_ -t.$t'. .. . _ __.. .___. . . - _ "; . - ._ _ . ... _ . � .. ` . . • .
<br /> i�;s. � A�1- �{pn�J. j� - � " - " . �
<br /> . � t ''i._ , � — — . �� .
<br /> Y ,_ . . k .. 4 _ . . . . . - �
<br />. J. 'r' .. .� C _C � ' .. . . .. _
<br /> -.r � . � ' ' ' ' '[l� .
<br /> /r CO���LT1��{�fi��td�G�MO�y�QfQ�iL6i�Yl�O�i'�4���� . '
<br /> li�lbC�riipLe�i!!' . .. . �,. • .: ' .
<br /> h:+�ia s+re�t d a tod'�d it Plopettjv.t�c p4aceafi�It 6e appliipd�b tbe wms secar�ed by t6is Sx�it�;
<br /> ��cr�ot'�ta 0��e�t1t`�]!e�ss Pad�io$ae:v�er. `iQ die event d s paRid;�k3�ot 16t Ptaj�tY in:
<br /> v�ire,ct�Tie_�ty' � ty befate t!r tatio6 is eq�t wdc pe�er�iLiu tbe arnorot af tDt s�is
<br />::::..
<br /> �i�ttiis e�aiqr 1�e�t' �ikfc�t�t�.neiess Bau�o�wer�od I�aider b+�a�ise�ree io rrritiiit.
<br /> . ..
<br /> _ .. .
<br /> -.=.._-__��_�ec�ed�b -1�Secwit�te��ert ba ieduoed b9�he a�muuat oE tbe po��mniuptied bY tfie tdio�►jA6
<br /> _ = � factio��s��ieiol�aaAtaf -smosa�ill�ee�jr�efa�e�#a��*ide��#b��tfaifm�k�pataea�Eihc_ - - - _
<br /> - lxfae t�e 3�ki�.=A4jr�l�roe slall be p�id b Bacco�rrt. b�tbe ertnt cf a p�tal t�ku�of dw
<br /> ,_ �Y
<br /> ._.._.��:_:�11�tYiu�.�.�Me��icct viYe of...."Ptopetty ia�iaedaMdy bett�e�hfon�is tts,s_��amant of We swaas �
<br /> ----_•._ ...._ -------• - --• - -.. ..—•- . -- --,�.i....,ai�,�a.-�..»--_�. --_�-.
<br />-- -..._. � .'�[:w11
<br /> ��p Apy'�i;�C j�OppEdi s��k��W f110�511�90CIYCd bjt th15 SECIYitSI�IS�EA1 W�IC�O�IIO[t11C SI�S�IC
<br /> ���D�l1l�'�S��,aORbNIEfs a�i�RIOl�OC�►�+Etl�{.'[�$ilflON�C!f�i1E t�lC GOfAdCIN10�11REai ID 1�C
<br /> Irender i���wthor�a aoile��Y P���ap�►eit6x �im crpNr�P�opat!►a�
<br /> s�saecw�odby.i�SSec�rityl�at.wl�hararaotthe�ndu� ,, �
<br /> Uaias[�esder�od Ba��ow�r o�awlsc a�x.��.anY appticaaon o� , to priocipi st�ll nat exte�id or
<br /> poet�aoethc.duedrAeof�e: WY����P!�P�lond26i��i�t6eaaaountofsuc6paymaMs.
<br /> 1L Meis�e*K�t lEe� FiR4aea�ee;�t���+r N�t a Wai�e�','°�Aai�ue of t� timeme far p�aymeot ar
<br /> a�ofi�ica�on i�E'anoitiar�lian d B�e sYms sxucrod 6!►�s Soc�ity faa�marotrt�i4,3��iyl.endtt,i�mY�ot in itqa�est
<br /> sLdl aottapesale to�+eie�We aeigimt in i�et�st.i.rider
<br /> pf� 1'iaix'�ityofdie Borrower.fit���s5t�p�sors :
<br /> ,,.... mae far or-;-. ;;�
<br /> �la�t�6e nequined�o oaneKOO�pmceodinss suocessor in .'a� ..��!d P�
<br /> alalt ��► �.. �� . .
<br /> p�ri�c modi€�r aaia�tiratioa t�f ti�e snn�secu�edbs►,�Setunity i�ul��isdi�iiiza���;d�d i�d!►��E� .
<br /> .j��:Be�ro�er Q Bamiwer*s weoasocs in i�emst.Au�fcs�ba�aboe by Lender in�w1�3"�`d�:�IC�r�sbaU not 6e a
<br /> •"c�`��:wraive�dorprect��det6eexeieiseof�aj!:�i�ico�cegoiert�� "- °•__:<,'..ti� <� f�F . � , .
<br /> - :J�;:..0 7 t..,�: ' t'G,�.li�•.:,.�•.`'C�m .:•n.rrewiueO�l�Ui
<br /> 'i:i�.,... �.�wA���������"� .�e....�r...._... .
<br /> � `�i}���'.$p��►JI�1ppE�f�t110d il� •t����7�S1$RS Of�.CII{�CC��F�Ap���1'O t��ISlOfl9 0�
<br /> . :'n�. .L. �•.
<br /> '�;i', ;:'.�.i;�l� �7.�OROIYCi�COYCl1�tS�i ;f�dllditS S��bC��SCVGf�:•'� w��,���
<br /> !
<br /> , •;,�.-;::. .,.
<br /> :4• ..>,�ItlbEM DIK dOCS A0�C7CCCOtC tI1G N�CS`(a)LS CO�SI�11lIg,�ITS S�ARIty I�b7qOk'�:,;Bl�y IO�1dR$�����Y�
<br /> `.,::.,c�:�,. �
<br /> � 'F%,:?-�`�OfZO'WCf��!A 1�0�y YOdC�1�1C tifl115Of 1�IIS$O�IaILS/�4�JIATXQh (b�1S 110[pEiS011�y 0�1 ��.fhG SIm15
<br /> .��`.i{'SpCYI��t iZILS.SOCIfIt'�1�fYfllCllf',�Ild(C)a$�ECS 1�[�.�Gf�il�O1�IC!$OifOWlf itl�y Ag[CE[O C7R�: ��. _ ,.fd'bCif
<br /> : ` ar m�ice wy aocomn�ad�with t�A to t6e ttnns of this :'Seazvity,L�cumen!or the Note withaat�#artower's..
<br /> �` �I.aM Clur�a. If the ban s�ea�ed'tiy tbis Soct�rity.�t is.supjut to a law which sets rt�dnwm io�t�. ,
<br /> :�,''`��.;ch�es,sd 8w law is fmally intetp�ted so tli�t the�ioa�st ar atl�er Wan di�s�olkcted or w 6e rollected ia co�a�etio¢'� � `.
<br /> v':_ '.
<br /> `:;�,i�:•': :Wlt�l t�lE 10�0 C7ICCC(�1tfE QC�lpttid���.1�R1: (a1�lJ;�itC�110if1 C�Iilf$C S�}�,f�7CGd�j t�1C B�WIIOt�OOGSS�Iy tOIOdt10C ,
<br /> ��, ,�,.....
<br />� ,'r�`:`;'`i;':�,$��t0 t11C pC1�lItK��1111C.����SU1114�/CO��CCfCd flOQI BOf�t�W�1tC�l C7COC�Cd pN7171Utd�110119 Vfft�bC ,
<br /> `:u�.`;;»::°':.:�,efuoded toBatowet. L e e i d e r mny c t��o m a ke t t u.t re f u n d b y�s d u c i n g t h e p m r c i p a i a v�ro d�a r t h e N o t e or D y n�n g ai :
<br /> - "''�'�`';;:�Aimct po�yua�tir,c w Boimwrr. If a nfiiiz�ti�aas pi�lcipal.the�iuction w�l be aeatod as��:i'��p�epayrtKt�t without?ny,
<br /> - `�'-''�;`p�a►Y��d�uga m�der tho Note. : � �, , , , � .
<br /> .�
<br /> '�`�'�,�i'.:';�;� ` 11.NoNees. Any,ri6tice to Boaower provided fa i�this Security In�.s�a1t tie�4en by delivering it orby I
<br /> '�'::mailing it by fits!chs&+�fi.�ankss appGcable law requis�cs asc uf another metha�,?A'I�Tatice si�a116e dirocted to the P►+nppty
<br /> �Wdt�e�or�ny id�.sg Boimwer dcsignates by notice to l.ender. My no�'to Lender shall be given by fir�t clt�ss
<br /> matl W�s��aied hec�ein or any other addtess L.ender d�i,gnates by aoda to Boauwer. My notice pcoridad foc;.:•
<br /> itt this Socti�i�?�tffivatnet�t shall 6e de�med to have boen given;�ta;f�orrawer or I.ender wfien given as provided i»Qiis;.,`:
<br /> :�:'.,..
<br /> �GOylfll��'�AR�ln_�y�y Thu�!��shall be.��ttd by foderal law and the taw of d�c.;;i,j' .
<br /> ., ::'"�,urisdicdon jn whkh tE�dt�ercy is located. In the esie�l.d'aat aay y:�a�is�ari s�s3air�mf Wis Ssc�srity[nsvament or tl�e Note , :;'
<br /> �,�`+,:r•:'s�aiflicts with appliqble'�.sucb capf,licl sha11 nai!�kxt;��i,ec{,a,ar.�{vt�;af'�SS;�S�;t�rity Insttument or the Note which e� ` '
<br /> �' ' given effect without the cantliqi��spvuion..'�t'�d"sxr e€��i���;ri��*�ns o�'`'�r�"is Security.�finnent and tde Note ar,r��. ,�:t•` '�
<br />�r.: � `,+�; '�e :__; .; :` , �,�:,>.`.. ; , ;•,.• _
<br /> �.�`F � decl�redto6ese,we�able. �• ,�: s `. � �',�`,:
<br /> lir �orrower's Capy. Bortnc�'`stt�l be Siven one conforitr�fl'ropy of the Note and of this Sa.wity tnsuumen� :�1,.�' ..
<br /> ... ' 17.'I�a�afer d tk Pruperty or�Benefklal Intettist ia Bonower. If all or any pact of the Pnopetty a any inrcrat in� ,
<br />� ` it is sold ar trnsfertod(ot if a beneficial interest in Botrower is sotd ot transfemed and Barrower is t�w a aatural person)
<br /> without Lenderh p�ior written consent.[.ender may.at itc option.�r�quirc immediate payment in full of all sums securcd by
<br /> this Ser�tity It�trument Howevet..tb�•apion shafl not 6e eae�"c��yy Letider if exxercise is prvhibited by federat law a�af
<br /> the datr.ofdiis Security lnstrumen,.-:�„l:-• :��."., '
<br /> If I.ender eze�cise�[37�:,�pD'�°;f�skr shaii give Borcnwer npi�:e of xcehtiarion. The nvlice s1�af{provide a periad of ,
<br />. ,:., na1 kss than 3p days fi�;tl��i�iia:I�sr:rs�s��e is deln•ea�d or mvled within wt�ir�:�,�rrower must pay all sum's9s,r.ured by this . ;4`
<br /> , . ;;;;�:•:; Security Instrument. ���ubi��k«r�'adi�'c�o pay t�__�nns prior ta thc ex bi this period.Lenderaq�ty;i•rnvolcr�ay• ,.
<br /> �,,'nmedies p�miitted by(�fs�i.amty�fn.�m,nie�a w��r,e���iuther naticc.or dem � .�r.f�orrower. .,�..; , `,:
<br /> �- �,� , , .• ,�
<br /> ' 1�. Borrmrer'a Ri�t t�a!�'�t�di�,; {i Bo�,-uw;c'r meet�c��cand�i',r�ts.Bvaawe�c c:f�11 have Qn�.ri`�it to$� ,��•
<br /> � � ` enfa�remenl of this 5ecunty Iss9tr��iE r3�5continued at any time�eti�r tw�he eastier of: (�:��c�y�tor suct��s!L�s�r.p�riadl��.;�'�'.
<br /> ,.Si�rt.3c�eap�t�t�r+,#�te�taelVretiirltsc���a9i:��31D►5t't'�1JMlE.'.+'i�l�Unifo�e�7rlehmi� �J�4'y�i�x�tg!14'R!tc`r?�� .
<br /> �.l'� �Z��.: 4
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<br /> j\�:,�� ' •_ ., ' . �, • i�Z`'. / � .�.� .� . .f.` �:'�. ' .'l'.
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