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� <br /> �� �_ �� - <br /> ��. <br /> , <br /> o ��'��'��� ��,�'�����'��� ����,o��� ��;C��O� <br /> � _ __ <br />_ _ _ ____ ._ _ _ __ _______ _ _� __-� –_ __ __ .__ ____ � __ _ - __—__ <br /> _ __. _ <br /> � ' S4286—State 7ournal Coui an Bliwk Buok Tiakers, Stationers and Printera Lincoln, Neb � - -- <br />_..__ P. Y� _ _ . _--- ----___. <br />-- -.--.>_.,.___ • ^ , < ,. ,_-- -- ._� _>>,.-:= -.-. -:: _��_. _ ---_.,__—.___.A_— ' —_ : <br /> _,._ --- <br /> they are f`ree f�am incvr►bran�e that �re have good right and lawful authority to aell the same �; <br /> ,. <br /> that �r;e will and our heire, executors, and administrators shall v,arrant and defend th� ', <br /> sanle unto the said Edward E.�hristianser� and his heirs and assigns forever, against the law- I, <br /> ful claims of all ;?ersons v�:�omaoever. <br /> In �`��itness 7�r:ereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 15th day of ?�tay A.D.1913 . <br /> In •i��xesence of Sophie �hristian�en <br /> C .�� .DeLarratre �dward E,�hrist ians en <br /> Antonio Christiansen <br /> Serena Chr ist iansen <br /> �tate of Nebra�ka ( <br /> :ss <br /> County of Douglas ( an this 15th day of May A.D.1913� before me� a Notary Public in and <br /> ior �aid County, rersonally came the abnve named �'op�ie Christiar.sen, widow, Edward E.Christiansen <br /> s�n anc3 Antonia Christ iansen, his wife, and Serena '"hrist iansen, daughter� sole and �nly heirs <br /> c�f Andres ChriNtiansen, deceased, who are personally known ta me to be the identical �ersons <br /> tiryr.ose narass are af�ixed to the above instrurrent as grantors� and they acknor�led�ed said ins- <br /> trutnent to be ti-:eir valuntary act and deed. � <br /> Witness m�t hand and Nataxial Neal the date aforesaid. <br /> (�EAL) C .�V.D�Lamatre <br /> �iycor�r::issian e�:pires an the 12th day of January� A.D.1917. rlotary Public . <br /> fiiled for re�ord June 10, 1�13 at 9, o'clack A.�z. � �-/d <br /> Reg ster of^Deede � <br /> � <br /> „ <br /> �`arranty �eed.•;�`'�� � � � <br /> idn�w� all r�len by These Presents ; That Louise Nietfeld and xenry Nietfeld, her <br /> liusband, ZEpox�h Rernstein and Harry £ernstein� her husband, and Bertha Meyer and Iti"aurice <br /> :Y:eyer •h�r husbanc� of the �ounty o£ Hal% and State of idebraska, f or ar_d in c ans icleration of <br /> the sum of Thirty Five Thousand & no/l0U Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell ' <br /> convEy and confirm unto Cas�el F.ealty Company �f the County of Dauglas, and �tate �f Nebraska, ,. <br /> �ha fol�.owing descri'bed real estate situated in � in �iall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wi� <br /> TTae northerly one-rialf of Lot Cne (1) in Black Fif'ty-five (55}of the original town, now city, <br /> of �rand Island, as shovrn by the recordeci plat thereof; bein� a square traet of ground having ; <br /> a frcntage of 66 f�eet on Front Mtr�et ana o6 f'eet on Pine ctreet in said C it,y. <br /> To Have and To Hold the �remisea above d�scrik�ed, together v��ith all the Tenements, Here- <br /> , ry , <br /> ditaments and Appl..rtenancES thereunt� belonging unto the said ��assel F.ealty Company, and ta <br /> its successors f�rever. And we hereby ^ovenant with the said grantee, and with its successors <br /> tha� ��e are lav��fully seized of said premises; that they are free from eneumbrance that v��e have � <br /> good right and lawfzll authority to sell the same; and we do hereby �ovsnant to warrant and <br />' clefer.d the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons who�naoever . <br />�I <br /> And the said Henry Nietfelc� Harry Bernstein and r�laur3ce h�eyer hereby relinquishes all our <br /> ri�ht, title and interest in and to the a�ove deacribed �remises . ' <br /> Signeci this 24" day of January A.D.1913 <br /> In Prey en�e o,f Louise PZietf eld <br /> Henry Nietfeld <br /> Fred ih`.Ashtan Zeporah flernstein <br /> Harry Aernstein - <br /> F.1 .B�iittel�ach �ertha Meyer <br /> �fauri�e iJeyer <br /> State of Nebraska ( ' <br /> :ss .. <br /> riall County ( On triis 25" day of January A.D.1913 before me the undersigned a lv'otary . <br /> Public, duly �or:,missicned and qualii ied ior and residin� in said County, personaily came ; <br /> Louise Ni�tfeld and Henry Ni�tf eld, ner husLand, and Zeporah P,ernstein and Harry Bernstein �I <br /> i <br /> her husband, to me known to be the identical persone v�Y��ose names are affixed to the foregoing <br /> , __ '� .i <br />