�I ��F
<br /> D D ° 0 ° D o � �
<br /> 7 ��
<br /> _ , ' NO. 22 �i�'S62 $LOPP c@ BARTLETfiCO..F.•inting,Litfio _ . - --" _ _
<br />-- ._..`.. ... . . . . . . grayh.ing and Counly Bupplies;4mah¢. . . . .
<br /> _.�. ,_:, _._ ..,. .._.. _ .. . . . . ._ _ __ .. .. .... ..� . . _ _.. .._ . _.._ _. ..� :.-- —.
<br /> . . . . . � . . . . ..�.-�_
<br /> ss.
<br /> iiail County, Entered in Numerical Index and filed for
<br /> I� Fet�r Jeas°n� sin�� e recordinthe Clerk� s officeofsaidCounty,•the u�
<br /> TO , Warranty day of Jul;� 19 �-�, at � o'clock and - minutes,�. M.,
<br /> Isaac i�e-:,ton S�r.ser.ey, Deed.
<br /> Charles E11s�v;�rti: "enseney and recorded in Book47 page 73 of
<br /> :y.arah .Eli..a�eth Ser.�eney �-e��-�/ �-� �� County Clerk,
<br /> ' � (�egister of Deeds,
<br /> By Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents;
<br /> That I , I,.Feter Jessen, �.nmarried, ,
<br /> Territory
<br /> of the County of E ddy , and�S#,�a-of ��v .,^T �,�e�;i C o , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Nine Tlzola,,an:,� ana na/100-----------------�,__�_---��__------___------------------__----- DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and co�firm untoI aadC IV2;��ton �en�eney, Charle� E11�«ror�Gh Sen�eney,
<br /> an�1 �ar�.h �lizabeth Senaeney ,
<br /> of the County of Hall , and State of I�Ie�;rdska, , the following described real estate situated
<br /> �n ___________________________ � Hal� County, and State of I�e�rask�, , to wit:
<br /> � � ' 1 � � �-1 T -y� .� � 1 �2 O� ' �
<br /> T�a �outh �iu�l o� ��ze ;do�th-?�'e5t �uartar(�� o�`y;;4) of sec�ion t���ent;�„ in in To^mship ten (10) North
<br /> of Range Eleven (11) ?�est o� �he Sixth .Princir,al r�exididn. Subject to �he t:r.ion Paciiic RailNay
<br /> Cor��pany' s ri�ht oi ;Er�.y throu�,h th� �bov° aescri'�ea 1ana. Also a certain ��:�rcel" of lana �escribed
<br /> .�:� �ollo-r•rs; Co.:r.iencin�; ut a �oint t -Yenty-t'ive (u5) feet South oz tYie '.Joxth-�ast corner of tYie �
<br /> Sol_�th-?"est quar�er �.�;�µ) oL saiu ,sction t :�ran�y (2C) ' ,and running thence :�1ort�i alon� tne lin�
<br /> r�„t�:reen the s�:i:z South_ ?�est �;.za-rter :,�-: x the So��:th_ East ��uar��r of sail ;e�tion t��rcn�y (2U) to �
<br /> the :�orth- East cor:.,r of saia �outh_�est ��uartar; �h�nce ?�est a1.on�; tlie 1�1o:�•th � ina of ��aici South;
<br /> �,"est q�larter of sai3 section t�-Ten�y (20) to �. ;:oint t-san�y-five (?5) feet �istant fro� sai.'
<br /> T�Iorth-Fust ::orner of ,aia �3ou±h-�:R�est �ua-�+��r oi sai..l s-���tion t�r:�nty (20) ; thence ir. a st��ai�ht
<br /> line in a �outh- ?�,aste�-i y :ii.��ctio� to tn.e �� ac� of �:.�ginnin,;.
<br /> 5u�,;ect ��o�.vever ta a cerlui�z mort�age i�-- f�,ro.r of ��.r�anth� ;'.�'o�:1en �'or "`�. 3Q0. �,;�, of :�nicl�
<br /> =�� ,B,�C. �;G rer��:�iYis 1zr;��ai1, a�.te1 A�.-�ri1 1, l�CU �.:,:: ��f�zb1� l�rril 1,1911, r,'rith ir.-'�^re�t at 6;�
<br /> ;�rhich ,ai;:l ,�,.rant�eS ��ss :rne an::;: a�rae to ;�ay.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br /> untothesaid Isaac Tde��Frton :�en::�eney, Charlas Ells;�rortil �enseney, an_� Saruh rl� z��eth `'en�eney,
<br /> and to the i r heirs and assigns, forever,
<br /> And I do hereby covenant with the said Grantee s , and with t hei�` heir�and agsigns, that I ar� .
<br /> ]awfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance e�Cert a.� s�t�ted .�.bOVe.
<br /> that I have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and I do�ereby covenant to warrant and defend _
<br /> the title to said remises a ainst the lawful claims of all ersons whomsoever. �
<br /> P g P i �
<br /> � And t�e said ---�--- -- --___�__---______�--------------------..__________----_____ hereby relinquishes all
<br /> � ' in and to the above described premises.
<br /> ` Signed this 3ixteenth day of June , A. D., 19 10
<br /> ' In presence of ,
<br /> r E. Ferree L.Pater Jessen '
<br /> ���e—r�'itory o� T�1e� �:exico �
<br /> SS
<br /> � �'31y County, ' On this 1 s� day of Ju�y A. D., 1910
<br /> before me the undersigned S E .Fer re^ �
<br /> a Notary Public, duly comrnissioned ar�d q�ualified for a,nd residi�g in �eaid Coun�y, per$onally came
<br />� �
<br /> L.Peter Jessen
<br /> to me known to be the identical person whose nam� is a�'ixec�to the foregoing conveyance as grantor ,
<br /> , and acknowledged b�� n ` An te-�a be tly;; vol��tary act and deed. f or
<br /> � the ��:�rr :�e^ h y� -
<br /> � ,
<br /> o � � erei r. set �:or�.z
<br /> .
<br /> (S�AI,) Witness lri�+ hand and Notarial Seal . �° ��` � °aG�� i q�a
<br /> My commission expires the 4�h day of ;?axcn 29 14 i
<br /> ' i
<br /> �
<br /> S :�.Fe x ra e Notary Public. {
<br /> �
<br /> '
<br /> i �
<br />