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<br /> 54298—State 7ournal ComPany, Blawk Book 1lakers, Stationeis and Printera, Lincoln, Neb ~
<br /> ---. _.._ ---,.. __,..,� �
<br /> _ .:___ . , _ . __ _._.� __._— V���_ �.__-----�__—_�� __�
<br /> To Have and To Hold the abc�ve 3eccribed �remises with the aprurtenances tmto the said r�lary A. ;
<br /> Button and t� her heirs and assigns forever; And v�e the said Edgar T.Kingston & h�ary E.
<br /> Kingstan fox ourselves ar.d our heirs� executors ana administrators� do covenant with the said
<br /> i�ary A.Euttan and with her heirs and assi�ns, that we lawfully seized of said premise�, that
<br /> tney are f'ree fror� in�un��;rance, that we have good right and laVrful au�hority to sell the same,
<br /> anc� that we �vill ana �ur heirs� ex�cutors and a�ministrators shall warrant and def end the same
<br /> unto the �aid rt.ary A.Button and her heirs and assigns f�rever against tr,e lawful elaims and
<br /> aer,lands of all �ersons v:homsc�ever .
<br /> I� � .�.
<br /> Tn ��i�ness '�Yhere�Jf� �ve have heretim.to set our hands this 13th day of June A.D.one thousand
<br /> nine hunared and thirteen
<br /> In P-reser.ce of Edgar T.Kingston
<br /> H.;.Funk . :iary E.Kin�ston
<br /> State of 2lebraska (
<br /> : ss
<br /> County of Ha21 ( On this 13th clay of Jtme A.D.1933� be�'ore �.e� a Natary Public in and
<br /> zor said County� persor.ally c�e the a'�ove narled �d�ar T.Kingston an�. r4jary E.Kingston, husband ,
<br /> ana wife ti-:ho are nersonally known to me to be the identical �ersons whose narne are affiged
<br /> to the a'aove D�ed as �rantors, and t�ley a�kno�,�led�ed the instr�nent to be their voluntary aet
<br /> and deed.
<br /> �litness my hand and seal the date aforesaid.
<br /> (NNotarial) H.E.Funk
<br /> ( Seal }
<br /> 2,:y co�nrc:ission exnires April 1�� 1�19.
<br /> �'ile� for recprd Jul.y 3� 1913 at 9 o�cluck A.i.i. .
<br /> � � �-t _.�_ _,_._ - - ----��� .�._.�._�_____._ �e�i s t e r o f D e s
<br /> arranty D�e .v
<br /> Know all y�an by These Presents� That L=agar T.Kings�on and T�ary E.Kingston
<br /> huspand ana v�ife in cansiaeration of Twa Hunared F�rty-f�ive &• 54/100 (y�245 .54) Dollars� in hand'
<br /> ?�aid, do here�y sran�, Ra-rgair� �e11, Cnnvey ana Confirm un�o John S.C.7P.xivner the followin�
<br /> ��scxibsd Real E��ate, S.LV�VB in tY�ie �ounty of uall and State of t7ebraska� to-ti.�it:
<br /> Cammencing at a i�oint `��enty dne & Two-Fifths (ul � 2/5 ) Rods west of the North East ^orner
<br /> of the North west quarter of the North east quarter, (N.�f.y�, of �1.E.�} of Section twelva (12)
<br /> of townshil� nine (°) north of Pan�e Ten (10) west of the 6th P.I� . in Hal1 County, Nebraska.
<br /> runnir� thence vrest on the section line� Fourteen (1�) rods� thence south at right angles,
<br /> Tvrelve roda� fifteen feet, (l� rds . 15 ft . ) thence eaUt at right an�les Nineteen and two-fifths ,
<br /> (l� 2/5 ; rods} t�enc� north at ri�ht an�les, two rods and fifteen feet (2 rd�. l'."ft . ) thence �vest
<br /> �iv� & two-fiftha (5 2/5) rods� thence noxth at right anglea ten (10} rodd to the place of be-
<br />� ginning, the sar.:e k�eing an L shaped pie�e of land containing Fifty three thousand four hundred
<br /> s eventy nine & 8 110 (53479.8) sq . ft. tagether with all the Tenement s, Hered�tament s and Arp�-
<br /> .
<br /> /
<br /> tena.nces to the same belon;ina, and all the �state� Title� Dower� Claim or Demand ��hatsoever
<br /> ' of' the said ��t;ar T.Kin�ston and i:.ary E.��ingston, hus'aand and wife� of, in, or �o the same or
<br /> I :=:�ny nart thereof; Ta Have and To H�ld the above descri�ed prenlises� with the annurtenances
<br /> unto the said John S.C.7�.?iivner and to his heirs and assigns forever; And v�e the said E�ar
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />�I
<br />' T .Kin�ston anci :�iary A �ingston for aurselves and our heirs��and a3ministrators, do covenant
<br />�i -
<br />'I w ith the said <7ohn �' .C .�'.;iivner an3 with hig heirs anci ass igns� tha� we lawf ully se ized of said
<br />'�, l�remises� that they are f're� from inctunbrance, that �Te have good ri�ht and lawful ar�thority �o
<br /> sell the sairie, and that we vrill and our neirs� ex:;�utors and admini�trators shall warrant and
<br /> de�end the s3me un�o the said �Tohn �.�� .�.Hivnar and his heirs and assigns forever against the
<br /> lawful elaims and demands of all rersons whomsoever.
<br /> In v itness �r,ereof, y�e have hereu.nto set our hand this ldth day of June A.D. one thousand
<br /> nine hundred and thirteen �
<br /> In Presenee c�f Edgar T.Kingston
<br /> � ;�.E.Funk . � ?�2ary E.K�.n�ston � �
<br />� i', . �
<br />