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�� 1_ ��� � � � <br /> ,�'� ;� 1 __ �-, _ , i� ,, ,�_ � > >� � , � , <br /> ������ ���_�;.��?� � ,��� !�C��o, � <br />_v_.- __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ <br /> ___ <br /> ___ �__ _ : __ __ __ ___ _ <br /> b42$g-State Journal CoutBany, Bluuk BooL• liakers, Stationers and Pi�ters Linc4Tu, Neb - " �� - � �� � �. _ � _�_ <br />_ ,_.._ _ _. _ --= - -. .----�_=� �—��-----_--- <br /> ._ __., __-__'_ �_ __.- _ <br /> Certificatc� of av�rnership.�-� ' <br /> The rrand Island Cemetery. <br /> C ert if icate of Qwnership . <br /> Th� C ity of rrand Island of the f irst part doth hereby cert ify that Herman Boltz of the second' <br /> �art is the owner of i9 � I,ot No. 11 in Section H. Row containing square feet, as des- ' <br /> ignated an the n�a� as sections, rows, and lota of the Cemetery of said City� in the County of <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska, knov��n as the �rand Island Cemetery��for whieh the said party of the <br /> seeond part hath naid to the said party of the first part the eum of Ten no�100 Dollars, and <br /> , <br /> that in consideration thereof the said party of the second pa.rt ia entitled to the perpetual <br /> use of said lot for the purpose of interment only, sub�ect to the. Laws of the State of Nebraska <br /> thereto apnertaining and all orciinances� rules and regulations whieh are in force and may fro� <br /> t ime to t ime be adopted by the party of the f irst part for the regulat ion and governm�f�t of <br /> said Cemetery. <br /> In Testimony �Vhereof, The City of rrand Island, Nebraska� has caused its seal <br /> to be hereto affixed, and this indenture to be signed by its b�ayor and attested by ite Clerk� <br /> this the 10" day of Janu�. in thE year af our Lard, C3ne Thoueand Nine Hundred and eight . <br /> Attest : (corp Henry Sahuff � <br /> H.E.Glifford (sea13 2�ayor <br /> C lerk. <br /> Filed for r�cvrd �flay 2.9� 1913 at 4.5C� o�clock P.�t. , <br /> Register o eds <br /> _._.._r..__.__________ _ �' <br /> �Varranty Deed�'" <br /> Know all P�en by Thege Presents, That �Iaxy A.Button, in her own right, and "_ <br /> ' Atwooa G.Button, her husbanc� in consideration of Three Thousand (�3000.00) Dollars, in hand <br /> paid, do hereby �'rant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto Claxence J.Cox th� following <br /> �esc r ibed R�al Estate, s ituat e in the C ounty of Hall an�. Stat e of Nebras ka, to-wit : <br /> '�he East one fourth of Sauth �Vest Quarter of the �outh west q,uartex, (E µ of S.�D.-� of S.W.�� <br /> ana th� west half af the Southeast quarter of the South west quarter (�►.� of S.-E.� of S.W.�), ;' <br /> all in Section Fourteen (14) of Township Nine {9) North, of Range Eleven (11) west of the 6th ' <br /> P.�i. in Hall County, Alebraska. together with all the Tenements, Hereditamenta and Appurten- <br /> ances to the same belon�ing, and all th� Estate, Title, Dower, Claim or Demand whatsosver of <br /> the said Mary A.Button and Atwood G.Button of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> To Have and To Hold the above deacribed �remises, with the apnurtenan�es unto the said <br /> Clarence J.Cox and to his heirs and assigns f�rever; And we the said Mary A.Button and , <br /> At�-ood G.But ton f�r ourselves and our he irs, execut ors and ac�ministrators, do c ovenant with th� <br /> said C larenc e J.Coz and with his heirs an3 assigns, that we are lawfully seized of said premis�s <br /> that they are free from i.ncumbrance, that we hava gaod right and lawful authority to sell the � <br /> same; and that �ve will and our heirs, executors and administrators shall warrant and defend the <br /> same unto the said Clarence J.Cox and his heirs and assigns forev6r against the lawful claims <br /> and demands of all persons v�homsoever. <br /> In 1Witness 1Nhereof we have hereunto set our hands this 20th aay of �day A.D. one tho�c�and <br /> nine hundred and thirteen. <br /> In Presence of A�4ary A.Button <br /> �i.E.Funk. Atv�rood r.Button. <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> � oun�y of Hall ( Cn this 2Gth �iay of A�ay A.D. 1913� �ef or� me, a Notary Public in and for " <br /> said County, personally came the above named Mary A.Button and Atwood r .Ruttor� wife and huabar�d <br /> . who are personally known to me to be the identieal persons whose names are atfixed to the a�ov� <br /> Deed as grantors, and they acknowledged the instrument to be their voluntary ac t and deed. <br /> iNitness my hand and seal the date af�resaid. <br /> (�EAL) H.�:.Funk <br /> �y c ommission exnires April 1�', 1919 1V'otary Public <br /> ; F iled for rec ord June 3� 1913 at 8 .30 0�c loc k A.:�l. � . , <br /> . � <br /> Reg ater of Deed <br /> J <br /> il <br />