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��? 7_ <br /> � J J � � J �]J � T� � � � � �` <br /> 1�������; ���C���� ����� ��m � <br /> _---_- li �Jarranty Deed. ���.,,.:. , <br /> ;j Know all Men by These Presents: That the �rantor, l�ae �ahrin�er, a widow, of <br /> ;I <br /> '� Sunnysicie the �ounty of Yakima in the State of Washingtor� for ar_d in consideration of the sum <br /> � <br /> I; of Six hundred fifty (�650.00) Dollars, lawf�I money of the United States of America, to her <br /> ';' in hand �aid by Thomas �onnor, the rrantea herein, of' rrand Island, Nebraska, does by these <br /> i <br /> ,, <br /> i; presents Convey and �Varrant unto the said Thomas Connor � the follovring described real estate <br /> j�'i situat� in the �ounty of Hall State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> II <br /> �j Fractional Lot numbersd Eigh� (8) i Fractional Block numbered Ten (10) of Chaxlea Wasmer �s <br /> , <br /> i� Addition to the City of �rand Island� as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> ; n <br /> ��li Th is c onveyanc e is made subj ec t t o th e r es ervat ione c ont ained in that c ert ain deed made by <br /> �'i� Oscar Roeser and �innie Roeser, husband and wife, wherein said Oscar Roeser and wife reserve <br /> ,� <br /> !j the right to construct and maintain a sewer f'rom Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) in said Block a�ross <br /> �� <br /> '�,; the Lot her e in c onveyed t o c onnec t w ith the alley s ewer in s aid block. <br /> Dated at Sunnyside, YVashin�ton, this 7th day of June A.D.1913. <br /> '; Executed and cielivered in presence of ( bflae rahringer <br />� � '�� Stephen �.Chaffee � ) <br /> � Mae R.Hufnail ( <br /> j; State of �iashiMgton ( <br /> :ss <br /> ';; Caunty of Yakima ( I� Ste�ahen �;.Chaffee, Notary Public, do hereby certify that on thia <br /> . ,, <br /> �'' 7th day of June � 1913 p�rsonally arpeared before me rdae rahringer, a widow, to me known to be <br /> ;� <br /> � ii� the iddi�iidual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowle�.ged that she <br /> � � �i <br /> j; signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein men- <br /> I; tioned. <br /> ;� �titness my hand and notarial seal, the �:.iay and year in this certificate first above written. <br /> (SEAL) Stephen E.Chaffee <br /> �i Commission expires Oct, 30 1914. Notary Public in and for the State of �9ashingtor� <br /> �';i Re s iding a� Sunnys ide. <br /> �I <br /> !� FiYed for record June 16, 1913 at 11 o'clock - � <br /> y <br /> �' eg s er o ee <br /> . �. <br /> �Varranty D�ed Cornoraticm �� . <br /> Thie Indenture, �.:ade this 7th day of hiarch in the year of our Lord <br /> ��i Gne Thousand Nine Hundred and thirteen, between The Bank of Doniphan a corporation organized <br /> and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska party of the f irst part, <br /> Ili <br /> and Alk�ert D.Bur�er of the Caunty of Aall, and State of Nebrask� party of the second part� <br /> j! T <br /> �VIT1vE � <br /> .. S�ETH, That the said party of the f irst part, f or and in e ons iderat ion of the s�n of <br /> ;; <br /> �' Twenty Five Hundred (�2500.00) Dollara in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br /> �� <br /> I' has sold and by th�se presents does grant, convey and confirm unto the �aid party of the <br /> ��� <br /> _ ,; <br /> ;� second part, the following described premises, situated in Hall County, and State of Nebragka� <br /> �! to-wit : All o f' the we�t one third (lI3) of Lot Four (4) of Bloc k One (1) af the Village <br /> ;� of Doniphan, FIall C ounty, N�braska. <br /> ',; To Have and TC Hold the premises above describec� to- <br /> � gether with all the Teneme.nts, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereto beldnging unto the �aid <br /> Albert D.Burger And the said Bank of Doniphan for itself or its succes�ors, do hereby <br /> '' <br /> covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigne, <br /> that at the time of the executian and delivery of these presents it is lavrfully seized of said <br /> �remises; thatitis has good right and lawful at�thority to convey the same; that they are free <br /> ;; from encumbrance and does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the <br /> ��; lawful c l�ims of all nersona vrhomsoever. <br /> In �Nitness �hereof, the said Bank of Doni�han has caused ita cor�aorate seal to be <br /> affixed and these pre�ents to be signed by ite President, tha day and year first above writt�n. <br /> uigned Seal�d and Deliv�red in �reser_ce of � � J "" " � <br /> - ' I.R.Alter Jr., �o�� B� S.�T.�9olbach President <br /> 'J �seal <br /> ) <br /> , I� _-- <br />