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h � 7 <br /> �� <br /> E <br /> } D ����,.���� ���,�;���- ���� ��� <br /> � �� instrument as grantors, and acknowleclged the sanie to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> !�. <br /> �litness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last aboee written. <br /> (�EAL) Fred �V.Aehton <br /> My commiseian ex�ires act . 18" 1918 . Notary Public <br /> Notary Acknowledgement. <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> : ss <br /> ' Douglas Courity. ( Be It Remembered, That on this 24th clay of January A.D.1913 before the <br /> ;�' . <br /> �, <br /> undersi�ned a Notary Publie, in and far said County, personally came Rertha Meyer and blaurice <br /> ��eyer� husband and wife, to me known to be the identical persons whose names ara aff3xed to <br /> II and �ho executed thE foregoing instrument as grantors and acknowledged the sazne to be their <br /> ;; <br /> �'� voluntary act and deed for the �ur�aoses therein set forth. <br /> ;; <br /> �4'itness my hand and Notarial S�al the say and year last above written. <br /> i� <br /> � ( (SEAL) � P.�.Mittelbach <br /> �' My commission expires the 31st day of' �hay, 1915 �Totary Public <br /> I <br /> '' F i led f or r ec ord June 10, 1913 at 2, o�e loc k P .�ni. /� �/ <br /> ;; _�J(���y���% �__._ <br /> Register of De`.` s� <br /> , '�' _ ___ ----_-.. ..M_______._.___r_�._____..____--� __��.�.._ - __ '; -- -- <br /> ii <br /> '; �tarranty D�ed. �,_ <br /> ;�; Know all 1�ien by These Presents� Tnat H.D.Aiking and A.E.Aikins� husband and <br /> `; wife of 1�Jiadison County, and State of Iowa in consideration of the sum of Twelve Thousand and <br /> � <br /> 'II Eight Hundred � no/lU0 Dollars, in hand paid by Phillip S�toeger of Hall County, State of Nebr- <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> ;! aska do hexeby Sell and Convzy unto the said Phillip Stoe�er and to his heirs and assigns, the <br /> �; following �.escri'►�ed premiaes, situated in Hall �ounty, and State of Nebraska� to-wit: <br /> , <br /> �'� <br /> �! Ths South East Quarter (;�) of Section Twenty one (21), in ToK�nship No . Twelve (12)North� <br /> I; of Ran�e Twelve (12) 9Vest of 6th P.Y., in the �ounty of Hall and the State of Nebraska. <br /> � <br /> �; Sub�ect, howevar� to a martgage of Three Thousand (�3� 000.00) Dollara in favor of Sarah J. <br /> j <br /> '� Bro�n-n, �hich mortgage the grantee her�in assumes and agrees to pay together with the interest <br /> i <br /> 'i tiiereon fxom and aft er �larch 1, 1913 . <br /> Ancl we do he-reby covenant with the said Phillip Stoeger <br /> '�� that we are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except the <br /> y <br /> 'i <br /> !� above mortgage; that we have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; and <br /> :, <br /> i <br /> ji we do hereby covenant to �'arrant and Defend the said premi-�es ,against the lawful claims of all <br /> 'j rersons whomsoever except the a'qove mortgage . <br /> '� � And the grantors hereinaforesaid hereby relinqu- <br /> ,i <br /> , ,j ish all �ontingent rights� including dav�er and homestead, which they or either may have in and <br /> '',ita the said 3escribed premises. <br /> Si�ned the 21st aay of Feoruary A. D.1913 . <br /> i In Presence of <br /> �I .O.Lucas H.D.Aikins <br /> ',�I� C lias . �d .Aikins A.E.Aikins <br /> � <br /> �'� State of Iowa ( <br /> i :ss <br /> �adison County ( On this 21st day of February A.D.1913� before me, �.O.Lucas, a Notary <br /> '� Public in and for said Count ersonall ^ <br /> y, p y „ame H.D.Aikins and A.E.Aikins, husband and wife, to <br /> ', me pers�nally known to be the identical persona v��hose na.mes are affixed to the above deed as <br /> ; grantors and acknovrledged the exe�ution of said instru!nent to be t�.eir vcluntary act and deed. � <br /> ;; <br /> �itness my hand and Notarial Seal� the sate last above written. <br /> ,, <br /> '� (SEA�} �P .�.Lu�as, �lotary Public in ard for <br /> �; <br /> 2�dy commission as_ Notary exp res July� 4th, 1915 �adison County� Iowa. <br /> , I! File3 for record June 11� 1913 at 9 o'clock A.P�d. . � <br /> , ;; � � <br /> ,; �:Register o� Deeds <br /> � <br /> _ _ _._ .__._._.._ . _ .� ..�_ ._.____ .____ . � <br /> i, <br /> ''. <br /> � <br />� .i <br />