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� \\\ <br /> ��� <br /> � \�� ��j� � ��j � , <br /> .� �����\�� ��..J���=%J�S�.�/� I�i � '_ti/� �G�i��� <br /> � <br /> !; <br /> be the3r voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> ; <br /> �titness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. . <br /> � � �� � (SEAI,) � reo. G.rreen <br /> P,�y commission expires the 10 day of Feb.1917. Notary Public . <br /> , State of Iowa ( � M <br /> :ss <br /> Fremont County. ( BE IT R�IEEYiBERED� That on this 14" day of Juns A.D.1913 before -the under <br /> signed Ira McCor:r�ick, a Notary Public, in and for said County, personally came seorge t�eavsre <br /> and Susa.n �Peaverg husband and wife, to me known to be th� identical person�s whose name are <br /> affi$ed to and who exe�ut�d the foregoing instrument as grantors and acknowledged the same <br /> to be their voluntary act and cieed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> , �litnes�a my hand and Notarial Seal the clay and year iast above vrritten. ° <br /> (SEAL} Ira �icCormick <br /> �dy co�nission expires the 4" day of July 1915. Notary Public <br /> Filed far record June 18� 1913 at 11 o'cloek A.�d. - • /� � <br /> ��'"��r� <br /> Reg ster of De � <br /> �_ .___ # ..� <br /> , ! �larranty Deed. ��.:• <br /> Know all �ien by �heee Preser.ts : That Isabella Richards and Daniel Richards <br /> ( K�ife and husband ) formerly of Hall County, and �tate of Nebraska in consideration of the <br /> ' sum of Three Thou�and and Twenty Dollars, in hand raid by E.P,P,.Jones of Hall Caunty, and �tate <br /> ;� of Nebraska do hereby grant, bargain, sell� convey and eonfirm unto the said E.hl.Jones the <br /> '� f'ollowir:g described premisss, situatsd in the County of Hall and State of 1�?ebrask� to-wit: <br /> li Lot rtumber uix (6) in Block Thirteen (13) in F.ussel R'heeler �s Addition, to xrand Island, <br /> �� .,, <br /> T3ebxaska, as surveyed, plattecz and recor3�d. <br /> � Together with all the tenemente, hereditaments <br /> '-� and apg�urtenan�eet to the same belonging� and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim or <br /> 'i <br /> I Demand �hats�ever; including Dowsr, curte�y and HorT.estEad Rights of the said grantors or of <br /> ,._ <br /> j either of them of, ir� or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> ! � To Aave and To Hold the above <br /> �, <br /> II deseribecl premis�s, with th� app�urtenanc6s, unto the said �.I�.Jones and to hi� heirs and assig�s <br /> �� <br /> I!� forever . And R•e hereby covenant with the said E.M.Jones that �e hold saici premises by �ood <br /> iand Perfect title; that R�e have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; <br /> ,I <br /> �� tY�at they are free and clear af all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. " <br /> '� And w e c ovenant t o <br /> �� <br /> � , warrant and defend the said premises against the lawfUl �laims of .. persons �rhomsoever. <br /> ;; <br /> !j �xcept taxes for 1913 and subs�quent thereto. <br /> Signsd this Ninth day of June A.D.1913 <br /> In resence o I R ' <br /> P <br /> f sabella ichards <br /> r • a <br /> � <br /> 3��i11iB �vl.Crog� Daniel P�ichards <br /> 945 w-59" Plac e <br /> r, The State of California( <br /> '; Los An�eles CoUnty. ( ss . On this Thirteenth day of June 1913 befc;�re me the undersigned <br /> � <br /> !,I a Notary Public within ancl for said County, persanally carne Daniel F�ichards, hUeband of Isabella <br /> !� Richard� ( J.�..K) to r:� personally rnown to be the identical �erson whose name affixed to the <br /> ', above instrument as grantor and sev�rally acknowledged the execution of the same to be his vol- <br /> >' untary act and deed for the �aurposes therein expressed. <br /> ; <br /> ' <br /> ' In �litness �Ghereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my offieial seal at Loa <br /> '�i � <br /> I An�eles on the date last above arritten. <br /> ; (SEAL} J.t�.Kelier <br /> ' I�y comrriission�expires Nov, 29, 1�14 �lotary Public <br /> ' State of Colorado ( <br /> :ss . <br /> !, County of Otero ( I, Charles L.Seeley, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the <br /> State aforesaic�, da hereby certify that Isabella Richards v�r.o is personally known t� me to be <br /> x. <br /> ; . <br /> , ; the person ���hose name is sub�cribed to the annexed deed.appeared before me this day in person <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> _ !i ___ <br />