�tY-Four (_�_�4� -aquar�- -r_flds• ------------- - - -- - --- - - --- ------------- <br /> :-- -- -- - -------- -- -- ------- ---- - -- --- - ---- --- -- --- --- ---- - -- -- ------ -------- - -- --- ---- - -- --- --- - - - -- - ---- ----- <br /> - - ------- - --- ----- -- -- - -- ---- - - ---- ---- ----- - - - --- - - - --- - ---- - - ------------ --- -- -- - - -- -- ----- -------- ---- ------- <br /> -- ------ ---- ---- --- --- - - - - -- -- - ------ --- --- - -- --- --- - -- - -- - - -- ------ - - - ---- - - - --- -- -----------�----- --- ----- ----- - --- --- <br /> Together with a11 the tenements, nereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dawer, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______.__, and of either of them, of, in, or to the san�e, or any part thereof, <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the saicl Grantee__.____and to_______________�ti� _._____heirs a,nd <br /> a,ssigns forever. And____.____�e__________________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___________that_____WQ_________.hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that._____.R�___ ______________h�t8____good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever,------------- --_--- - - -------- - -------- --- - ------- - ---- - ----- - --- -------- ------- -- - - -- -------------------------- - -- -- --------------- <br /> ---- - - ------ -- ------ ---- ----------- - -- --- - - - - - ----- - . ----- -- ---------�- --------- - ---- --- - --------------- - -- - -- ------------------------------------ <br /> ----------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - ------------ - - - <br /> ------ --- - - And---- - --- - -�- - - W9 - -- -- -- -- ------ ------covenant_----__to warrant and <br /> defend e�said premises against the lawful claims of all persolis whomsoever, _________._ ___________________._._._________________________________________.__________________________.____ <br /> -------------- ------ -- --------- - --------- ---- - - -- - ---------- -- - - ------ --- ----- ------- ---- ------ ---- -- - -------- ------- -- --- ----------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the---- --- - ------ $1H'�--- - -- -- -daY of_--- -- - Au$-u.8'�- - -- -- - - --- - --------A. D., 1910_-- • ; <br /> WITNESS Carrie L.�Cood <br /> -----Lu�h��---J._�Qod ------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----------------- ---------C.B�ging--- --------------- ------- ,, <br /> ------------------------------ -------------- <br /> ------------------ ---- <br /> -- 4e o__B���d��- ------------ - - -- ------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ i <br /> STATE OF���+�; <br /> �ss. <br /> -------Big__$QT11---------County, On this_ $-lgt---------------------day of_------------AugLiBt-----------------------A. D., 19__ld__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public--------__-_--_--__-_------------------------_within and for said County, Personally came---_-__-__-_-_------__---_--------------------_----------------------_-------- <br /> --- -----��r�ie__�_,V�QOd_an�_�ta���i�_�_�_._�oQ�l--,- .�_f�--ana__husUa�ci_,---------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.8_______whose name___s__.________________8.r_�________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_�_______, and_______�ht.8y___________severally acknowledged the same to be.____�.�lfliT___________voluntary act and deed ' <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> �� <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and affixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ______,_(f8_��a11�___.�___W�_tQ��g_____.___________________________on the date last above written. j <br /> -------------------------------C_t_B.Kin$.----------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires---------------------.1uly_----'�-'--'s------ -----------------------------------------------------------19----11-- <br />�� : __----- ' <br />