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��J �.� <br /> �,. <br /> 0 0 � l <br /> D D 0 D � <br /> T3UE'FMAN'S NU. 103� CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS. <br /> _ �_ — — --.. __ _ � __._. — � -- _ — — _ _ _ _ ___ ._ --- <br /> --- �._-. ean�e L„wz,rG 72 .u�fer ,�T2ffit I,aJA �� • C � � Q�x,. ..:. ._ — _..., . . . .. ..- - - - - -- --- - — - -- - -- <br />�..._.:__ . _ ____.,. .��`—zr_. _..�._ ._. _ �&t __ ��l�s?+�_____.._�..'_�s_ "-_.— � _�_--__ _..:. ._.. ___�_—._._ __�..��_ —� -- -- -' — -- ---�---------- — <br /> _ _ <br /> � <br /> i � . <br /> � Pat rick ;�1. Franc is and �rf. State o f Nobrasl�;a <br /> ;l <br /> Hall Co�nty. <br /> �; a��Sary T . Entered on Nurneyical Index and filed f oy recoyd in the Clerk's <br /> �i �f�CCe o f said County, the �thday o f rday at the houy o f <br /> ' TO Waxranty g o'clack and __ �ninutes A M., rg 10 and duly recoyded�in � <br /> �) T a�cl an ' }Deed. book 47 of ,Wa�ranty Deeds, on page 11 <br /> � <br /> '' . Eciw Fr czs <br /> !i � � <br />'�� ;I ��. ,�, Co�nty Clerk, <br /> �1 <br /> '� De �t <br /> �, , p y. <br />� ,� ) <br /> E �, KNOw ALL 1VIEN BY T�IES� P�ESEN�'S: <br /> if <br /> fi That we, Patrick �1. Fr�ncis anci ��iary T, �'rancis, husbanu ana �rife , <br /> � <br />� I� <br /> j� o f tke County o f iiall , avrd State o f i�let�raska , f or and in. consideyation o f the sum o f <br /> ' DOLLARS, <br /> � One and no-100 � <br /> � <br /> I� in hand paid, do hereby grant, baygain, sell, convey and con fiyvn unto T . Edtx;ara Frane is I <br /> i; I <br /> ;� � <br /> I _ <br /> i� o f the County o f �al�- , and State o f Ne"�raska , the following descyibed yeal esta�e <br /> ,; <br /> �! situated in ----.---�.-__-.-____ ivt Hal l Co2�nty, and State o f ; to wit: <br /> Nebraska <br /> ;� Com�encin;; at a �oint in the .�'ast section line of section t�renty-four (�4) in To�nship ten (10) <br /> ;�{ 2dorth, of Ran�e t�aelv� (12} , �►est of the �ixth Princi??al 1;Ieriuian, seven and one-half feet (7�) <br /> �� South of tha South-e�st corner of the North half �i�-z) of thQ Isorth-e3�t quartar (NEy;) of said <br /> � section tt�ren�y=-four (24) , thance runnin� south 78 �1est �variation 12 Eas�} five hundrea forty- ! <br /> � eight feQt (548' ) �o tha SoutYi-e3st corne-r of Freclerict� L. a�wald' a lands; �hence North I1° -45� <br /> � �lest {variation 12o East) three hundred ei�hty-tiiree ana one-half feet (�83z! ) ; thence Nortn 78° <br /> East (va�iation 12 Ea�t) par�llel ti�fith the South line six hunared thirty-nine feet (G39) to <br /> fi -�hg East yec�ion line of s�id section twonty-four (24) ; thence South on said section linQ, <br /> � Sout� 2° east, (variation 12� East) , tnrae hunared eighty-�hreQ and one half feet (383�t ) to the <br /> � place oi be�innin�. Said �iece or parcel of land contlins five (5� aexes, more or less and is <br /> ; situa�ed part in he Jortn half (N2) and part in tho Sou�h half tS2) of the Nortli-east que�rter <br />�� € of said section twent.y-four (24) . <br />' `! Tnis deed is given f ar the purpose of corr ect ing and making more def init e the desc rirition <br /> i= <br /> ; of the land convsyed in a desa by thQ abov� named grantors to the above named grantee, dated <br /> ��ctobex 12 1�09 anc� recorded in Book No; 45 of Deeds at page 340 and conve�y� the same lan > <br /> j . ,_ OLD t e ises above described, together wzth all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Ap�ur- <br /> I'i ;zn�enae o e conveye e . <br /> � cl �� � �i � <br /> i� tenances theyeunto belonging, unto the said T. Ed�va�cl Franeis <br /> , <br /> �( � <br /> � avcd to h�� heiys and assigns, f oyevey. <br /> I ri <br /> And �v'e do he�eby covenant with the said Gyantee , and with hi� heiys and assigns, that we are <br /> j� law f ully seized o f said prenaises; that they aye f yee f rom evc cum byan ce <br /> li . <br /> �� <br /> ;� that �re have good yight ard lawful authority to sell tke sav�e; and �1e do heyeby covenant to wayrant <br /> ; <br /> av�d defend tke title to said pye�ises against the lawful clain�s of all persons whon�soever. <br /> �I <br />, ' And the said Paaar� T. Fr3�eis heyeby relinquishes all <br /> I <br /> !� �Zer rit�hts pf ��hatever kind in and to the above descyibed pyenaises. <br /> �! <br /> I{ <br />� �� Sigiaed this 2nd day o f A�iay , A. D., zg 10 � <br />, I[ <br /> !� Ivc pyesence o f Pat riC k �P. Frane is <br /> � �G. L. Spragua. Fdary T. Francis . <br /> i! <br /> � <br /> I� <br /> E? <br /> �� <br /> �� <br />� � State of Nebra�ya <br /> ;; Hall <br /> County. On this 4t11 day o f A4ay A. D., zg10 <br /> !� <br /> I` <br /> i; before me the uvrdersigned W. I�. Sprague <br /> �`� � ( <br /> ;i a Notary Public, duly commissioned and g,ualified for and yesiding ivr. said Cou��ty, personally came <br /> ;� Patrick W. Francis anct I��ary T. Francis, husbancl ancl �ife, <br /> �9 <br /> 1 <br /> i to me known to be the identical peyson �whose name s are af�ixed to the foyegoirg conveyance as <br /> �i (SEAL) <br /> i� grantors , and acknowledged the execution o f the same to be the ir voluntary act and deed. <br /> �i <br /> j� Witness rvcy hand and Notayial Seal tl�-�-�ea�-��-a�bo��-��f�e�. �his 4th day of �,tay,191 . <br /> li <br /> ;� My co�rncissio�c expiyes the 2��� day of ��lareh j9 12 <br /> �I W. L. Sp rague Notayy Public. <br /> �! <br /> �.- -- <br />�._ � �I _ _ _� <br />