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�b�� _ <br /> � � <br /> i " - <br />' '� � �J�J,�; ���� ' 0 ��! �� .�' � � ' o ` , <br /> �_—I�__� �—����...�� � � .�� __��10� <br /> ,___,— -- _— _ _ _ _ --- --- —-----.___ _------_— -- -- — -- -- -- ---- <br /> 54288-State Journal Company, Blunk I3ook 3lakers, Stationers and Printers� Lincoln, 1Veb. � " ��" - ` "- ` - '� `"�` ""' "`"" --� <br /> ._ � __=.— �-r ,— -- :-:_,_ _..-___ . . _ �__ .._ _ _.. .. _ _.. _. __ ___. _ - - — <br /> _ �= <br /> _-.__, .___._._..------------�—» � <br />� .�__-- 'I <br /> Quit C laim Deed.4 �` <br /> This Indenture, r�ade this 28th ciay of b4ay, in the year One Thousand 21ine , <br /> �Hundred and thirteen �LT�EEtd Henry N.��iartin and Sarah ��artin, hue'aand and wife� '�illiam E. <br /> ?�artin and Vettie i�i.1�.,artin, husband and t�ife� Anna Hoffman and �eorge �d.Hoffman, wife and <br /> husi�anc� and ae�rge �Veavsrs and Susan Weavers� husband and wife, they being the heira and all <br /> , <br /> the heirs of Ann ilartin and "�eorge :�,artin, husband and wife, now deceased , parties of the <br /> ri <br /> iirst part, and Louis sraf, �arty of the second part . �1iTNESSETH� that the said parties ' <br /> of the first l�art, in conaideration of the sum of One (�fi1 .00) Dollar� to thera duly paid, the <br /> raceipt ��he-reof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and quit-claimed and by tnese <br /> �resents do for them celves� their heirs, executors and adminietrators, remise� release and <br /> forever quit-claim and convey unto the said �arty of the secon�. part and ta his heirs and • <br /> assi�ns farever.all their right, title, interest, estate, �laim and demand both at law and in <br /> equity, of, in, an�l to all of the following described real estate:- The Nor�h East Quarter <br /> (�t.�.µ) of Section Thirteen (13) of Township Nine (9) iJorth, of Range Ten (10) �Veat of ths <br /> 6th P.Ri. in Hall Co. Ne'�raska Together v�ith all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belong-» <br /> I <br /> ing. To Have and To Izold the aUove �escxibed premises unto the said Louis �raf� his heirs �, <br /> ana assigns; �o tr�at neither vre the said Henry iJ.r�Bartin and Sarah :�farti.n, �illiam��iartin and <br />� <br /> i Nettie �, :�iartin, Anna ��affman ana �eorge �"�.Hoffman, and reorge �'eavers and Susan �Feavers or <br /> any person in their n�e and 'aehalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or <br />, <br /> tit�e to the said F}remi�es or, any ��art thereof but they and every one of thQm shall by these <br /> ��resents ��e excludei� and forever '�arred. <br /> In �itnesa '�lhereof, The said ?�arties of the first naxt have hereunto set their hande <br /> and seal tne day and year last aUove �vritten. <br /> �Villiam E.Martin <br /> Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence af Nettie I��.Martin <br /> ( �'r'illiam E.��artin Henry Td'.Martin Sarah Pdartin <br /> H.L.Funk as to � iJettie a�i.a¢lartin *'eorge �..xoffman, Anna Hoffman <br /> (H�nry N.2�lartin� and reor�e �Ueavexs <br /> Wm.:.1.Lowman a� to ( Sa�ah 1flartin , Susan �leavers <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> . , <br /> �all County. ( Cn this 29 day of �iay A.D,1913, before me the undersi�ned Notary Publia <br /> �uly commissioned and qualified ior and resi3ir�g in said County, personally came �Gilliam E. <br /> ;;�artin and Nettie ;.: .P:�artin to rne xnown to be the iuentical persans v�•hose names are affixed <br /> to the faregoing �onveyance as grantors, and acknotvledged the same to be their voluntary act <br /> and deed for the ��urposes �herein set forth. <br /> � <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial SeaZ the date above vrritten. <br /> (SEAL) �.E.F`unk Notary Public . ' <br /> �ly comniission ex�i-res A�r .17� 19i9. , <br /> �;tate of Nei�ra�ka ( <br /> :ss - <br /> Adarns ��unty. ( BE IT RE..i�:iB���D, That on this Sixth day of June A.D.1913� �ef'ore the <br /> underaignsd iNm. ,�t.Lowman a Notary �ublic, in and for said County� rersonally came �enry N. <br /> , �artin and Sarah ��Iartir� husband and wife to me knawn to be the identical nersons whose narnes <br /> are afi ixed to and �Yha exe�uted the foregoing instrument as �rantors and ackno�sledged the sarie <br /> , <br />� to k�e t�i� voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> '�ditness my hand and 2dotarial Seal the �3ay and year last a'�ove written. <br /> (cE.�L) '�m. M.Lowman Notary P,�zblic . <br /> �.ty commiasion ex�ires the f irst day of Feb, 1916. <br /> State of Kansas ( <br /> :ss <br /> Rice Coryanty ( B$ IT RE�dEr.28ERED� That on this 11 day of June A.D.1913 before the <br /> unaersignad �eo. G.rreen a Notary Public, in and for said Courty, Personally came Anna Hofiman <br /> and �ec�-rge ;.�.Hoffman� wife and husbanci, to me known to be the ia�ntieal persons whose name� axe <br /> aff'ixed to and who executed the f'oregoing instrument as grantors and acknaw�.eSged the same to . <br /> +i <br /> � <br /> � <br />