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� f�O �!_ <br /> - <br /> - <br /> Ij�� � � � �� �]���(�� S <br />�' � ���J!��� ��1.lL!'�.W���_� ������� ��,.��; �:. <br /> _ _ _ __ ____ _.._. __ ____..__ . __ <br /> _ _ _____--_----------------___---- — <br /> - -- <br /> .._-=----�._ — - - —_ _ __ _ <br /> —� �� <br /> ', Quit Claim Deed. - <br /> , Thia lndenture, �ade this 24" day of April in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred <br /> �' �, and 13 RETi�EEN Henry Voss and Emma Voss� husband and �rife of the first nart, and the City of <br /> �'i flrand Island, in Hall �ounty� Nebraska of the se�ond part, �PITNESSETx� that the said par� <br /> '' of the first �art, in consi3eration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations <br /> � to us duly paic�, the recei�at whereof is hereby acknowledged have remisec� released and quit- <br /> ;;! claimed and by these rresents do, for our selves, our heira, executors and administrators� <br /> I' remise, release and forevex quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the second part and to <br /> ' heirs and assigns forever, all our right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand both at law <br /> ; <br /> ��! and in equity� of, in, and to a rectangular piece of ground off the Nvrtherly end of Lot No. <br /> ; Four {4) of the County Subdivision of South half of South East quarter of Section Vo. 16 in <br /> . <br /> , ;'�, township 11, North of range 9, �lest of 6" P.�d. deseribed as follows, Commencing at the North <br /> �i <br /> � �I; wes� corner .of said Lot, running thence on the westerly line thereof 17 2�10 �'eet, tnence East- <br /> i <br /> '„ erly at right angles 42 feet, thence Northerly at right angles 17 2�10 feet and then�e westerly <br /> '; at right angles 42 feet to the place of beginning. <br /> e �� <br /> �' Together with all and singular the hereditaments tliereunto belonging. <br /> ii <br /> ��� To Have and To Hold the above described premises unto the said City of �rand Island, heirs and <br /> i <br /> I�,i as s igns ; _ �_ s o that ne ither the sa id f irs t part ies or any per s on in our name and behalf <br /> ;! snall or will hersafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part <br /> ,; <br /> �, <br /> ;� thereof but they and every or.e of thern shall �y these presents be excluded and farever barred. <br /> I� <br /> ;� In iNitness �Vhereof, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and <br /> ;li seals the day and �ear last above written. <br /> � Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henr�C Voss <br /> ; <br /> ,i <br /> II Arthur O.Mayer F.�nma Voss <br /> '� State of Nebraska ( <br /> i <br /> li :ss <br />' �j Hall County, ( On this 29" day of April A.D.1913 before me the unlersigned a Notary <br />! ;, <br /> i� Public, auly c omrnise 3oned and qualif ied f or and res iding in said C ounty , personally carie <br /> , I� Henr os <br /> y V s and �anr,ia Voss husl�and and wife to me kr_own to be the identical ersone whose nam s <br /> iI� , P e <br /> �� <br /> are asfixed to the foregoing �onveyance as grantors and acknowledged the same �o be thoir <br /> I <br /> I� voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> � 1�itness my hand and Notarial Seal this 29" day of April 1913 . <br />, � ; <br /> (SEAL) Arthur C .Mayer <br /> _ ii My comr�ission expires the 17" day of May 1917 . Notary Public. <br /> ' Filed for record R�ay 17, 1913 at 11 o'clock A,M. <br /> i <br /> . <br /> �' <br /> egister of Deeds ~ <br /> � � <br /> i - <br /> r �;,� <br /> ,j Quit Claim Deed. <br /> iiKnow all i��en by These Presents: That we, Theoclore , Boehm and Evalyn Boehm <br />' �� husband and wife of the Countp of Hall and �tate of Nebraska for the consideration of �ix <br /> �I Hundred and No . 100 Dollar�, hereby Quit Claim and convey unto Charles Warford of the County of <br /> , i / � <br /> I Hall and State of Nebraska, all of our right� t itle, and interest of whatsoever nature, in and <br /> �; to the following described Real Estate, situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebrask�, <br /> �;� <br /> ;� to-wit: Lots Two and Twelvs (2 & 12} in Flcek Six (6}, Lots One and Three (1 8• 3} in Block <br /> �� . . . <br /> �, <br /> Fift�en (15)� and Lots I+tine and Eleven (9 8• 11) in Rlock Ten (10), all in University Place as <br /> ;� <br /> I'�i ;� sho�nn on plat now on file in the Re�ister of Deeds Office of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> In 1�itness �Uhereof, �ve have hereunto set our hands this 12th dap of May 1913 <br /> I <br />� ' 1�itness : Theodore Boehm <br /> David Ac kerman `Ev��yn Roehm <br /> II� � � State of Nebr ska <br /> � a � <br />! , :Bs <br /> I ,I Hall Cour�ty ( On this 12th ciay of May A.D. 1913 before me, the undersigned, a tlotarp ; <br /> � <br /> 'i <br /> ,II <br /> l II _ <br />