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<br /> �� �, � � ` .
<br /> - � i�- � •'P� ,
<br /> BY '
<br /> .- Q� PERSONAI, REPRESENTATIVE — �, . � --..�...�_-�
<br /> � � � � ;�rs.0
<br /> t ..C"/ ' • _�_`_�'•.-
<br /> � ' Randy Rowley, Peraonal Representative of the Estate of Michael F. � ; ' . �_=--�T.
<br />. Caveny, Deceased, GRANTOR, conveys and releases tc Randy Rowley and � • � =�.,:s:•'"=:�
<br /> Jeremy Rowley, as tenanta in common, GRANTEE, the follawing \, • ,�;'_`�::_'_
<br /> � • � described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201) : ' " : `-- -
<br /> �. . _
<br /> �-��a_
<br /> The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N3�NW',O of __ �_ ���;"-`�-
<br />.:;� Section Twenty-four (24) , Township Ten (10) North, Range , _ =-- __
<br /> Twelve (12? West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, s � ��;:�:��;��.,r,
<br /> .�: �,3,
<br /> and ' '�� �
<br /> Part o€ the NortYiwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter '`.` _
<br /> '��`„�-
<br />� ' (NW'�TE'�) of Section Twenty-f our (24) in Township Ten (10) ••�� ��- ��- �
<br /> ���:�'-
<br /> . North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., more particu- : .
<br /> larly described as follows: Beginning at the Northweat corner ,�:��._ '��.,."
<br /> of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW�((NElit) of ��- �
<br /> - said Section Twenty-four (24) and running thence South along �` �S. :.�-,� �;�.�
<br /> its Weat line 1,156 feet to the Northwest corner of a five (5) _
<br /> ' " acre tract heretofore conveyed to John M. Tyrrell by Warranty :� ��, •�•,
<br /> Deed recorded in Book 28 of Deeda, at Page 138, of the Deed ' '� :�� �.;
<br /> ` Records of Hall County, Nebraska; thence East alang the North � _ � '
<br /> ��� � line of said f ive (5) acre tract, 1,156 feet to a gas pipe in •�5':t'�
<br />� the left high bank af Wood River; thence along said left high �� F.
<br /> bank in a general northerly direction as followe: Turning an - �i•
<br /> angle of 50 Degrees to the left, and ruizning 101.9 feet to a ' ,�,
<br /> � !, gas pipe; thence 36 Degrees 32' to the left, 122 feet to a �
<br /> stake; thence 49 Degrees 21' to the left, 45 feet to a atake; - - ��
<br /> •� • thence 65 Degrees 42' to the right, 39 Feet; thence 39 Degrees ��' -��—=—
<br /> ' -- 32' to the right, 145 Feet to a stake; thence 36 Degrees 13' `�'�N',
<br /> � �_�
<br /> to the left, 41.5 feet ta a stake; thence 40 Degrees 30' to , :--ry�=-�
<br /> the left, 135 Feet to a atake, thence 35 Degrees 20' to the � :-•-'='�"'
<br /> left, 51 feet to a atake; thence 44 De rees to the left, 69 ����-'
<br /> J �'�S;:Y- '
<br /> � Feet to a atake, thence 70 DegrEes 26' to the right, 100.5 -�- ,�.w�,
<br /> . Feet to a etake; thence 50 Degrees 57' to the right, 100 Feet �'•_w �._
<br /> � to a stake; thence 14 Degrees 31' to the right, 100 Feet to a �-���--
<br /> • gas pipe; thence 26 Degrees 26' to the 1eft, 372.4 Feet to a _�:..,.r,...�.�.
<br /> � � as i e on the north line of said Northwest Quarter of the ��=�''����
<br /> 9 P P ���.�
<br /> . Northeast Quarter (NW;�TE�S) ; thence Weat along said North line -� •-.��--�•-
<br /> 1,137.8 Feet to the place of beginning, and containing 31.37 +•.`.�' � �:�,,��_:
<br /> acrea, a little more or less; and ��"y�"'�'�°�'°"'�"'
<br /> �`"'�'`f.•,;',�r,���},p t:iY_. .
<br /> .�,�
<br /> All of that part of the West Half of the Northeaet Quarter ���+ �. ;,p,�:�:".
<br /> (W�NE�f) North of the Wood River in Section Twenty-four (24) , ` '
<br /> Tawnship Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) Weat of the 6th ��°�'�- �
<br /> P.M. , deacribed as follows: An irregular tract of land �,'`�'�"'�'�''`" : �
<br /> situated in the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W3�NE;() of " �_
<br /> � ' 3ection Twenty-four (24) , Township Ten (10) North, Range . .
<br /> Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M. , more particularly described � , �
<br /> � as follows: Beginning at a point on the Weet line of the said �. . � � �
<br /> Weat Half of the Northeast Quarter (W�NE�f) of Section Twenty- ' .
<br /> four t24) , eaid point being located 1,156.0 Feet south of the . . . . - -
<br /> quarter section corner on the North line of said Section .�. � �•
<br /> Twenty-four (24) , running thence easterly at an angle of 89 .' � � . _
<br /> . Degrees 49' to the right a distance of 1,193 Feet to a point . '
<br /> which is the approximate intersection of said line with the
<br /> center line of Wood River, running thence Southwest and West • • +�
<br /> upstream along the center line of the Wood River to the '.. � �
<br /> interaection of said center line of the Wood River with the � • �
<br /> West line of the Weat Half of the Northeast Quarter (4J�NElr!) of
<br /> � ... ' � . '
<br />_:__ _-� �- - - ----- -
<br /> .�
<br /> i � ' � —
<br /> . . '_ , �.
<br /> - -�,,:—.__�._. -..:
<br /> --- . .
<br />_. . . __ v::,c.tx--....'.�• .. . . _ . •�.� . � .• � . . . • �. .. _ .. ... � -. ... . .. . - . _ .'. ' . . • � -. - . �.t: , .. , � � , . .. • • �
<br />