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��.. <br /> f���p-� <br /> , � <br /> � D�� �J��';� ���c�'���' ������ ��� ' <br /> _ _ _ _ _ __. __ _ .__ ._ _ ______ _ __ ______ <br /> --__.�_ _ <br /> __ ___ _ _. <br /> ;; i�arranty Deed.;��— <br /> '� No . 76 Doniphan C emstery Assoc iat ian. <br /> ,� <br /> i� Know all ;�en by These Presentg, That We� �O.J.Burger, John Creason and �.S.Shultz� Trustees <br /> ii af the Doniphan Cemetery Association of Doniphan, Nebraska, in consideration of Ten (�10.00) <br /> . <br /> i'� Dollarg in hand paid do hereby grant bar ain sell and convey and confirm unto A.Olthoff_ <br /> > > � � � <br /> ' the following described real estate situate in the county of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit <br /> �I Lot Number 296 in Elock Number 74 in the Doniphan Cemetery, situate on the Plortheast Quarter <br /> I' af the Northeast Quarter of Section Five (5) in Township Nine (9), North of Range Nine {9) West <br /> �; of tY�e Sixth Principal Meridian, as the same is laid down and described on the plat of said <br /> i; Cemetery now on file in the County Clerk�s of�ice of said Hall County, Nebraska. Together with <br /> '' all the tenements, Hereditamente and Appurtenar�cea to the same belonging� and all the Estate, <br /> �'!, Ri�ht� Title, inter�st, Dower, C1aim or Demand whataoever of the said Grantors, or either of <br /> ' " them, of, in, or to the same� ar any part thereof� to have and to hold t�ie above described pre- <br /> �' r�isee, with the a�?purtenances� unto the said rrantee and to hie heirs and assigns forever. <br /> '; And we do hereby covenant with the said Grantee and his heira and assigns, that we are lawfu- <br /> , ', <br /> i; 11y seiZed of s�id premises; that they are free from encum'orance; that we have good right and <br /> !' lawful authority to sell the same; and v�e d,� hereby ^ovenant to warrant and defend the said <br /> ;; premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever . <br /> Signed this 13th day of Nov. A.D.1893 . <br /> �G.J.Burger <br /> ; In Presenca of � <br /> John Gre�son <br /> '' �'.H.Scudder. <br /> '' S.S.Shultz <br />� �! The State of Nebra�ka ( � <br /> � : as <br /> " Hall County. ( On this 13th day of Nov. A.D.1893 before me, a �?otary Public in and <br /> ,; <br /> i; for said �ounty, personally came the above named �4'.�7. Bur�er� John Creason and S.S.Shultz� Trus- <br /> �i <br /> ;� <br />, ; tee_ who are �ersonally known to me to be the identical �ersons whose names are affiged to the <br />� li <br /> Iabove Deed as �rantora, and they severally acknowl.edged the ezecution of the same to be their <br /> ! voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein stated. <br /> �� �Vitness my hand anc� Notarial �eal at Doni�han, on the date aforesaid. <br /> ; <br /> ' (SEAL) .Tohn Schwyn <br /> �� ?dotary Public, Hall County, <br /> I'� Filed for record �.4ay 21, 1913 at 10.45 o'clock A.1�i. N braska. <br /> ,j • <br /> _ <br />',� , �� Pegister of eeds <br /> # <br /> �i Warranty Deed. �� <br /> ',j 1�'0 . 113 �'\, Doniphan C er�et ery Assoc iat ion. <br /> ;; Know all ��ien by These Preser.ts, That J.H.Scudder, J.H.Quigle and A.B.Smitl� Trusteea of the <br /> ,. <br /> I D�niphan Cemetery Association of Doniphan, Nebrask� in consiaeration of Ten ("'10.00) Dollars <br /> � <br /> 'I in hand paic� clo hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey and confirm unto A.Olthoff the follow- <br /> ',� <br /> "' ing described real estate situate in the county of Hall, and state of P1eb-raska, to-wit : <br />�� i; Lot Number 294 in Block Number 74 in the Doniphan Cemetery, situate on the Northeast avarter <br /> ;� <br /> ' of the �Jortheast �uarter of Se�tion Five (5) in Township Nine (9)� North of Ran�e T?ine (9} �rest <br /> ;j of the Sixth .�rinci?�al �leridian, as the same is laid down ar_d de�cribed on the nlat of said <br />' ';I Cemetery now on file in the County Clerk' s office of said Hall �ounty Ne�raska. To�ether with <br /> , <br /> �;I all the tener�ente, Hereditaments ar.d Ap?�urtenanc es to the same belong ing� and all the Eatate, <br /> "� Right, Titls� interest, Dower� Claisn or Dem�and whatsoever of tY�e said ?rantors, or either of <br /> � them, of, in� or to the same, or any part thereof, to have and to hold the above described pre- <br /> 'I mises, with the ax�purtenances, unto the said �rantee and to his heirs and assign� forever . <br />, ;'j And we d� hereby covenant with the said Jrantee and hie heirs and assigns, that ��e are lawfully <br /> '' seized �f sai3 premises; that they are frEe from encumbrance; that we have good right and law- <br /> , '! ful authority to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said prem- <br /> ��I ises against the lawful �laims of all persons whomsoever . <br /> ,i <br /> il _------ -_ <br />