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�� � � !I <br /> ��� � � � �� <br /> _ , <br /> �����_�� � �'����) � � � <br /> � �')D � � �� : 0 �` 0 � <br /> J_�_� _,.��;�%��__i _� ��Jt� _� �__/0J <br /> ------ __ _ _ _. --- - _�^ -- --- -_ — --=_ _ _ __���y.— �_ _ _--- <br /> _._ v _ � , _ <br />. 84286—State Journal Compuny, Bliiuk Book bIakeis, Stationei�s and PrinEers Llnco7n, Ne'b._v_,__4 �_ ---__- �.�— - -._ -_ _ _ - — <br /> ._ _._ _.Y _., <br /> ` � This Indenture ?�iade tnis 12th �iay of June A.D.1913 between J.E.Dill ; <br /> uit C lain� Deed --,. ' ' � <br /> Q I <br /> �: <br /> f�� Je�sie �" .Dill� husband g< wife of the firgt pfart , and Harry C .�linn, of the second part, ' <br /> ��ITNF.SSETty That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Gne and no� i <br /> lOG �ollar to them duly paic3, th�; receipt c,hereaf is hereby acknowlec�ged� have remised, re- <br /> lEased and quit-claimed and by these present� cio, for them �elves heirs, execL:tors and admin- ! <br /> ieltrators, remise� release and forever quit-clairri and convey unto the said �arty of the second <br /> part and to his heirs and assigns farevar, all their right, title, intersst� es�a�e, clairn <br /> and dem�and both at law and in equity, of', in and to all of fr . block 3 af �?.�.Clark's Addition " <br /> to Grand Islancl, 13ebraska, lyir� �nesterly of the eastErly 52 .8 feet of said fr. block above <br /> described. This deed is given to correct an error in a certain warranty deed from Robert <br /> J .Dill single to J.E.DiIl recorded in Book ��8 Page 308 of the re�c�xds of said Hall County, <br /> c��hexein the above deseribed property lying westerly of the easterly 52 .8 feet was included <br /> in saic� descri�tion in said deed from Robert J .Dill single� when such should not have been <br /> included. Together ��ith alI and singular the hereditaments �hereunto belonging . <br /> To Have and To Hold the above described premises unto the said Harry C .�linn and his h2ira , <br /> and assi�ne; so that neithEr af �hE said grantors, nor any person in their name and behalf <br /> shall or will. hereafter �1aim or der.:and any right or title to the said rremises or any �art . <br /> there�f but they ancl every one of tYiem shall by these presents be excluded and forever �arred. <br /> In �Vitness i�i:ereaf , The said parties af the first part have hereunto set their hand and <br /> seal the aay and year ab�ve written. <br /> Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of J.�,.Dill <br /> £ayard H.Paine Jessie r.Dill <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( On thie 12th day of June A.D.1913 before me the undexsigned a Notary ''' <br /> Public, duly comr:ii�sioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came J.E. , <br /> Dill & Jessie r.Dill, husband& �ife ta me xnown to be the i3entieal persons ��hose names are <br /> affixed to the foregoing conveyance as �rantors and acknowledged the execution of the same to � <br />,� <br /> be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> �itness m.y hand and I�'otaxial �eal the da,y and year last abeve written. <br /> (SEAL) Bayard i-�.Paine <br /> 2�y commission expires Nov. 10 1916. Notary Public . � <br /> Filed t�ar record June 13, 1913 at 8.30 o'clock A.I�. . �j <br /> n�r.0 L.d� <br /> Register of Dee �+ <br /> _ _________ �.---___,__#_._.�.._._.__.._______�_ __ _ <br /> ��arranty Deed�4. <br /> Irnow all ���;en by Th�se Presents, That �eorge A.Burger and �osa A.Burgar� <br /> h��sband and wife in cansideration of Eight Thousand Four hundred (�8400.00) D�llars� in hand <br /> paid, do hereby �rant, Bargair� Sell, Convey and Confirm unto Elmer A.Huffman the following ' <br /> deti�ribed R�al �;sta�e, situate in the County of I3a11 and State of Ne"braskay to-�it : <br /> The �Pest half of the South East �uarter (�G� of � .�. ,�) of Section Four (�} on Township <br /> , Nine (9) ilorth� of Range �1ine (9) w�sst of the sixth �'.�,i .� in Hall C ounty, Nebraska. <br /> to�etner with all the Tene;nents, Hereditarnents and Appurtenances to the sam� belongin�, and <br /> all the Estate, Title� Dower� C1aim or Dem�nd tvhatsoever of the said George A.Bur�er and , <br /> Rosa A.Burger of, in, or ta the same or any x�art theieof; To Have an3 To Hold the above <br /> lescribed preniiseg, with the a���urtenances unto the said �lmer A.Huffman and to his heirs <br /> and assigns foraver; And vr� the said George A.Bur�er and Rasa A.Eur�er for ourselves and <br /> our iieirs� executo-rs an� a�:ministrators, do covenant with the said Elme-r A.Huf�'man and with ' <br /> his heirs and assigns� that we lawfully seized of said premisas, that they are free from <br /> �, <br />' incurr�Lrance, that we have good right �nd lawful authority to sell the same, an3 that we will <br /> , I <br /> , li � I <br />