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���;� <br /> y`-�., <br /> _ � , <br /> .... :o����,�� ��J�','������; l_����: ���>oJ <br />_`_� ___�_ __ `__ __ __� __ ___ <br /> __ __ _ ,___ _ _-_ __ ________ _ - _- _ . _ _ _ _ ___ <br /> _ <br /> v54�96—State Sournal ComPany, Blunk Book Diakers, Stationers and Printera, Lincoln, Reb. " ` � "`"' " " "-`i ---" "°"' <br /> -- <br /> --- ____ __ _ ._ _ _ _. _ ___. _�_� <br /> ( ----- --_- �=---.--=- ---------�_—_� �-- -- <br /> : _,.__. _,_ _...,-- <br />_._. ,_ _.__ _ - _ \ _, <br /> State of Nebr . <br /> :ss <br /> �all County. ( Gn this 13th aay of Janu.ary A.D.1913 be�ore me L.R.Brininger, Notary <br /> Public in and for said �cunty, personally came A.M.Hargis and Icia �.Hargis to me nerBOnally <br /> known to be the identieal persons whose r.ames are affixed to the above Deed as grantors, and <br /> acknot�led�ed the sarne to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> �Jitnea� my hand and �rancl Islanc'� Neb. the day and ysar last above written. <br /> ( �dotary ) L.R.Brininger <br /> ( Seal ) <br /> I�y co�uc.iss ion ex j�ires r,2arch 1�" 1914. <br /> Filed far record �:�ay 20, 1913 at 4.30 o'clock P.�d. �j�����- � <br /> �l <br /> egister of �eeds <br /> _�_� .�.��.�o, - - -�� .e_,....� _____ <br /> Daed.��.. <br /> ` Know all �en by These Presents: That we, Margaretha Thiessen, the widow of Claus <br /> Thiessen deceased, and Lena Kalus, nee Tb�iessen ( with John ��alus, her husband) Christena <br /> Ingalls, nee Thiessen ( a widow), �dartha Roggy, nee Thiessen ( with E7ni1e C .Roggy her husband} <br /> Henry Thiessen ( with Alvina Thiesser� his vTife) John Thiessen, a widower� and Charles Thiessen , <br /> m , <br /> ( with Jean �hlessen, his wife ) hezrs at law of Claus Thiessen, late of Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> deceased in cans iclerat ion of th� sum of Twenty four hundrac� f ifty dollaxs in hand paid by Fr itz <br /> Langmann �f Hall County, Nebraska do here�y grant, bar�ain, sell, convey and eonfirm unto the <br /> said Fritz Langmann the widows ciower, besides the undivided three faurths (3/4) interest in <br /> 0 <br /> and to Lot No. T�o (2) in �lock� Cne xundred Four (104) in Railroad Addition to rrand Ieland, <br /> I�all Caunty T1ek,ra�ka, according to the recorded plat thereaf on file in the affice of the <br /> r�ecarder of Deeds in said County. <br /> Together vritri all the tenements, hereditaments and apx�urten- <br /> ances to the same belon�ing, and all the Esta.te, Ri�ht, Title, Intereet, Claim or Demand what- ' <br /> soever, including dower, curtesy and hcanestead ri�hts, of the said �argaretha Thiessen, I,ena <br /> Kalus, John Kalus, Christena In�alls, �artha Roggy, Emile C .Rog�y� Henry Thiesssn, Alvina <br /> John Thie�sen, ; <br /> Tr�iessen� �Charles Thiessen and Jean Thiessen, of in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> To Have and To Hold the above described prsmisea, with the a�purtenances, un�o the said Fri�z ' <br /> La mann and to his heirs and assi ns forever. And we�enant with the s i i I, <br /> � g ^ a ct Fr tz an�mann ;, <br />` that we ho1�. saici premi�es �y good and perfect title; that we have good right and lawful auth- <br /> ority to sell anc� convey the same; that they ara free and elear of all liens and incUmbranees <br /> whatsoever. ' <br /> And we covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lav�ful <br /> clainis of all persona v�rhamsoever. <br /> Signed this 14" day of May A.D.1913. <br /> �itness: Frank Skochdopole Lena Kaltls <br /> �''rank Sl�ochdopole John F�alus - <br /> Arthur C .2:4ayer Christena Inga2ls � <br /> C .B.Palmer, Jr. I�art'ha F.o�gy <br /> C .B.Palirer Jr . �nile C .Roggy � <br /> Frank SItoc�hdo�ole Henry Thiesaen <br /> Arthur C .Ma,yar Alvina �'hiessen <br /> T'rank Skochdonole John Thiessen', <br /> Anna C .Boland Chas. Thiessen <br /> Anna C .Bolanc� Jean Thiessen <br /> C.B.Palmer, Jr �iargaretha Thiessen. <br /> �tate of Ne�raska ( <br /> County of Bvffalo ( ss . On this 14" day of Iv�ay A.D.1913 'r�efore me� a rlotary Public in and <br /> for said county, �ersonally came Lena Kalus and J�hn Kalt,s wife and hus�and, and John Thiessen, , <br /> a widower� to me �ersonall�known to bs the identical �ersons a�hose names are affixed to the <br /> above instrument as �rantors, and severally aclnowledged the execution of the same to be their <br /> valuntary act and deed for the purposee therein exr�ressed,. <br /> In �litness �Vhereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at Ravenn� <br /> �n the ciay last above wr it ten. <br /> (SEALi Frank Skochdopole <br /> �y commission expires April 13.1916 Notary Public <br /> , <br /> j S <br /> � I{ � <br />