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� F��A� <br /> . � � <br /> . � �� �'���� ��'�c�; � ���� � � � �C�� <br /> � . �J �_.�_/..._/ .-1 �� J � <br />---_--- --- , Referees Deed. ��`t�� — — - <br /> ; Kno�v all I��en by These Presents : That �'hereas, in an action of partition <br /> !,; pending in the District ^ourt of Hall County, Nebraal;a� vrherein ^harles Strelo was plaintiff <br />; . . <br /> '!, and ?ti-�atil�a �.Dunk�l, James i�onroe 'Junkel, a minor, Anna :49atilda �unkel, a minor� Sadie Wauneta <br /> ! Dunkel� a minor� Ruth Elizabeth Dunkel, a minor, ;��at ilda �6.Dunkel, guardian of the above naraed <br /> minors, James ��onroe, : Anna ��at ilda, Sadie �Jauneta and Ruth Elizabeth Dunkel, and �lat ilda �V. <br /> ;' <br /> ,' Dunkel, administratrix of ths estate of James ,.�.Dunkel deceaaec� were defendants, for the part- <br /> ition of the ��remise� hereinafter described, the undersigned refereee, appointed by said Court <br /> ' to make part ition of said real estate, ma�e report 3.n wr it ing, duly s igned, sett ing forth tnat <br /> ' nartition c�f said lancis could not be made without grea� nrejudice to the owners thereof, which <br /> i report was duly examined by the C ourt, and sai3 Court being sat isfie d therevrith c onf irmed the <br /> sams, and thereupon made an order and caused the same to be enterec� directing us as referees <br /> � to sell sai3 preW.ises far cash. <br /> And in pursuance of said order, we caused a natice to be <br /> %', �ublished in The Free Press, a newspaper printed and published and in ;eneral circulation in <br /> . � <br /> ;; Hall �aunty, tnat we woulci offer said lands for sale at the front oor of the Court House in <br /> � <br /> ' said County, on Tuesclay the 3rd day of June, 1913 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, <br /> �`I <br /> 'i and at the time and place stated in said notice, and after said notice had been published for <br /> '' more than thirty days, v�e offered said land to-wit : Al1 of the East half (Ez) of the Northeast <br /> �: <br /> il <br /> ;� �uarter (?�i.E.�) of Section Twelve (12) in Towr.ship Elaven (11)� �Zorth of Range Ten (10) �lest <br /> �� �!�i of the 6th P.T�. in Hall County, Nebraska, for sale at �ublic Auction and sold the same to <br /> ;; <br /> ; <br /> ' �harles Strelo for the sum of Forty-faux Iiundred (�4400) Dollars� he be3ng the hi�riest an� best <br /> b idaer ther ef or. <br /> ' And afterwards, on the 4th day oi' June, 1913 said Court arproved and confirmed <br /> , <br /> ;; said sale, and by an arder 3irected us as referees to execute to said ^harles ctrelo a deed <br /> ;; <br /> !� conveying said lands to him �in fee si�ple . <br /> ii Now, Therefors, we, neorge A.Leisar and Fred C . <br /> ,, ; <br /> � Langman, Referees, in consideration of th� r�remises and of the sum of Foxty-four Hundred (�4400) � <br /> i <br /> � Dollars so bid and Paid by said Charles Strelo� and l�y virtue of the power� vested in us by ° <br /> a <br /> I�li law, ao by these �resents �rant, sell, and convey unto the �aid �harles Strelo and to hi� heirs { <br /> � <br /> j� and assigns the real estate de�cribed as follows: � <br /> �; i <br /> �; All of th� East half (E�} of the Northeast r�uarter (T1.E.�) of Section Twelve (12), in �o�vn- � <br /> ''li ship Eleven (11), North of Range xen (10) ►�est of the Sixth Princinal 5�eridian in Hall County, ' <br /> � � ; <br /> � P�ebraska, with all the appurtenances thereunto belongin�;, to have and to hold the same to hira, <br /> i the said C�harles Strelo, and his heirs anci assigns forever. <br /> i� <br /> In �itness v��hereof v�re have hersunto set our hands this 4th day of June A.D.1°13. <br /> i <br /> ; In nresence of �eorge A.Leiser <br /> ;I 0.A..Abbott, Jr Fred �.Langman <br /> � S,E.Cam�bell Referees. <br /> � ''' The State of NeUraska ( <br /> �� <br /> • :ss <br /> County of Hall ( On this 4th day of Jure, A.D. 1913 'before me the undersi�ned , a <br /> �' Notary Public in and for said County, personally arpeared reorge A.Leiser and Fred G .Lan.nman <br /> ! Referees� of Hall County� N�braska to me personally known to be the identical persons whose <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> ; names are subscribed to the fore�oing deed as grantors, and acknoivledged the exe�ution thereof <br /> ' to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ,; <br /> j �litn�sa my han3 and seal the day and year last above written. <br /> O.A.Abbott Jr . <br /> (SEAI,} Notary Public <br /> My cammission expires December lst, 1915 . <br /> ', Filed f�or record June 18, 1913 at 11 o�clock A.2+1. � � <br /> ��%����u� <br /> Register of Deed � <br /> �.__. _ _ � <br /> � . ' <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> �i <br />