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<br /> 03 10/1997 [`.` ` ' -
<br />, ,ROBBR'P J HAMAR ��+'�' ���� 211474 / ` " , '
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<br />' 18. Borros�•er's Ri�ht to Reinsiate. Notwi�hstandiag Lender's au�elerarinn of che sums se�:u'Ied by [1�is Deed of ` �ti; -
<br /> Trust, due ta Bormwer's breach. Burmwer shall have ttte right to havr any pnx�eedings hegun by Lxatter co enfi�rce this - � ��'� �
<br /> = Deecf of Tn�st di�:onrinued at any rime prior co[hr rarlier to excur of(i) thr fifch day beforr�he sale af the Pmperty � � ` ; ` .. .-�:
<br /> k pursuant to the pnwet of sale wutained in ttus Qeed af 7'r��t or(iil rntry�of a judgmrnt enfc�rcing thi+Deed uf Tru.�Y if:(a> ,, -
<br /> " Bormwer pay� Ixnder all sums whicU wnuid be thfn due uuder du� Dectii uf Trus�t and thr Note had nii accelern[iun . �.�'�__
<br /> �xcurred; (b) Bnrmwrr cures all breach��s of any otl�er cavcnaats or agreertients of Bormwer conrained in this Dred of
<br /> Truse; (cl Bnrrower pays all rea�nnablr eRpenses itt�uRed bY Ixuder and TnL,[ee in enfoicing the covenants and ; •
<br /> `. agreemrnts of Hom�wer cuntained in[his Deed or Trust and iu enforcing Ixnder'�and Trustee's reaied'ses as Provided in . .
<br /> paragraPh l7 hereof, inclucling, hut ani limited to, reasnnable attorntys' fees: and (d) &�rrower takes such at-tion a� . . .
<br /> Lxnder nLay reasonably reyuire ro asswc that [he lien of this Dee�i of Tru�t. Lendcr's interest in the Pmper[Y and .. , . —
<br /> - Born�wer'�obligation ro pay the�uw se�:nred by this Deed of Tn�st �hall conunue uniir�pa�red. Up�a su�h payment and " �
<br />. cure by B�srrower. this Dred of Tnut asW th�ubligations se�vred l�enby �hall ren�ain in fult fnrce and effe��t as if n�i =—. `-_ ,- .. _--
<br /> rT
<br /> auelerati��n t�ad a:curnd. • < .. , . �,
<br /> 19. Assignmeat of Rents; Appai�n�3 af Receiver; Lender in PossessMn. As additional security hereunder. ,G , ,, ,�
<br /> Borrower hereby ass7gns to Ixnder the rena of[he Property. provided that Barrower shall. prior eo accelerarion under : __ _
<br /> ,-- ..� paragraph 17 hereof or ahandonn�ent of che Pmperty.have the right to collect and rerain such rents as they become due and J' - . .� ^ ..
<br /> ._ payable. �..�_',':�._.-`` —
<br /> , _ �,�
<br /> � Upon acceletation under pazagnph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Propea]+. Lender. in pe�son,by agent or by 'T�_��.
<br /> a � —----
<br /> judiciailY appainted receiver shall be entided to encer upon,take p�ssession of and manage the Prope�ty aaul to wllec[the i, �t�:���-.��.
<br /> • rents of the Property including those past du�. A11 rems collected by Lender ar the receiver s4a11 be applied first to , .�T:,;'�`�`"= �
<br /> . payment of the costs of management of the Property and collectian of nnts. including,but not Gmited to.receiver's fees. , . ,... .���.,
<br /> ' � premiwns on receiver's bonds and reasonahle attomeys' fees.and[hen ro the sums secured by this Deed of Trt�st. Ixnder ,-:��:_y,;�
<br /> and the receiver shall be liable to acconnt only far those rents ach�ally meived. . ` _,.� �_
<br /> 20. Reconveyanee. Upon payment of all sums sec:ared by this Deed of Tc�e. Lender sha11 reques� Tnlstee to ___
<br /> � reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Deed of Tnut and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by ttus Deed of '•:.'"'�;'R •-.�.,n- :."
<br /> Ttust to Tmstee.Tnistee shall reconvey the Property without wamniY and witl�out charge co[i�e person or persons 1ega11Y _ �"'?�''�'�-�
<br /> eatided thereto.Such person or persous shall pay all costs of recordauon,if any. - . -::=;-����
<br /> u •.
<br /> int a sur.cess�r -..��
<br /> ' 21. Sa!►stttute Trustee.Lender.as�.ender's aption.may from time to ame reuwve Tmscee and appo' , _ ,..„�
<br /> ' .,�,.._
<br /> mutee to any Tnistee appoin[ed hereunder by an inam+nent ncorded in [he county in which tlris Deed of Trua-t is .__ �at� �,, �
<br /> wer and duties . �.`�` T' .
<br /> . . recorded. Without conveyance of the Property. che succes;or mistee shall succeed to all the dde. po . .1`. • •� ' ���
<br /> conferred upan the Tmstee herein and by apglicabte law. -
<br /> 22. Requesi for NQ¢�o�. Bormv�er requcsts that copies of the aotice of default and norice of sale be sent to ,,:: �
<br /> Borrower's address which is�.Pmpercy Addmss. '• �i`�� @
<br /> ,,. ,
<br /> 23.HaTa.rdo�SuDstances.Borrower shall nat u�use ar permit tbe presence.use.disposal•storage.or release of any �=-�:+� :
<br />� ' Hazardous Substances an os in the Property. Borrower shall aot do, nor allow anyone else to do_anything affecting the �
<br /> Pro that is in violation af any Envimnmental 1aw• 'fhe preceding nuo sentences shall not a.�ly to the presence.nse.
<br /> FertY be ro riate to '�;.�;�`-, --
<br /> c�s stonge on t�e Property af smail quantiaes of Ha�rdous Substances that aze geuetally recogmzed ta apP p •-�71. ..�,
<br /> � ' uom�al residenaal uses and cn maintenance of tbe Pmpetty. "�,:r �� �
<br /> �F,'
<br /> _. Borcower shall prnmprJy give I.ender written natice of any invesdgation.cla:�.deman�.lawsvit or or`��cdon by ��:':.�-
<br /> any goveramental ac regulatory ageac} or private party im+olvin8 t6e Pr°PenY � �Y �dous Substance or
<br /> � Cmrironmental Iaw of which Bonower Las actual lmowledge. If Borrower leams.or is notified tsy any govemmental or ' �::
<br /> . regulatory authority, ti�at any removal or other re�:diaaon of any Ha7ardozts Substance affecdng the Property is _ _� _ _
<br /> . � necessary.Borrower shall promptly take all necessarY remedial actions in accorda�u:�::tb End�ranmental Law. . . G;. ;:. • --
<br />: �.;.� As used in this paragraph 23. "Harardous Substances"are tliose substances defined as toxic or Harardous substances ^
<br /> by Emironmental Law and the foliowing substances: gasoline.kerosene, other flamrmable or raxic petroleum products.
<br /> ; �� toxIc pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containia��bestos or formaldehyde.aud radioactive materiats. •. ����"��
<br /> As used in this paEa�r a ph 23."Envimawental Law'n�ns federai T4:.s and la�vs of the jurisdicaon where the Property is .��`•i+--:_,.:.,'�
<br /> ..:,� lacated that relate to health. safety or envimnn�ental prat�ction. � •:�:�'-�—c'�
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