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� ` <br /> �...,q_ � � ° � ° � <br /> � p o <br /> - 500�8-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Lithographin,r�and Courzty Supp[ies;Omahe. `' -' _° " - " "- =__-=- . ,_.-__--,..�_�._ <br />_ _ _ _ _ _:__ _ _ ._ . _..__ -- - -,�.__.�-_-.—_..__. <br /> . _-.—,. �__ -----_ �.�______ ._-.�_�,_,—,.- �_.- <br /> __.. <br /> FR0��1- I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ^^:,;, *� .. ? .,..-� �, � filed for record this __..-----3-----. ------_day of-------���t----- <br /> -- --- - <br /> �_.,�._izc�.�� i=�"''�� -��? ��_ ---- <br /> :�, D., 19_1Q- , at- --- --�•u� - - - - --o'clock- - ---- -- - - �' -M� <br /> - - _ - --- ___ - _ _ Warranty <br /> --- - - - - -__ . <br /> _ <br /> „ <br /> TO Deed. �_� _�t <br /> _, <br /> '' <br /> - - - - /�_ �� ��� , <br /> - -- - - - <br /> County Clerk, <br /> t;E:�:I'"' }1'1 ,�",.:i <br /> --- -. �- --� ____ __ _ _ -- ' <br /> -- --- - -- - - --- - - -- - - --- - - -- --- --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> Kno� All 1VIe�r� by Tl�ese �'resents: � <br /> r.� ' ,�-r+� r,.+ • ,^ <br /> -_ �.- .; -s „ ., <br /> 7'112,t ; _!('__.;_��3 I_�d.,.,��:+.1'v'i_� __�:%..� �-•._�_M._I^..._-a,,1 G ----- -- ---- - - --- - ------ <br /> of the CountY of - - .._::;�1� ----- - - - - - ---and State of- - �`1_�_���xA�'�a - --- - -. .-- --- ---------------�-----Grantor------, in consideration <br /> _; ., _ <br /> of the sum of- - _a.eY�.} • _- _ --- ----- -- --- - ------ ---- _ . -- ---- --._ - .__ <br /> t. ,�, 4?,��:': �r^� �__''�w14'_;_ . _r_� _DOLLARS, <br /> in hand pa,id, clo.�-�_-___ -_hereby GRANT, BARGAI?1', SELL, A1�TD COIVVI,'Y unto_ ____:�':?iy____Fu�� _ _..______ _ <br /> of the Coullty of_-- �i�ll..__---- - - - . -ard Sta,te of_-------- ---_ ,'�' ,r 4�n:;y- -- <br /> ,.. - - _- __ - - - - -, Grantee- --,the following <br /> �. , ,. <br /> described premises, situated in ttie C�unty of_______._____._ __�_1_���--i_ ___.__.. _-._.__. .___. __.____and State of Nebrasl�a, to wit: <br /> t, . �T , „ n�e+ .� r? /n 1 n TT t C`� � r. "+� n i T��, . E�.. "i ,-.+ i ,1 �l �'. 1 � � n + � ,� n <br /> � +-. . -, • ! <br /> �i 4_�`� �� � � '" �I. � -�- �'�- -�1.�I� -ci�_u_4_x_.X <br /> t,r.�, .� ,�t_�-�� :�_�_ �,�u--�Yi:.�___ .�_� _�:�__ c�v_� � ,. ,. <br /> _"_ _.. .�_... ' L �' a1.\l-vll�- '� P,c� r • <br /> '___-_ .._.� -c.. �� _ `__ �___x.''y__' <br /> ,Y,� . .... --� 7 � .,a.. .� � r�.�.�.['� � A A� nn �,` �4-1-, {� L. /'�� i_ o a r � �v �.,� <br /> . ' ��i �. v .�:..,., r �., ,�+� r � _ L,-, ±1-�<+---- f' _ '�.__... -„---'"�1u.r�-S.,iT �.__c�rn-- S Q.: �� ..:.L S_..� l�'..�tZ.i <br /> _._ .,_ .,�.._ c,.i - - _ e__ .�.� .,. .. . L : u l l - <br /> ,C! <br /> � --�--- � ------ ��" ---- ---- ---- - --- �-�-- -° <br /> ?�T['��.�n,n.�'Jiii�. - --- -- -- ------ -- '- - - - <br /> - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - - - - -- _- -- - - - - - ---- '- --- --- ---- - - - - -- - -- - - - - ---------- --- - ---- ---------- - ----- <br /> --- -- -- - <br /> - -- -- - -- - -- -- --- -- ----- -- - -- --- -- - -- - ---- - --- --- - -- -- - - -- -- ---- --- --------- -----°- <br /> -- ----- -- --- - - -- - ---- - - - - - - -- --- -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - ---- - - -- -- -- - ---- --- ---- -- - - ...-- - - ---- ---- ---- -- --- --- ' <br /> - -- -- -- - ---- - - ---- -- ------ --- ------- -- - - - - -- -- ------ - --- --- --- ---- ---- ------ -- - - -------- ------------° <br /> To�ether with all the tenelnents, herecti�a�ments, and appurtenances thereunto belof�.ging, ��,n�l all �h� Est�,te, Right, Title, Znterest,-�xver�--��es3=, Claim and � . <br /> Demaiid whatsoever of the said Grantor___.____,��-e#'-�,i�•��e�a, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO HqtiE AND TO FIOLD tlie a,boti�e-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to________hi�_____________._____heirs and <br /> . �. Tii� nq�3 T�:�r:;:���r:.�:::t i,o. , <br /> a,ssigns forever. And__1._..y___�;��_..s�_ _,�___hereby covenant_��____with the said Grantee___________that________i_t_______hold_._______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_ �_4_---__-------_ha�______good right and Iawful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that t.hey are free a,nrl clear of all lietis and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------- --- ----...---- - - -- -- -- - - ---- -- ----------- --- -- ----- ------------ -------- -- --- -- ----- ---- - -------- ---------- ------ ----------------------- <br /> ------ ------ - --- - --- - --- -- - ----- - - - -- - - ------ - -- -- - --- --- - - - ---- -- - ---- - ---- --- - ------ ------------------- - --------------------- <br /> --- - -- ---- -------- --- -- - ------ ------- - -...- --- ---- -- ---------- - --- -- - - ----- --- - --- ------- -- ---------- --------------------- -------- -------- <br /> „ ' ��' '�� ' "'�:' _ '�o.�u. _I�;�'��� __________.___covenants__._to warrant and <br /> ��:�c � „ <br /> -- - -�-- -- "�'----.:ti�i.�__ _ t. L t�'�l �� - --- ��`"----- - ---- <br /> - - - --- - -- <br /> defend�said prelnises against the lawful claims of all persoz7s whomsoevel°, _______ _____.._i_i1___1�s;k�iv_�_s____��';.:�.�_;,.�f_t__�:,:�____�_�i::_�..__TX��___3Q_:�1_______._._._ <br /> Trl'ri'�y ,.c"� !., �rr t,.;;. .,.. ,,,-•-�;A +1- -��n r �+a`+or11.,�.`�i � `� ,-,.n ? ' �* � +;. ^,7�.i.� ta .� ';?�i� � �.0'�'"��I'c.'�'tn nn� . <br /> .L_ .... .,.. . ,.u.� ,�;.i>.,, .. ..._ �0 �.i� v 1`, .a. f.i .,v :i � :.t..r i t"' ::�v c..1 <br />�� ------------------- ----- - -- ---- - ---- - ------- --------- . .._. . ..-- -- -- ------- ----- -- -- - ----�- ----- -- -- ' ----'--- --- ----'------'-- � <br /> ,... � . n ` �� . <br /> �.tt����.�a � � <br /> ---�a,#e�k�1�e-- '�_.��1--�1;�'�- --da,y of- �-LL3T - --- ---- ------ -------A, D., 19_._1Q--• <br /> � <br /> .�,.�-��-,�v��*�-� <br />'i U[�ITNESS .�. C p:'1± :� m�-�T---?�s i �'�y'_c.��"_„ m r.n <br /> - ------ -----------� =�-=----� =�' -------------- <br />� `.� 3 G'ui � <br /> , � **� ��-y�:*� l�y_ rr�3 S��J.��:-:ton Presi�?ent <br /> w , . <br /> ------- ------ � --- ------ -- ------- ----------- ----------- <br /> :�. ..:�u:��n --- - <br /> ---- - - ---------== --- - - --- - - <br /> a±±est ".'?. ^os-; Secr.eta.ry <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ------- -F�all- - - County� �ss. On this--- -- -- .�i��.- - --- ---------day of_------ - :�a:�-- - --- -------------------A, D., �9'��----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public__________________________.____._________witliin and for said County, personally came__�'A u;'�__'"_._t.s_;�.�_s�a_3___^�"'_^;_�,°�_t___�f__'�'_"_�% <br /> .��s�--�r.z->s_•�_�'L-'�n�---�o. - - ----- -- ------ ------ ----- -------------------------�--------------------------------- --- ------------------ <br /> -- - --- - - -- - - - ------------- ------------------------------- ------- -- ..- --- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- <br /> r�s� :.°r± r, -•,_ _, ry r.�n;, r-, +ro <br /> �..,., <br /> to me persona y linot�n �o be th�enide'�i`Ei$al p�r�b�"__A'_'___w`�iose name__________,;,s___________.______________af�ixed to tne above il2stru- <br /> ment as�rantor_______ _,,and _____ _____ -_-��-acknowledged the same io be_ .. __ha..�________________voluntary act and deed <br /> ;�. ' n' v �� n`ar� �c U 4_r.:. 1;�ea :f the :_�ai � Th� ;�oss Investment Co. <br /> nfor��i`e purpose t�ierein expr�sse`�. <br /> IN ZVITNESS WF�EREOF I have hereunta subscribed my hand and afl'ixed my ofl"'icial seal at______.______________________________________ <br /> (:"!�AL j -_-=�;-r-an-�-_?-;1_,:>.�,�__r':<i�.r_�si�--__-___-----_-------------on the date last above written. <br /> � � t <br /> -------------------------------- -.rt�._��_,_.-?_Q�v-1---------------_..-------------- <br /> 1`Totary Public. <br /> ,.�,,, . <br /> My commission expires----------------- ------u:ar-r---��-'---------lizil----------------------------------------��------------ <br />, ,. ___ _ .�l <br />