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����� ��., <br /> i��,�����;� ���--�-,,�;������1 i�� ,C��, � �, o;-� �' <br /> , <br /> \ - - � <br /> -- _�� --- __ _ _ _� � --- _ -� -_ -- � --- -.� - -- - <br />___ _ _ __ _ __ ^ _ <br />�, 5,4298-State Journal Cumvany, Bluvk I3ook 112akers, Ststioners and Printerss Lincnln, NeD. __ ___._ ^�v��__ �4 � A —_ _ _ <br />_ . . .-_. _ , — _, __._��_ _ :.——_— ..---�____—_--- ---, <br /> -- <br /> Signed �his ��i th 1ay of i�ay A.D.1901 �i <br /> J.H.Scudaer <br /> In Presence of <br /> J .H.Quigle <br /> �Tohn Schwyn. <br /> � A.B.Sn�ith <br /> Thc� S�at� of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> �all County. ( �n this 2 rth day of �Iay A.D.1901 'oefore me, a Notary Public <br /> in an� for said C�unty, pers�nally carie the above named J .H.Scudder� J.H.Quigle andA.B.Smi�h <br /> Trustees, v;-ho are personally kno�,m to me to be the identical persons whose na�es are affixed <br /> to the a'cove Deed as s�antors, and they severally acknowle1�ed the e$e�ution of the same to <br /> 'pe their voluntary act and deed for the �urposes therein stated. <br /> �itness my hand and Natarial Seal, at Do�^.iphan, on the �ate aforesaid. <br /> (�EAL) � John Schwyn <br /> .�4y co�mission expires 3/19�1904 Ttotary P�zblic, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Filed for re�ord TAay 21, 1913 at 10.45 o' clock A.��. , . <br /> <%�=�� <br /> Reglster o eeds <br /> # <br /> Q u i t C 1a im Dse d;., _.�N ""s°i"._._��� � s._. �_,__ , <br /> Know all t�en by These Presents : That Chaxles F.Hayes and Hel�n I .Hayes <br /> husband and wife of the �ounty of Hall and State of Tlebraska� for the consideration of (�ne hun- <br /> dred and no/100 Dollars, hereby Quit C3.aim and canvey unto Thomas 0'rorman of the County of Hall <br /> and State of rdebraska, all of our right, title, and interest of whatsoever natur�, in and to the 'j <br /> follov�ring d�scribed Real �stata, situated in the County of Aall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Two (2} in F31ock Six (6) in Kernohan and Decker�s Adaition ta the City of �rand Islanc� <br /> Hall County, :lebraska. <br /> In �litnees �'hereof, we have her�unto eet our hands this I.6th day of May 19I3 <br /> �lITT3�SS; Charles F.Hayes <br /> J, T.Sta�rard. Mrs xelen I.Hayes � <br /> State of IJebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall Gounty. ( Or. thi6 16th c�ay May A.D.1913 before me, the un�er�i�nec'� a Notary �! <br /> Public in and for said County� personally came Charlea F.Hayes ar_d Helen I.Hayes who are �?exson- <br /> ally known to me to be the identical nersons whose namee are affixed to the above instrument <br /> as grantora and they severally acknowle::l�ed the aaid instrtunent to be their voluntary act and <br /> aeed. Witness rny hand and 2dotarial Seal, the date aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) J.T.Stevaard <br /> � <br /> 1�iy co��rti�sion ex�ires April 22, 191n rdotary Public. <br /> Filed for record May�2", 1913 at 11.30 0' clo�k A.M. , � <br /> eg igter of Dee <br /> � <br /> . �Jarranty Deed.�� <br /> Know all Men 'ay Tr,ese Presents, that we, Gustav Sievers and Annie Sievers, his <br /> wife, H�nry A.Sievers and Anna K.Sievers, his v�if'e, Louise Rohling and Fred Teodor Rohling <br /> her husband, of �rand Island, Hall County, :��eb�aska, and Caroline Paustian and Henry E.Paustia� <br /> her husband of Denver� Colorado and Katie �Vichraan and �Gilliam W.�►i�hman, her husband, of Long <br /> Beach, C alifornia, for and in ^ansiaeration of the sum of One dallar and other good and suff- <br /> icient consiaerations in hand �aid, do hereby grant, bargain� sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> Soren �.Nielsen of �.�rand Islan� Hall �ounty, Nebraska, the following described real estate <br /> situated in �rand Island, FIall �ounty, Iv'e�;raska, to-wit: <br /> Lot �ight (8) in Fra��tional Blc}ck Cne Hundred an3 four (104) in Rail.road <br /> Adait ion to irand Island, Hall �aunty, Nebrask� an1 its �omplement Fract ional Lot Ei�ht (8) <br /> . in Fractional Flocx 4ne Hunlred and four (104) of Koeni� & �tiebe's <br /> , Ad�it ion to �rand Islanc� Fiall County� Nebraska. , <br />